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分享 强奸惯犯吴弘达(Harry Wu)性侵“六四”学生领袖杨涛的妻子王菁及女儿
聚义厅 2015-3-5 20:39
强奸惯犯吴弘达(Harry Wu)性侵“六四”学生领袖杨涛的妻子王菁及女儿
王菁等六四受害者妻女控告吴弘达性侵 王菁女士的公开谴责信(中文版/ 英文版) (中文版) 就吴弘达利用其对雅虎人权基金/劳改基金的控制权欺辱、性侵大陆民运人士妻女的事件而致美国国会、雅虎董事会、各妇女儿童人权保护组织及海内外民运人士的公开信 美国国会、雅虎董事会、各妇女儿童人权保护组织及海内外民运人士: (因本公开信会涉及个人隐私,基于保护儿童权益,本公开信将隐匿所涉及人员的姓名,而相关证据只会提供给各相关的法律、政府和人权机构。文中我将我所监护的两个孩子称为小甲和小丙,我的女儿称为小乙) 我是王菁。是中国大陆民运人士杨海的妻子,是中国大陆两位着名民运人士女儿在美国的合法监护人。 在此,我向你们,就吴弘达利用其对雅虎人权基金/劳改基金的控制权欺辱、性侵大陆民运人士妻女的丑恶行径进行公开的指控。(注:雅虎人权基金责成劳改基金会对两位大陆民主异议人士之女小甲、小丙予以援助,而吴弘达是劳改基金会的最主要负责人) 我丈夫杨海目前在中国大陆西安。是八九学生,原青岛海洋大学(现中国海洋大学)86级环境生态专业学生。因1989年组织青岛学运、青岛高校自治会,1990年被以反革命宣传煽动罪判刑,并开除学籍。随后20多年,我丈夫一直坚持在国内从事民主维权事业。我丈夫和现在我所监护的两个孩子的父亲是朋友和战友。这两个孩子的父亲,现在一个身陷囹圄,一个已经离世。 我携女儿小乙于2012年5月底前往美国,现住在美国东部。小甲、小丙现在也在我处生活、学习,我得到她们父母的委託授权,是她们在美国的唯一合法监护人。小甲是2013年2月1日来到我处,小丙是2014年8月28日来到我处。现在我监护着我女儿小乙、小甲和小丙。小甲、小乙目前是17岁,小丙目前是16岁,她们在我的监护和照顾下生活都很快乐,学习也都优秀。 2013年4月,我丈夫曾去信吴弘达希望给予小甲援助,他随后答应。2013年6月—7月,吴弘达就连续不断拨打电话邀请我带孩子去东部,当时他说如果我搬到那边去住,就可以在经济上得到他更多照顾。当时我丈夫不让我去,因为在三藩市我和孩子们的各项申请已都办妥,尤其是我身患疾病,已申请到了当地的免费医疗(医疗白卡)。 但是吴弘达一直电话不断,说他在国会有很高知名度和人气,给我和孩子们许诺了一些很好的条件,诸如我的租住地、工作、医疗申请等等都不成问题,包由他帮忙,最后他说在他那边还有一位六四伤残者的女儿小丁也需要我照顾。考虑到小丁也是六四受难者的孩子,需要照顾,我就同意了,并带孩子们去东部。 2013年8月8日,我就带着俩孩子来到美国东岸,而几乎与此同时吴弘达却又将小丁送回三藩市,这样原本许诺的援助条件一下子缩减一半,这令我十分纳闷和不解,但是我没有和他计较。2013年9月始,吴弘达劳改基金会开始给小甲每月800美元援助。 但是万没料到,吴弘达品德极其卑劣,竟然欺负我不熟悉英语、在美国东部人生地不熟、一个女人带着俩女孩子的弱势,在我初来乍到东部一个月之际,对我施行了严重的性侵害,我对他的好感顿时化作厌恶和憎恨。 2013年9月9日清晨7点许,小甲、小乙上学刚走约半个小时,吴弘达就突然打电话来,问孩子们上学去了没,我说走了;他就说,那你在家等着,我马上就过来,有要事商量。因当时我对其不良居心毫无戒备,所以他来之后我还很善意热情地接待他,却未料他趁我不备很快即对我进行了严重的、无耻的、下流的、令人作呕的性侵犯。在我的激烈反抗下,在上帝的拯救下,吴弘达最终未能完成对我的强姦,灰熘熘地离开我的住所。 但此事当即给我心理造成极大的伤害和压力,令我倍感耻辱、恐惧和焦虑,随后旧病复发,吐血不止,住进了医院并做手术。术后,肝腹水导致我肚大如鼓,身体极度虚弱,行动都很艰难,几乎无法行走,令我痛苦不堪。当时,我甚至认为自己的生命马上就会终止,极其后悔来到东部。当时我在想,假如我死了,我的女儿和小甲该怎麽办?我要活下去! 要感谢仁慈的上帝!在家人和美国教会的关心、爱护和支援下,我度过了我生命中最艰难黑暗的时期。那个时期的痛苦与艰难,历历在目,恍如昨天。 由于吴弘达那次对我的性侵害最终未能得逞,加之我吐血住院,他随后行为上收敛了许多,每月来送小甲的支票,通常坐上大半个小时就走了。我以为他意识到了自己的罪过,此事就此打住,我没有向他人提起。但是,从那时起,我就对吴弘达一直存在着高度戒备的心理,不能再让他对我有丝毫伤害,而对孩子们的保护我更是无微不至。 2014年4月,浙江民运人士为已故着名民运人士之女小丙的事情,联名写信请求吴弘达给予资助和帮助出国留学。他一开始回信答应了,并亲自致信小丙说:“收到所有的来信,我们做了两次全体会议讨论,目前的结论如下:1、你不是成年人,不是大学生,你是未成年人;2、我们可以按排经费,至少$25,000一年;3、我们可以找到学校;4、按美国法律你必须有法定的经济,安全,医疗的人担保;5、按美国法律你必须有法定监护人。” 但是答应之后,吴弘达就没有任何消息。最后,小丙是国内民运人士通过相关朋友的协助,至8月底才来到我处的。2014年9月,吴弘达劳改基金会开始给予小丙每月700美元的援助。 而到2015年1月15日,吴弘达发来email,称从2015年1月起正式终止对此两位孩子小甲、小丙的援助。在我监护期间,吴弘达给小甲援助的时间为2013年9月—2014年12月,给小丙援助时间为2014年9月—2014年12月。 现在,有一个问题或许大家都要问:吴弘达为什麽要突然停止对两个孩子的援助呢? 此事的导火索起因于2014年12月20日11点许,他打电话要求独自带小丙去他家被我断然拒绝所致。而之所以被我断然拒绝,是因为自2013年8月我们搬到美国东部以来,吴弘达除对我曾构成过性侵害外,也多次对受我监护照顾的三个女孩多次出现猥亵举动和性骚扰行为。其居心不良我已明显察觉,我对他对孩子的不良动向已十分警惕。 吴弘达常见而明显的不良行为如下: (因涉及孩子隐私,我只能概要说明,具体证辞在我及仨孩子给法院的证词中!) 1、在三女孩不愿意的前提下,执意闯入闺房,查看挂有内衣内裤等隐私类物件的衣橱等处。 2、趁机摸三女孩的脸和屁股。 3、趁三女孩午睡时闯入闺房,强行揭其被子看等等。 4、执意要独自带三女孩出去吃饭或玩耍,且坚决不让我同去。 5、2014年感恩节期间(11月28日)带孩子出去玩时,坚决不让我跟随、拒绝告诉我和孩子要去的地点、要玩的内容及返回的时间,而且,在游玩途中故意吓唬三女孩,在返程途中刻意让车兜圈子,延迟回家时间,直至天黑。 