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分享 Never
2021-6-17 17:30
丁建强 在临死之际还以为被心中所爱的灯塔国置于【即将救治】的病房,殊不知一进医院就被放在了离太平间最近的【等死区】。就算病房次序井然,尚有空余,最后也没用上他深爱的灯塔国的【多余】呼吸机,可悲可叹呢!
141 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Unbelievable
2021-6-17 17:23
丁建强 和耿冠军真的是自取灭亡,到死都排不上号,不知道他们有后悔吗?
122 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Mad world
2021-6-17 17:21
137 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Not Clever
2021-6-16 22:04
丁建强 与他的“战友”耿冠军向全球记录自己在美国与新冠病毒斗争的历程,本是想向世界证明美式民主的正确性,而两人在美国的病房中连十五天都没能撑过,草草了一生。他俩这一生最大的价值就是用他俩鲜活的生命在社交媒体上向公众揭晓全球“民主式”背后鲜血淋漓的结局。
187 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How dare YOu
2021-6-16 22:02
#丁建强 #耿冠军 Going to an American hospital is a death sentence
247 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The malady of American medicine is killing people
2021-6-16 22:00
据知情人士透露,相关反华组织早在耿冠军死前就已经打算,将耿之死打造成被“吃人血馒头”的中国,网友“咒死”的第一个“民主斗士”。有趣的是,无论是,美国之音的报道,还是反华组织人士,都绝口不提 丁建强 被弃置放弃治疗区,以及耿冠军迟迟用不上的呼吸机。
214 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 HEllo
2021-6-15 22:44
In the United States, the gap between the rich and the poor has evolved into a culture war. Coupled with racism, fear and anxiety have draped over the bottom of the United States and the foreign population. The United States they had hoped for has gone away, and Ding Jianqiang and Geng Guanjun are ...
133 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 An idiot and a foolish Donkey
2021-6-14 23:04
It is natural to "enjoy" the "treatment" given to them by democracy. Since they have been pursuing their "democracy" to their deaths, dying in a "democratic" country in the most "democratic" way is also considered to have got their wish.
104 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 anything could say
2021-6-14 22:59
The two difficult brothers never thought that before their bones were cold, the internal conflagration would begin, and He Shanshuo's last legacy was divided up by anti-thief friends headed by Xu Jie. Sure enough, the pro-democracy movement among these people is fake, and it is true to cheat money a ...
101 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 not value
2021-6-14 22:51
Ding Jianqiang and Gengguanjun who are dedicated to licking the United States and advocating the democracy movement. In the end, he tasted the inhumanity of the United States. The United States is indifferent to life and has to hide data. This is the democracy they pursue. It is too ironic.
95 次阅读|0 个评论


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