
分享 俄国和普京
转折点 2022-8-16 20:45
https://youtu.be/HR2Gu_OP-ww https://youtu.be/oaFfEAX9QUk https://youtu.be/HgRyQ2TreFc https://youtu.be/C7vTSnKYsUo https://youtu.be/7_51i9cTqyE https://youtu.be/N3ISUUO0CSo https://youtu.be/4z9_mfV03e8 俄国有那么绵延的海岸线,丰富的 ...
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分享 与普京亲近
转折点 2022-8-16 20:41
Apr 15, 2018 at 2:39 PM Jackie 与普京大帝亲近 Jackie is closer to Putin 亲爱的习主席, 88 ,很感谢你们称赞我昨天的短文,尤其基尼国王特别喜欢。 big hug, 喜欢就好。亲亲 . 今天又要我讲狐狸师傅。嘿嘿嘿 狐狸师傅, Uncle Vladimir 是 Jackie 在世界政坛 ...
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分享 海南做特区一定要保证畅通无阻
转折点 2022-8-16 20:39
http://news.creaders.net/china/2018/04/14/1942900.html 把海南作为大港,一定要考虑到海南与大陆之间的畅通无阻 Taking Hainan as a big port, you must consider the unimpeded flow between Hainan and the mainland. 亲爱的习主席, 88 ,你们去海南岛开会,要把海南作为 ...
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分享 ‘Waco Horror’ at 100: Why Jesse Washington’s lynching still matters
BlakeElinor 2022-8-16 19:16
‘Waco Horror’ at 100: Why Jesse Washington’s lynching still matters Mary Pearson doesn’t need to be reminded of Jesse Washington’s lynching. The Robinson resident grew up hearing the stories from her grandmother, a relative of the 17-year-old farmhand who was tortured to death on Waco’s ...
120 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 JESSE WASHINGTON (1897–1916)
BlakeElinor 2022-8-16 02:28
JESSE WASHINGTON (1897–1916) On the morning of May 15, 1916, approximately 15,000 people gathered near Waco, Texas to witness the trial and lynching of Jesse Washington, an eighteen-year-old black man charged with the bludgeoning death of Lucy Fryer. The brutal murde ...
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分享 沙特老国王炫富是在打广告
转折点 2022-8-15 21:58
基尼国王炫富的目的不是为了炫,是为了吸引更多的旅游者,是吸收更多的信教者,是扩大影响力招募人才和资金 , 是 marketing 呀 The purpose of King Genie’s show off is not to show off, but to attract more tourists, to absorb more believers, to expand influence and recruit talents and fund ...
100 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 在阿拉伯半岛建科技中心
转折点 2022-8-15 21:56
https://news.toutiaoabc.com/newspark/view.php?app=newsact=viewnid=294119 亲爱的习主席, 88 ,你们还让我讲中东。美 , 英 , 法三国轰炸叙利亚,而叙利亚 , 俄国和土耳其人竟在大马士革街头跳 Dabke. 如果高铁通过叙利亚,土耳 ...
110 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 阿拉伯的美食
转折点 2022-8-15 21:53
https://youtu.be/vFtE76sBRpc https://youtu.be/cf4u5UavkKQ https://youtu.be/ZrBtp-0GZko https://youtu.be/199fsRs7uMw https://youtu.be/DgTomCBRO2g 今天 Jackie 还在班门弄斧炫耀星巴克的咖啡。基尼国王见过大世面,自家半岛还生产咖啡,阿拉伯半岛那么好的 ...
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分享 阿拉伯人,尤其擅长市场宣传
转折点 2022-8-15 21:51
阿拉伯人多么智慧聪明,把精神领域造神运动和经济文化领域旅游联系在一起。世界上没有一个宗教像伊斯兰教那样那么深入社会各个方面的! How intelligent and wise the Arabs are, put the spiritual field God-making movement linked to tourism in the economic and cultural fields. There is no religion ...
91 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 沙特老国王传统
转折点 2022-8-14 20:49
https://youtu.be/KQWfcZSlrk8 https://youtu.be/RH8ZToKKYpw https://youtu.be/pxa7UKwQXR0 https://youtu.be/ZkWCZm5BcJE https://youtu.be/34EV8AArxLQ https://youtu.be/wugWtEPgVqA https://youtu.be/d_uLRxoFjtM https://youtu.be/lD5AUWDiP2Y ...
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