6、带我们到他家裡吃饭时,要求女孩们喝酒(美国法律规定,21岁之前不得喝酒),遭到我的制止和三女孩自觉的抵制;强行要求我们四人在他一个人住的新家裡过夜,而与此同时,他家的洗浴间、厕所均无法锁上,甚至连门都无法关紧;在遭到我坚决的反对下,他虽同意让我和小乙可以回家,但非要让小甲和小丙留宿陪他过夜,令小甲和小丙十分惊恐,直到我和孩子们都坚决要一起回家,吴弘达才送我和孩子们回家。 鉴于吴弘达以上多次、明显的不良行为和倾向,自2014年11月29日凌晨起,我已彻底决定:决不允许吴弘达在不经我同意或我不在场的前提下,单独带走任何一个我监护照顾下的女孩。但是,很快我不愿看到的事情还是发生了! 2014年12月20日上午,吴弘达在明知我是小丙法定监护人的前提下,避开我连续给小丙打了三次电话,但是小丙都没接,并告诉了我。我就回电给吴弘达问打电话找孩子有什麽事?吴弘达就说他要很快过来,带小丙到他住处去。我说,有什麽事就请你到我家裡说,或者我带着小丙过去谈。吴弘达执意说不行,他要单独带走小丙。当他说到这时,2013年9月9日吴弘达性侵犯我时,那一幕,那张淫荡、猥琐、卑鄙、下流的丑恶嘴脸一下子出现在我的眼前,我就断然拒绝了他的这个要求。 我不允许吴弘达单独带小丙出去的决定,令他异常生气,大发雷霆。先是发email指责我,并威胁说不能让他随意带孩子出去就要停止援助,在遭到我坚持原则的回应后,吴弘达最后发信声明:已终止对小甲小丙两个孩子的继续援助。 对于吴弘达终止援助一事,我其实已有心理准备。在小甲、小丙接受其资助的过程中,我和孩子们已对吴弘达的许多行径十分反感、厌恶和噁心,因此对他已有提防,我决不会因为他的援助而在原则问题上有一丝一毫的让步和妥协。 而对此事件,我正在採取进一步的法律行动。我的行动得到了我所在的美国教会以及许多朋友、律师的支持,对此我深表感激。 鉴于吴弘达诸多恶行以及对我和孩子们的侵害,在此我对吴弘达给予最强烈、最严厉的公开谴责! 吴弘达,一个在道德上极其堕落的伪者,竟然能够操控上千万美元的雅虎人权基金,并利用这一基金的控制权做了许多假公济私的坏事,这是美国社会各界都必须引起重视的事件! 最后,我,一个疾患缠身、远离故土家乡、远离我最挚爱的丈夫和父母亲人的女人,因蒙了上帝的恩典,而自觉自愿地借着微薄的力量,肩负着对三位中国着名政治民运人士之未成年子女的照顾和监护责任,而他们的父亲们无论如何都是这个时代裡中国大陆民主事业中最杰出的英雄。 鉴于此,我做出如下六点呼吁: 一、我呼吁美国国会就此事件成立专门的调查委员会,同时,立即终止给予吴弘达及其劳改基金会的一切资助。 二、我呼吁雅虎董事会就此事件成立专门的调查委员会,同时,立即终止吴弘达对雅虎人权基金会的控制和影响。 三、我希望得到美国妇女儿童人权机构的帮助。 四、我希望并呼吁所有受过吴弘达伤害的人和瞭解他恶行的人,都和我一样勇敢地站出来指证他,不能再让这个无耻邪恶的流氓为所欲为,伤害更多的人。 五、我希望海外民运各团体秉承自己的良知,拿出勇气,对吴弘达的恶行予以公开的谴责,不能让他再继续败坏海外民运的声誉。 六、我希望海内外所有民运团体及个人都来更多关注中国大陆政治犯及其未成年子女们的艰难生活境况,政治犯本人需要关注,他们的子女们同样需要关注,因为关注他们子女的真实生存困境,就等于关注和支持大陆政治犯本身。 最后,在此,我站出来,面对所有的公众、媒体和法庭,公开对吴弘达的恶行进行上述指控。如果国会或者雅虎董事会成立专门的调查委员会,我和我的女儿们愿意就此事件进行作证。 所有的证据都已准备完毕。我的20000字证言、孩子们的证词以及各种证据已经整理就绪。 作为基督徒,面对上帝,我起誓:以上陈述事实都是真实的! 王菁 2015年2月25日 (请所有看到此信件的朋友,广泛传播,使其抵达美国国会议员、雅虎董事会成员、各妇女儿童保护组织和各民运组织手裡!谢谢!) (English) The Open Letter To The US Congress, Yahoo!'s Board Of Directors, Women And Children Rights Protection Organizations, And All Chinese Democracy Activists Regarding The Event Of Harry Wu(Hongda Wu) Used His Control Of The Yahoo! Human Rights Fund, Laogai Research Foundation To Insult And Conduct Sexual Assault To Chinese Democracy Activists’ Wife And Daughters. The US Congress, Yahoo!'s Board of Directors, Women and Children Rights Protection Organizations, and All Chinese Democracy Activists: (The letter will involve people’s privacy; I will hide the name of people involved. The related evidence I only provide to legal government departments and human rights organization. In the letter I will call the two children I guard A and C, and my daughter B ) I am Jing Wang, the wife of the Chinese democracy activist Hai Yang, and the legal guardian of two famous Chinese democracy activists’ daughters in US. In here, I publicly accuse Harry Wu’s evil behavior which he used his control of Yahoo Human Rights Fund, Laogai Research Foundation to insult and conduct sexual assault to Chinese democracy activists’ wife and daughters to you. (Yahoo! Human Rights Fund directed Laogai Research Foundation to assist two Chinese political dissidents’ daughters A and C, and