
分享 大变革时期,有些任期会造成不稳定因素
转折点 2022-7-2 22:14
http://www.amyglenn.com/images/political-systems-map.gif 在千年一遇的世界大变革关键时刻,领导人的有限任期是一种对长期施政保持政策一贯性的不稳定因素 At the critical moment of the world’s great change in the millennium, the limited term of the leader is an unstable factor that maintains polic ...
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分享 普京和金正恩
转折点 2022-7-2 22:06
Mar 20, 2018 at 10:44 PM 普京大帝 说CIA的Gina不是“his cup of tea”,金正恩才是! 金正恩回他“Gay!” ! Putin the Great said that Gina of CIA is not "his cup of tea", Kim Jong-un is! Kim Jong-un returned to him "Gay!" 亲爱的习主席,88,谢谢你们又夸奖我昨天的短文。看见你们会议终于开完了,脸 ...
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分享 普京和埃尔多安
转折点 2022-7-2 22:04
https://youtu.be/C_K48euMQNw 普京反而像一个霸气外露冲小子,而埃尔多安总统却是老成持重宽容成熟的大人 Putin is like a domineering and exposed to the kid, and President Erdogan is a mature and tolerant adult. 普京大帝无悬念获得连任,这是在红场上庆祝集会演讲。全都是“俄国”民族主义情绪呀。今天 ...
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分享 假破产玩弄司法敲骨吸髓,瘟龟饮鸩止渴自讨苦吃 蹭热点假救援铁证如山,骗子武艺耍尽 ...
百年竖人 2022-7-2 18:10
事出反常必有妖。一直信誓旦旦要带着众“战友”发家致富,实现财富自由的“郭教主”,以宣告破产的方式给痴迷的蚂蚁粉当头泼了一盆冷水,也将美国司法狠狠摩擦了一通。脑细胞逐渐枯竭的瘟龟自作聪明,以为用此雕虫小技既可以金蝉脱壳,逍遥法外,还可以师出有名将众信徒的投资款全部吞下,一箭双雕圆满收官,可见瘟龟已经 ...
137 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Waco Recalls a 90-Year-Old ‘Horror’
BlakeElinor 2022-7-2 05:38
Waco Recalls a 90-Year-Old ‘Horror’ On Monday, a small interracial organization will meet on the steps of the Waco Texas courthouse to read a resolution condemning and apologizing for the lynching of 17-year-old Jesse Washington. Washington’s lynching 90 years ago was so astonishingly brutal t ...
123 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 西方文化注重锻炼,中医按摩适合老年人
转折点 2022-7-1 22:15
西方文化是比较注重锻炼健身. 可是中国人的中医按摩也是最最适合老年人的 Western culture pays more attention to exercise and fitness. However, Chinese medicine Chinese massage are also the most suitable for the elderly. 美国现在早已从海外CIA一门独大, 到全球信息共享USIC, 现在全世界的情报系 ...
88 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 CIA头子Gina不容易
转折点 2022-7-1 22:13
CIA以后的情报收集和决策,可以用科学的完备的大数据来代替. 有些资源可以转换成adventure, trill, danger, 等海外旅行,游戏项目. 洗刷罪名. Later CIA’s intelligence gathering and decision-making can be replaced by scientific and complete big data. Some resources can be converted into adventur ...
85 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 看美国电影长大的人自以为是
转折点 2022-7-1 22:09
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:American_films_by_genre 看着美国电影长大的人,自以为是,满脑子屁眼和枪眼在世界各地制造罪恶 People who watched American movies grow up, they are arrogant full of assholes and gunshots making evil around the world. 这是美国所有电影的分类,美国没 ...
84 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 跟美国情报总监头子交流
转折点 2022-7-1 22:00
Mar 19, 2018 at 10:28 PM https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Intelligence_Community https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Clapper Jackie跟USIC的Clapper有交流过,有趣的老头 Jackie has communicated with USIC's Clapper, an interesting old man. 亲爱的习主席,88,谢谢你们容我放肆 ...
117 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Jesse Washington Lynching
BlakeElinor 2022-7-1 08:11
Jesse Washington Lynching Society in the South evolved ensuing the emancipation of slaves after the Civil War. The Reconstruction of the South ended in 1877 and only added to the bad racial tensions in the region. Whites instituted laws that held blacks back from education, jobs, and participating ...
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