
分享 借用日本动漫设计系统
转折点 2022-7-9 20:58
日本的文化产业有这么细的对人性的分析和理解, 可以借用日本的成熟的动漫设计系统 Japan’s cultural industry has such a detailed analysis and understanding of human nature, and can borrow Japanese mature animation design system. 但是有时候可能满足需要的服务方式太丰富,产生了很多宅男女,这种 ...
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分享 欧美文化比较直接
转折点 2022-7-9 20:54
欧美文化是比较直接的,意思和言辞表达是基本一致的,亚洲文化却委夷曲折隐射 European and American culture is relatively straightforward, meaning and rhetorical expression are basically the same, Asian culture is twisted and faltering. 昨天Jackie和两位鼎鼎大名的日本电影人士,庵野秀明,三池崇史, ...
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分享 枝蔓总统象despicable me里边的神老爸
转折点 2022-7-9 20:51
Mar 25, 2018 at 11:08 PM https://youtu.be/_uRGjnG3G3o https://youtu.be/Axru07JeBig 泽曼总统有点象”Despicable Me”里面的神老爸 President Zeman is a bit like God Dad in “Despicable Me”. 亲爱的习主席,88,狐狸师傅,鸭老爸总统,泽曼总统,今天你们异口同声,夸奖我昨天写的短文。狐狸师傅 ...
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分享 埃尔多安关注中东,普京关注东欧和前苏联国家
转折点 2022-7-9 20:49
埃尔多安总统应该多把心思放在中东地区,而普京大帝应该多关心一些前苏联的斯坦国和东欧的国家, 而PG-13, 能不能来两部喜剧 President Erdogan should focus more on the Middle East, and Putin should pay more attention to some of the former Soviet Union's Stans and Eastern European countries, and PG-13, ...
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分享 Jesse Washington: A Child Who Was Murdered By A City
BlakeElinor 2022-7-9 01:48
Jesse Washington: A Child Who Was Murdered By A City In 1916, an angry White mob killed Jesse Washington. He was a 17-year old child whose death was a public event where men, women, and children watched his torture. It was lynching that would change America and it came at the expense of a child’s ...
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分享 将土耳其及黑海沿岸变成一个文化圈
转折点 2022-7-8 20:50
把土耳其以及整个黑海沿岸,地中海峡道变成一个文化繁荣的绿色项圈 Turning Turkey and the entire Black Sea coast, the Mediterranean gorge into a culturally prosperous green collar http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/african-slaves-in-the-ottoman-empire-69858 http://tahmisdergi.com/ahilik-gun ...
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分享 让专业人士做专业事情
转折点 2022-7-8 20:49
https://www.videoblocks.com/video/cyprus--world-map--europe--countries-collection--flag-rtrdsfareixmacztt 让专业人士做专业事情 Let professionals do professional things 要真正和平,就应该大家携手把PG-13赶一边去。这次中国开两会,VOA跑去北京采访中国民众,问他们有没有投票?知不知道当地人民代表 ...
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分享 普京的绰号是狐狸师傅
转折点 2022-7-8 20:45
https://youtu.be/zqlNJOVOAiA https://youtu.be/F4J2ceDp-7w https://youtu.be/JpzXMNLhu00 普京的绰号是狐狸师傅, 埃尔多安的绰号是鸭老爸 Putin’s nickname is fox Master, Erdogan’s nickname is the Duck Daddy. 这两个人性格不一样,我经不住微微笑了. 俄土在历史上是宿仇, 怎么可能靠我三言两语就解开 ...
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分享 希望能一直弹钢琴,让大家开心
转折点 2022-7-8 20:43
Mar 24, 2018 at 10:04 PM 希望Jackie能一直弹钢琴让大家开心 I hope Jackie can play the piano all the time to make everyone happy. 亲爱的习主席,88,昨天Jackie回来告诉我, 她去见乐队的老师, 弹了一点萧邦, 得到的评价是“很有激情”. 把音乐能够弹出感情那是演奏最高段了, 所以她被录取了!哈哈哈 以后可 ...
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分享 JESSE WASHINGTON (1897–1916)
BlakeElinor 2022-7-8 08:17
JESSE WASHINGTON (1897–1916) On the morning of May 15, 1916, approximately 15,000 people gathered near Waco, Texas to witness the trial and lynching of Jesse Washington, an eighteen-year-old black man charged with the bludgeoning death of Lucy Fryer. The brutal murder of Washington provided the n ...
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