Harry Wu is the most important person of Laogai Research Foundation to responsible for it.) My husband is Hai Yang. He is currently residing in Xi’an, China; he joined in Tian’an Men Square’s event in 1989. He was the student of Qingdao Ocean University (present China Ocean University), major of Environmental Ecology for 1986th. Because of 1989 organizing the Qingdao Student Movement and Qingdao University Autonomous Group, he was sentenced by the crime of Counter-Revolutionary Propaganda and Incitement and expelled from school in 1990. In the following 20 years, my husband persisted in working on Chinese Democratic career; meanwhile he is the good friend with the fathers of two children I guard. Currently one is imprisoned, and one has deceased already. I went to US with my daughter at the end of the May of 2012, and we are presently living in the East-coast of America. A and C are living with us currently as well. I have been given the full authorities to be their guardian from both of their parents, and I am their only legal guardian in US. A lives with us since February 1st 2013. C lives with us since August 28th 2014. Right now I am the guardian of my daughter, A, and C. A and B are currently 17; C is currently 16. Under my care and guard, all of them are very happy; their grades are all excellent in school. April 2013 my husband had sent Harry Wu a letter for asking if he could give A some assistance; he promised soon. June - July 2013 Harry Wu continuously called and demanded me to move from San Francisco to East-coast, and also said that if we move there, he could give us more financial assistance. Apparently my husband did not want us to move, since I was in a serious poor health condition and just settled everything for my children and me at that time, such as Medicaid. So we politely rejected him. But he still continuously called me, and told me that he was very famous in US Congress, promised me and my children a lot of favorable conditions, such as he could help us to get apartment, job, Medicaid. At last, Harry Wu told me that another June 4th injured activist’s daughter, D was over there and hoped me could be her guardian as well. After we thought D really need someone to take care, I agreed to move and brought two children A and B came to the East-coast. August 8th 2013, we arrived East-coast of America. However Harry Wu send D back to San Francisco on the exact same day. So our original promised assistance suddenly decreased a half. This action made me felt very unreasonable and could not understand, although I did not say anything. Beginning of September 2013, Harry Wu started to give $800.00/month assistance to A. Unexpectedly, Harry Wu has an extremely despicable morality. He took advantage of I just brought two children moved here; I did not know anyone, and could not speak fluent English. After first month