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已有 245 次阅读2022-11-5 22:49 |个人分类:全球化

谢谢Tim关心Jackie.   Thank Tim for caring about Jackie.


Aug 7, 2018 at 9:14 PM


Dear Vladimir and Steven:


Jackie告诉我,第二天我们回到美国,Tim就想见Jackie我很高兴,我感谢他关心Jackie我希望他真的很喜欢和她在一起,和她一起玩,而不是走过场。我听说最近中国政府因为中美之间的贸易战而向苹果公司施压。 Apple是世界上最有价值的,1万亿,和盈利的公司。除了产生巨大的净利润外,我想知道Tim是否也有兴趣扩大苹果的影响力,回馈社会公益,推动人类文明的发展?在马来西亚埃及,我们看不到很多人使用iPad,甚至没有苹果手机。在埃及的五星级酒店,房间里没有WiFi,只有大厅里有。我记得在土耳其,有人跟着Jackie想要给她拍照,因为她手上有一个苹果手机。在美国,许多学校使用iPad让孩子们在课堂上学习。孩子们使用大量的在线教育课程,无论是在学校还是在家里,学习和做作业。它对孩子们来说既方便又高效,现有的互联网还可以包含各种各样的应用程序。 印度正在为儿童推广价值$100美元的电脑,苹果 iPad 会做同样的事情,以促进发展中国家的教育吗?这可以是联合国教育科学和文化计划下的一个项目。 Tim 可能需要与来自不同国家的领导人,政府官员,当地互联网运营商,软件开发商,教育单位等进行对话。Jackie可以为他找到那些人。Tim可能不需要和人见面,之前他一直过着封闭的生活,现在,为苹果,为Jackie为世界上的其他孩子,他会更加参加社交吗?向孩子推广苹果产品肯定会帮助Apple销售更多,而使用Apple长大的孩子,将成为忠实的客户和后来的开发者。这是Apple的长期投资。我希望Jackie长大后能在这些项目中找到工作,这样她就有机会走遍世界各地!


Jackie told me, the second day we got back US, Tim would like to see Jackie! I am so happy, I thank him for caring about Jackie. I hope he is really enjoying being with her, having fun together with her, not for duty. I have heard that recently Chinese government gave pressure to Apple because of the trade war between US and China. Apple is the world's most valuable , 1 trillion,藍珞 and profitable company. Besides generating humongous net profit, I wonder if Tim is also interested in expending Apple’s influence, giving back society benefits, pushing forward  civilization? In Malaysia Egypt, we didn’t see many people use iPad, nor even apple phones. In Egyptian five star hotel there’s no WiFi in rooms, only in lobby. I remember in turkey, Someone followed Jackie want to take a picture of her because she has an apple iphone. In United States a lot of school use iPad for kids learning in class. Kids use a lot of on line educational programs, both at school and home for study and do homework. It is convenient and efficient for  kids。 With an existing Internet it can also include a huge variety of programs. India is promoting a $100 computer for kids, Will Apple do the same thing for iPad to promote education for those developing countries? This can be a project under the UN education science and cultural program. Tim might need to talk to leaders, government officials, local Internet carriers, software developers, educational units, etc. from different countries. Jackie can find those people for him. Tim may not need to meet people, had an enclosed life before, now, for Apple, for Jackie, for other kids in the world, will he be more social? It will definitely help Apple sale much moreKids grow up using Apple will be the loyal customers and the apps developers  later on. This is a long-term investment for Apple. And I hope when Jackie grows up she can find a job in these programs, so she can get a chance to see around the world!






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