
分享 违背上帝意志
转折点 2022-5-27 21:13
我知道你powerful,可以不费吹灰之力把我置于死地,但我知道你不是上帝,你的所作所为违背上帝的意志!”"I know that you are powerful, you can put me to death without any effort, but I know that you are not God, what you do is contrary to the will of God!" http://www.backchina.com/news/2018/02/ ...
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分享 美国枪支泛滥
转折点 2022-5-27 21:11
平民百姓手中没有枪,这个社会就没有暴戾之气,那些孩子和脑子发疯的人,就不会一时冲动去滥杀,就会少很多的伤亡 If there are no guns in the hands of civilians, there is no violent temper in this society. Those children and those who are crazy in their brains will not be impulsive and do indi ...
72 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 美国警察执法没有人性
转折点 2022-5-27 21:09
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-24547256 警察执法,是要以人为主的,脱离人的执法,伤害生命的执法,是没有人性没用的执法。Police law enforcement is to take people as the mainstay. Law enforcement is free from human nature and hurts life. It is lawless without humanity and uselessness. 伊拉 ...
98 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 美国社会缺少基本安全保障
转折点 2022-5-27 21:07
这个社会缺少基本的安全保障. This society lacks basic security. Jackie小时候的学校, 有很多的低层拉丁裔,我怕他们跟Jackie野蛮,也怕有这种校园枪击,我想尽办法把她放入Pasadena 城市最好的学校。两年前Jackie回去跟她的小朋友见面,回来告诉我,真感谢我把她放到亚洲人多的钻石吧的学校,因为Pasadena 的最 ...
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分享 In a pandemic, Navajo community steps up for its vulnerable
BlakeElinor 2022-5-27 08:37
In a pandemic, Navajo community steps up for its vulnerable For as long as Raymond Clark has lived alone on this quiet stretch of the Navajo Nation under the watch of the “Praying Mountain,” he has depended on everyone yet no one. The 71-year-old has no vehicle or running water but is content h ...
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分享 恭喜中国!贺喜中国!!!
htchh110 2022-5-27 02:17
197 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 怕Jackie出事儿
转折点 2022-5-26 22:33
Feb 26, 2018 at 7:33 PM 我怕Jackie出事儿 I am afraid that Jackie has an accident. 亲爱的习主席,88,还有各位高高在上的领袖们,今天你们要我讲佛罗里达的学校滥杀和美国的枪支管制。这是一个大题目。枪是武器,是用来杀害生命的!当一个人,一个组织手上有枪,使用枪伤害生命的可能性就大很多。在中国, 普 ...
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分享 世界政府建立要有一个过程
转折点 2022-5-26 22:31
美国的宪法和联邦政府的产生过程,各个州之间讨论辩题升到联邦政府,终于有了全新的宪法,提出了三权分立,有两院,有国防,外交,税收,大权在握!全球化的过程, 同出一辙! The constitution of the United States and the process of the formation of the federal government, the discussion between the variou ...
77 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 在互联网上建立标准开发服务
转折点 2022-5-26 22:28
http://news.creaders.net/china/2018/02/22/1926443.html 可以在互联网基础上开发个体服务. 在为别的地区规划的时候也要按一定的标准,可以根据气候啊,文化呀,地理环境有一些变化,但是基本的社区功能都应该有。Individual services can be developed on the basis of the Internet. When planning for other regio ...
70 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 中国城市开放让不同文化进来
转折点 2022-5-26 22:27
中国有那么多大城市是不是也可以开放让不同的文化进来,形成德国区, 法国区, 中东文化区, 拉丁文化区 There are so many big cities in China that can also be opened to let different cultures come in, forming the German zone, the French zone, the Middle East cultural zone, and the Latin cultural zone. ...
119 次阅读|0 个评论


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