we moved, he implemented the serious sexual assault to me! I suddenly started to hate him. Around 7:00 A.M. September 9th 2013 after A and B went to school half an hour, Harry Wu suddenly called me and asked if children went to the school. I answered yes; then he told me that he would come soon to our apartment, and had important information need to tell me. I did not have any alert on his desire; I even friendly welcomed him. Harry Wu conducted the sudden serious, brazen, and disgusting sexual assault to me while I was caught off guard. Under my ferocious resistance and God’s salvation, Harry Wu failed to complete the rape to me, and left my apartment. However this event immediately caused me a huge mental harm and pressure. The strong shame and tension led to the recurring of my illness; just in a few days I vomited blood and stayed in hospital. After the surgery, I suffered in the liver ascites; my body was extremely weak, even hard to move. I very regretted to come here. I thought I was going to die, but what could happen to my two children if I die? I must to live! Thanks be to the merciful God! Under my family and church’s support, I went through the darkest time in my whole life. I will never forget the sorrow at that time. Because of the failure of the sexual assault and my sever health condition, Harry Wu paid more attentions on his act. He usually just stayed for half/one hour when he came to give us monthly check. I thought he realized his guilt and would not do this anymore, so I did not tell anyone about this. But since that event, I had high alert on Harry Wu; I could not allow him to hurt either me or my children. April 2014, Zhejing democratic activists wrote a letter to Harry Wu for asking assistance to deceased famous Chinese democracy activist’s daughter C and help her come and study in US. At first Harry Wu promised and personally replied C in Email "I have received all your Emails. We have had two meetings and discussed your situation. The current conclusion listed below: 1. You are not an adult; you are not a college student; you are a minor. 2. We can arrange funds, at least $25,000.00 per year. 3. We can help you find a school. 4. According to American laws, you must have a legal financial, security and medical person in order to guarantee. 5. According to American laws, you must have a legal guardian." However after that, Harry Wu did not contact her anymore. Finally C arrived my place through some Chinese friends’ help on the late August. September 2014, he began to give $700.00/month assistance to C. January 15th 2015, Harry Wu sent Email, and formally announced that he stopped the assistance on A and C. During my guardian time, the total time which Harry Wu provided assistance for A is September, 2013 through December, 2014; the total time for C is September, 2014 through December, 2014. Perhaps