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劉曉波2010年榮獲諾貝爾和平獎的推薦信 (中英文)

发表于 2017-6-26 11:00:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式




Norwegian Nobel Institute
Drammensveien 19
N-0255 Oslo
January 27, 2009
Dear Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee:
我是徐文立,现任布朗大学沃森国际研究所资深研究员、并任美国“关注中国中心”主席、中国民主党全国联合总部(英文直译China Democracy Party)主席。我曾是1978年中国民主墙民主运动的创建者和组织者之一,也是1998年中国民主党的创建者和组织者之一,因此被中共政府两次判处28年徒刑、实际服刑16年。2002年12月24日在美国政府与国际舆论的营救下,我流亡到了美国,2003年5月26日在布朗大学工作期间,被布朗大学授予荣誉博士称号。
Xu Wenli
Senior Fellow
Watson Institute for International Studies
Brown University

Norwegian Nobel Institute
Drammensveien 19
N-0255 Oslo
January 10, 2010
Dear Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee:
Distinguished members of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee,
My name is Xu Wenli. I am a senior fellow at the Watson Institute of International Studies at Brown University, the chairman of the “Caring for China Center”, as well as the chairman and co-founder of the Chinese Democracy Party. I was also one of the founders of the Chinese Democracy Wall Movement in 1978. As a result of my activism, I was arrested twice by the Chinese government and sentenced to a total of 28 years imprisonment, of which I served 16 years. With the help and negotiation of the American government and other international leaders, I was exiled to the U.S. on 24th December 2002.
Well-known Chinese literary critic Dr. Liu Xiaobo was put under house arrest by the government on December 8th 2008 because he initiated the signing of a Civil Rights Charter, gathering 303 prominent community leaders in mainland China to his cause. Subsequently, more than 8000 people signed the charter as well, and seven months later, under their “residential surveillance scheme”, the Chinese Communist Party formally arrested Dr. Liu on June 23rd 2009. He has been illegally detained till this day.  
On December 23rd 2008, open letters were penned to President Hu Jintao and the CCP, calling for the release of Dr. Liu Xiaobo. Those demanding his release included former Nobel Literature Prize winners, more than 150 of the world’s prominent scholars, writers, human rights workers, as well as close to ten thousand Chinese intellectuals, both within China and abroad.  
Ever since the 80s, Dr. Liu Xiaobo has been a rare symbol of courage, unafraid to harshly and openly criticize the CCP’s dictatorship. For three decades, Dr. Liu has engaged in much intellectual discourse and has established himself in contemporary society as one of China’s most influential political commentators, opening up an entirely new school of thought in the area of political commentary.  
During the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, Dr. Liu returned to Beijing from the United States, and contacted Mr. Zhou Duo, Mr. Gao Xin, and Mr. Hou Dejian. Together, they formed the “Four Tiananmen Princes”, declaring a hunger strike as a means of standing up for the many students and citizens who were undergoing an extremely painful and difficult time. The success of this hunger strike of the “Four Tiananmen Princes”, though limited, is testament to the undying moral courage inherent in the Chinese, a force that cannot be quenched even by the CCP’s use of extreme and unnecessary violence.
In the wake of the 1989 June 4th massacre and the darkness that fell upon Chinese society, it is individuals like Dr. Liu Xiaobo who continue holding up the Promethean torch as a symbol of freedom and human rights. His 1996 publication of “Writings to both the KMT and CCP” as well as 2008’s Civil Rights Charter are both first-class contributions to the cause of democracy in China. Because of his work, he would be imprisoned twice, and illegally detained several times more.
Post-1989, Dr. Liu’s determination has only grown more resolute and grounded, thus all the more highlighting his moral courage and strength.  
As such, to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Dr. Liu would not only be to acknowledge his significant contributions in upholding and championing human rights and civil liberties, but also encourage the peaceful transition of China towards democracy, further consolidating efforts towards world peace.  
Please consider awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Dr. Liu Xiaobo. Thank you!  

Xu Wenli
Senior Fellow
Watson Institute for International Studies
Brown University

(劉曉波、徐文立1995. 4. 24在北京徐宅)

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