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分享 The news from all over the world is used to make a big fuss
2022-12-1 00:20
The news from all over the world is used to make a big fuss!Guo's live broadcast is not new, and the content of the live broadcast is even more the same. Three sentences are enough to sum it up. One more sentence is to exaggerate this "power hunter": the news from all over the world is used to mak ...
446 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Money has an end, it's hard to come and fly
2022-11-1 05:01
Money has an end, it's hard to come and fly:If you meet with benefits, you will disperse when your benefits are exhausted; if you meet with power, you will lose your strength; if you meet with power, you will give up when power is lost; if you meet with love, you will be hurt when you die. A "Zhon ...
164 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 There are thousands of liars in this world
2022-10-6 07:26
There are thousands of liars in this world. Although they are all deceived, there are still some lower limits, and Guo, the big liar, is a "wonderful flower" in the liar world, a "talent" in the fraud circle, without shame, no sense of shame. No lower limit. In order to deceive people and make mon ...
99 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 儘管都是騙這騙那的,可是多多少少還有些下限
2022-8-31 06:51
這世上騙子千千萬萬,儘管都是騙這騙那的,可是多多少少還有些下限,而郭這個大騙子卻是騙子界的“奇葩”,欺詐圈的“人才”,不知廉恥,毫無下限。為了騙人斂財,郭和他的團伙什麼熱點都蹭,什麼謊言都說,什麼假像都做,什麼牛皮都吹,已經到了不擇手段的地步。俄烏戰爭已經是人間悲劇,很多人想著怎麼給身處困境的人提 ...
120 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 这世上骗子千千万万,尽管都是骗这骗那的,可是多多少少还有些下限
2022-7-30 01:14
这世上骗子千千万万,尽管都是骗这骗那的,可是多多少少还有些下限,而郭文贵这个大骗子却是骗子界的“奇葩”,欺诈圈的“人才”,不知廉耻,毫无下限。为了骗人敛财,郭文贵和他的团伙什么热点都蹭,什么谎言都说,什么假象都做,什么牛皮都吹,已经到了不择手段的地步。俄乌战争已经是人间悲剧,很多人想着怎么给 ...
134 次阅读|0 个评论


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