there is a question you want to ask: Why did Harry Wu (Hongda Wu) stop the assistance for those two children? Everything started on December 20th 2014 at 11:00 A.M. Harry Wu called us and demanded to bring C alone to his house. I instantly refused his demand due to his sexual assault to me in 2013 and also his many obvious sexual harassment to my three girls. His evil desire already had been aware by me and my girls for a long time. Harry Wu (Hongda Wu)’s usual inappropriate behaviors are: (For this involved my children’s privacy, I will summarize these. The specific evidence is in our statement to court.) 1. Against three girls’ will, Harry Wu insisted to go into their rooms, and looked over and stared their closets which contain my children’s underwear and bra. 2. Took the opportunities to touch my children’s face and hip. 3. Insisted to go into my children’s room while they were still sleeping, and enforced to open their blankets while they were still on their beds. 4. Persisted to hang out with three girls alone, but refused me to go with them every time. 5. During Thanksgiving 2014 (11/28/2014) Harry Wu brought three girls to hangout and refused my appearance, neither he told me where he was going to bring them, what he was going to do, nor when he was going to take them back. He threatened my children during the hangout. On the way back, he deliberately repeated to drive in a same area to delay the time back home; until it was dark outside. 6. On the same day Harry Wu inisisted girls to drink alcohol when we had a dinner at his house (My children are all under 18 years old), and refused by me and my children immediately. Harry Wu enforced us to sleep over in his new house (the house which his wife and son were not there) meanwhile the doors of bathrooms in his house could not lock and could not even fully close. Although he agreed to let my daughter B and me leave, he still wanted A and C to stay with him over night. A and C were terrified. He finally drove us home after all of us insisted to go home. Based on his many inappropriate behaviors, I had decided he could not bring any girls whom under my guard without my permission and appearance on November 29th 2014. But nightmare still happened soon after Thanksgiving. In the morning of December 20th 2014, Harry Wu apparently knew I am the guardian of C. But he avoided contact with me; privately and continuously called C three times within that morning. C did not answer the phone calls and told me about this. So that I called back and asked Harry Wu what did he need? Harry Wu said he was going to pick up C soon and bring her to his house. I said if he could come to my home, or I will go with C together to his house. Harry Wu said NO, and emphasized that he needed to bring her outside ALONE (only he and C). I suddenly remembered his evil disgusting face when he tried to do sexual assault to me. I immediately rejected his demand. My decision of refusing Harry Wu to bring C alone made him abnormally and extremely angry. First he sent Email to criticize me and threaten me that if I do not allow him to bring children outside according to his will, he will stop all the assistance. After I insisted principle response, Harry Wu sent us Email and formally announced that he stopped the assistance to these two children. About Harry Wu stopped assistance, actually I have been prepared. Because during his assistance time period, I and my children had already been dislike, terrified or even disgusted some of Harry Wu’s behaviors. Therefore we have already been aware of him. I will not ever compromise anything on principle’s matter just because under his assistance. For this event, I am taking the further legal action. I am so appreciate and grateful that my action received my American church, many friends and lawyers’ support! Harry Wu, an extremely fallen person on morality, is even able to control millions dollar of Yahoo Human Right Funds, and uses his control of the funds to do some extremely evil things. This is a serious problem that must be faced for all the members of America community! Lastly, I, a woman who is in a serious poor health condition and far away to my beloved husband, parents, family voluntarily take care of three girls by the calling of God. Their fathers are all the outstanding heroes in Chinese democratic career. In here, I strongly appeal: 1. I hope US Congress can set up a special investigation committee, meanwhile immediately stop all the supports to Harry Wu (Hongda Wu)’s Laogai Research Foundation. 2. I hope Yahoo!'s Board of Directors can set up a special investigation committee, meanwhile immediately stop Harry Wu’s power of controlling the Yahoo! Human Right Funds. 3. I hope to get help from America Women and Children Right Protection Organizations. 4. I hope and call on everyone whom harmed by Harry Wu and whom discovered Harry Wu’s evil actions courageously stand and speak up. We should not allow this wicked person to keep doing whatever he wants and hurt more other people. 5. I hope all the Chinese democracy activists bravely and publicly criticize Harry Wu’s evil actions. We should not allow him to keep ruining Chinese democratic group’s name. 6. I hope all the democratic groups can pay more attention on Chinese political prisoners/dissidents, as well as their minor children’s difficult life. Chinese political prisoners/dissidents need attention; their children need attention too. Giving more attentions on their children’s real life situation is equal to concern and support Chinese political prisoners and dissidents themselves! I am here, publicly accuse Harry Wu’s wicked conduct to all the public, the media and the court. If Congress or Yahoo!’s Board of Director will set up a special investigation committee, my girls and I will provide all the evidence. As a Christian, I vow to God: everything I have said above is true! Jing Wang February 25th 2015 (All the friends who read this, we welcome you to share this letter to others, until to the members of US Congress, Yahoo!’s Board of Director, Women and Children Rights Protection Organizations, and Democratic groups. Thank you!) 明镜新闻网 2015-03-04 http://www.mingjingnews.com/MIB/blog/blog_contents.aspx?ID=0000002700000013 吴弘达简介 吴弘达,英文名Harry Wu,1937年生,原籍中国江苏省无锡市。父亲是一名鞋匠,母亲是一名纺织工。自称“民运”人士,创立“劳改基金会”,目前在美国主要从事揭露中国人权状况的活动家。吴弘达曾因盗窃、诱奸女学生等罪行被依法惩处,1961年5月至1964年5月,他先后在北京清河农场和团河农场接受劳动教养三年。1964年,吴弘达劳教刑满释放后被分配到山西省霍县(现改名霍州)辛置镇曹村煤矿工作,期间经同事介绍与当地杨枣村村民梁丽结婚。之后调到山西财经学院任教。1979年,中国教育改革急需大批师资人才,吴弘达经武汉市地质学院后勤部工作的妻子姐夫推荐,调到湖北省武汉市地质学院任教。1980年,吴弘达强奸女学生被告发,学生家属害怕声张不得已要求吴弘达与女学生结婚。无奈,吴弘达只能以其妻梁丽不能生育为由离婚,同年与被其强奸的女学生结婚。1985年,吴弘达申请赴加拿大探望姐姐。但到了加拿大并没有探望“姐姐”,而是转机到了美国纽约。为了在美国长期居留,吴弘达编造自己在中国因言获罪被劳改19年的“历史”,要求在美国政治庇护。经过7年利用欺骗等手段,他终于于1992年获得了美国国籍。但他却抛下了在中国武汉比他小20岁的妻子还有女儿。尽管吴弘达自称通过揭露中国人权状况以及中国政府的劳改制度来推动中国的民主事业,但其本意却并非如此。“中国的民主事业”对他来讲只是用来获取美元的政治工具,因为无论从其自述,还是从其所谓的“民主事业”,到处都充斥着“欺骗”二字,而且为了金钱,不但抛妻弃女,而且欺骗、诋毁其他民运人士。 http://exposeharrywu.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_24.html 吴弘达 ---- 揭开“民运”真面目 吴弘达(Harry Hongda Wu),原籍江苏省无锡市,1937年出生于上海的一个小银行业主家庭。吴曾因盗窃、诱奸女学生等罪行,于1961年5月至1964年5月在北京清河农场和团河农场接受劳动教养处罚。1964年吴获释后被安排在山西县霍县就业,后来调到山西财经学院、武汉地质大学任教。1985年他从武汉赴美国探亲,并从此滞留美国,于1992年加入了美国国籍。 吴弘达为了卖身投靠美国的反华势力和台湾间谍机构,骗取他们的资助,竭力把自己乔装打扮成所谓的“中国持不同政见者”,竟然四处吹嘘自己“因为反对中共而被判刑和关押十九年”。 为了配合其主子开展丑化中国形象的宣传攻势,1992年吴弘达在美国设立“中国劳改基金会”,专事宣扬中国出口劳改产品和出售死刑犯器官。 1994年4月,吴弘达与一名英国女记者潜入成都市华西医科大学附属第十五手术室,偷拍胸外科体外循环心内直视二尖瓣膜换手术,然后制作成所谓的劳改专题片,这些镜头在国外播放时竟然配上旁白称是“移植死刑犯肾脏器官”,还将他们另外拍摄的一些农民墓地的镜头,移花接木地作了插播,谎称是“死刑犯的坟地”。 1995年6月,吴弘达企图从中哈边界的霍尔果斯口岸再度潜入中国境内时,被边防人员抓获,同年8月被武汉市中级人民法院以间谍罪判刑15年,稍后宣布驱逐出境。值得一提的是,在被司法机关羁押调查的短短两个月内,虽然办案人员没有对吴弘达进行刑讯逼供,其待遇远比其他在押犯优越,而且中方允许美国大使馆人员前往探望吴弘达,然而吴弘达却不顾“斗士”的脸面,痛苦流涕地悔罪认错,竹筒倒豆子一般交待罪行,并承认他提供给外国电视广播公司的所谓“中国劳改产品”,其实都是从乌鲁木齐普通农贸市场上买来的手工产品,并非来自中国监狱。 吴弘达的“中国劳改基金会”每年都从美国“国家民主基金会”获得近百万美元的资助,其本人也曾一度被反华势力提名竞逐诺贝尔和平奖,台湾与美国的间谍机构也专门为其调配人员和提供经费,使他俨然成为“海外民运”的头面人物。一堆臭狗屎竟被当作香馍馍,可谓美国最荒诞的反华闹剧。 上尉 09/18/2007 http://www.boxun.com/forum/bxupdate/1339.shtml 吴弘达何许人也 吴弘达逢人便说他是因为发表言论,不满中共支持前苏联干涉匈牙利事件而被捕的,之后他被劳改了19年。在吴弘达为董事、发行人和编辑的中国信息中心《观察网站》上却刊登了张伟国先生的一篇文章《闻“劳改”载入牛津英语词典有感》,里面这样写到:“1960年,吴弘达先生23岁起就因‘右派’的罪名被判3年劳教,解教后转到矿山‘就业’。”吴弘达到底是劳改了19年还是劳教了三年,这里恐怕大有文章。 在网上查找不到吴弘达亲笔写的简历。然而与吴弘达熟悉的人却说吴实际上一天也没有劳改过,仅仅被劳教过三年(在中国,劳改是刑事处罚,劳教是行政处罚)。许多书中是这样描述吴的简历的:吴弘达原本是一个中国人,原籍江苏省无锡市,1937年出生在上海的一个小银行业主家庭。吴弘达曾因盗窃、诱奸女学生等罪行被依法惩处。1961年5月至1964年5月,他先后在北京清河农场和团河农场接受劳动教养三年。1964年,吴弘达刑满释放后,到山西省霍县就业,后来调到山西财经学院任教,不久又调到武汉地质大学任教。1985年,他从武汉赴美国探亲,并从此滞留美国。经过7年苦心努力,他终于于1992年加入了美国国籍,宣誓效忠美利坚合众国。 吴是否“诱奸”过女学生我们不得而知,然而从“劳教”而非“劳改”这个事实看,这个可能性确实存在。在五、六十年代,强奸、杀人等都属于“人民内部矛盾”,而反党反革命却是“敌我矛盾”。从量刑上来看,“诱奸”与“劳教三年”倒也有逻辑上的联系。吴自己在自传《昨夜雨骤风狂》中还谈到,他在时隔34年,初恋情人已经为人祖母的时候,还被他深深一吻。看样子吴也是个多情种子。 吴弘达即使做过牢,也是三、四十年以前的事情了,中共与时俱进的无产阶级专政手段,吴已经数十年没有领教过。要说现在真正的劳改权威,那得是现在还在坐牢或者刚刚出来的异议人士、法轮功信徒或地下教会成员,第一手资料新鲜热辣,远非吴久远年月前的冷饭可比。 吴的一大特点就是在民运圈子里基本没有朋友,被他排挤乃至直接诬为“共特”的人比比皆是。据与吴接近的人讲,吴是个妒嫉心很重的人,著名民运人士,如魏京生、李洪宽、王丹、鲍戈等都受到吴的压制,或直接被吴指为“共特”,而吴自己雇佣了共特高瞻一事,吴却将其抹得不了了之。 台湾“国安局”局长薛石民和“海基会”副秘书长颜万进曾经在谈到吴弘达的时候说:鲍戈出狱后在上海向法新社揭露,他所在的劳教所强迫犯人生产印有1998年法国世界杯足球赛字样的阿迪达斯足球,引起轰动。世界杯赛开幕那天,鲍戈跑到澳门开记者会,起诉阿迪达斯公司,再次造成轰动。吴弘达害怕鲍戈影响太大,在美国抢了他的风头,于是便散布流言说鲍戈造谣。……吴弘达腰缠万贯,在美国拥有豪宅,而当鲍戈到美国时,他非但没接济过一分钱,还千方百计地排斥和封杀。 鲍戈绝不是一个特例。当年李洪宽在美国经营大参考网站,并每日给大陆送出大量电子邮件。这样一个耗费精力和金钱的项目在申请资助的时候却受到吴弘达的百般排挤和打压。王丹的情形据说与李洪宽也差相仿佛,遇到吴弘达不少人为制造的障碍。 知吴底细的人称吴的一大特点是言而无信,过河拆桥。例如1957年有个很有名的右派叫冯国将,1993年在香港就跟吴合作过。冯的前妻为帮助“劳改基金会” 搜集证据,冒着生命危险赴湖北、浙江、和辽宁省的十三个监狱和劳改农场进行调查、摄影及录像。在冯的前妻遇到危急,随时可能被捕之际,吴背叛其诺言,不但不与援手,甚至反过来污蔑冯“骗”了他。冯一怒之下将事实经过发表在香港《前哨》月刊上,题为《我怎么来到美国申请政治庇护》。吴弘达因为谎言被揭穿而恼羞成怒,对冯的朋友莫逢杰污蔑冯是“共特”,让莫不要租房子给冯住。莫逢杰由于不信吴的话而被吴以最脏的话痛骂,终至二人彻底绝交。 吴弘达一直以“人权斗士”的面目示人,貌似铮铮铁骨。1995年6月19日,吴弘达试图通过化名从位于中国与哈萨克斯坦交界的霍尔果斯口岸潜入中国境内时被中国边防人员抓获。彼时,吴已经加入美国国籍,因此在被司法机关羁押调查的短短两个月内,办案人员并没有对吴进行刑讯逼供,其待遇也远比其他在押犯优越。吴弘达却在8月9日向中国司法机关呈交了一份亲笔签名的《悔罪书》。吴痛哭流涕地悔罪认错,承认他提供给外国电视广播公司的所谓“中国劳改产品”,其实都是从乌鲁木齐普通农贸市场上买来的手工产品,并非来自中国监狱。吴供认说:“他先是来到新疆第二监狱,拍下了一些有关当地警戒设备的镜头,然后,再来到乌鲁木起市区一条繁华的商业街,拍下了一些商品的镜头,再将事先准备好的监狱标志贴到某个商品上,用特写镜头拍下这个商品,于是,他们觉得非常理想的画面也就出来了。”类似的,他说他关于死刑犯肾移植的镜头,也是来自在华西医科大学附属第一医院拍摄的胸外科手术。 对吴为什么如此竹筒倒豆子般的认罪,我们并不清楚。虽然这无法证伪中共的罪行,但吴的“悔罪”毕竟给了中共矢口否认的口实,并伤害了“民运人士”的形象。从吴这次表演中,我们不得不怀疑他在自传《昨夜雨骤风狂》中给自己加诸的光环。或许有人认为吴加入美籍后,居移气,养移体,已经吃不了监狱的苦,因此不得不做违心之词。可吴从小就在上海一个银行家的富裕环境中养尊处优,劳教三年期间正赶上全国大饥荒的年代,他如果在那种险恶的环境中还保持着他自传中所描述的气节,怎么到了 1995年这种气节就消失得无影无踪了呢? 吴来到美国的时机甚好,适逢中国改革开放之初,政治体制改革被胡、赵提上议事日程,许多有抱负的人都要在国内施展一番身手,彼时海外的中国大陆人很少,自然也没人与吴竞争。吴借着这个机会露出了头角。等到1989之后,大陆出来的人渐渐多起来,可吴已经站稳脚跟,打击和排挤起那些初来乍到、立足未稳之人自然信手拈来,行有余力。 名利双收的吴做了很多纸面文章,而真正吴拿到的第一手资料近年甚少,而被吴直接从大陆劳改营营救出来的人就更加寥寥无几。实事做得不多,荣誉倒是不少,这只能说明吴的手腕非同一般。 在对法轮功的问题上,吴的妒嫉心故态复萌。吴是个花钱很谨慎的人,每年他从民主基金会拿到上百万美元的资助,然而他在人员工资和办公费用上却十分“精打细算”。尽管如此,毕竟吴的号召力不够,上百万美金能够召来的人马不多。而法轮功仅靠信徒自发办媒体、讲真相,却在反中共迫害的各路人士中声势最盛。吴在私下里曾经表示,如果他是江泽民他也要镇压法轮功,实乃妒嫉心作祟之故。这与他公开宣称的支持法轮功反迫害的态度背道而驰,且这种私下的讲话常常代表一个人的真实想法。 吴弘达一直示人以严谨的风格,美国国会也因此对吴颇有信任,事实上的吴弘达却不是他给外界的那个形象。比如中国到底有多少犯人这个问题,吴就给出过至少三个完全不同的说法:一说是二千万(HONG KONG ECONOMIC TIMES 3/30/98)。还有一说是1996年的数字, 全国有一千一百个劳改营, 关着六百万到八百万劳改犯人(张伟国主持的美国电子刊物98年3月)。第三种说法见之于吴1991年出版的一本书,说中国大陆劳改营至少有三千个, 犯人有一千二百万至一千六百万, 其中留场就业人员约八百万至一千万。 对于自中共建政以来的犯人总数,吴在95年5月10日说有三千万至四千万, 而在1998年却说有五千万以上(HONG KONG ECONOMIC TIMES 3/30/98)。(以上内容摘自范似栋的《拆穿吴弘达的西洋镜》)。 吴弘达作为中国劳改问题的权威,在中国到底有多少犯人这个基本问题上给出几种不同的说法,也让人不能不对吴的治学和考证精神有所怀疑。一个劳改权威,总不能靠着估计出的自相矛盾的数据混日子吧? 吴从小在教会学校上学,英文甚好,且深知西方人的心态与思维方式。在他出席的听证中,发表意见时常常带有很大的表演成分。当被问及他在劳教所的遭遇时,他常常会停顿一会儿,等到大家都集中注意力倾听他的下文时,再用非常简洁和肯定的口气陈述,这种做秀常常引来大家惊愕的呼声,并强化他人权斗士的形象。 综合上面的信息,我们看到一个完全不同于他所竭力塑造的形象:因盗窃和诱奸女生被劳教、言而无信、过河拆桥、用移花接木的手法欺骗、软骨头、沽名钓誉、排挤他人、妒嫉心重、治学态度不严谨等等。此或为吴弘达的真实面目。 辛平 2006年8月18日 《人民报》 http://www.renminbao.com/rmb/articles/2006/8/18/41359.html http://laogai.org/sites/default/files/u1/_MG_8292_1.jpg
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