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已有 120 次阅读2022-11-1 21:13 |个人分类:全球化

超优秀的俄国文化   Best superior wonderful Russian culture

Dear Vladimir
你想让我更多地谈谈超优秀的俄罗斯文化,艺术,芭蕾舞俄罗斯是一个大国,资源和文化丰富。虽然人口密度较小,但由于良好的教育体系,人口素质是世界上最高的国家之一。冷战结束后苏联解体,俄罗斯突然陷入二,三流国家,经济也出现问题。然而,在普京的领导下,在过去的几十年中,我们看到俄罗斯迅速跃升。为什么?因为俄罗斯有坚实的基础和优秀的人才。 当我在 YouTube上寻找有关弗拉基米尔的有趣链接时,发现只有俄罗斯有最有趣的链接我们爱俄罗斯,一直连续不断上传各种有关俄罗斯的有趣的东西。其他地区没有这么频繁和内容丰富的。我想了想,它显示的是俄罗斯确实有很大的空间,无论在地理上还是个人。那里的人们充满了生命力,社会没有那么多的限制和规矩让他们不能自由表达自己喜怒哀乐。英格兰人自然地就会有黑色幽默,而俄罗斯人天生就有白色幽默。他们有像法国人一样精美高雅的艺术情感,他们也像游牧民族一样原始直率。从弗拉基米尔,我们可以看到俄罗斯人总是充满活力,精力充沛。哈哈哈,一个放松,舒适,年轻的国家会有这么多的乐趣!


Dear Vladimir, you want me to talk more about the best superior wonderful Russian culture, art, Ballet .  Russia is a large country, rich in resources and culture. Although comparatively with a small population density, because of good educational system, the population quality is one of the highest in the world. After The collapse of the Soviet Union after the cold war, Russia suddenly fell into the second and third class countries, the economy was also a problem. However, under the leadership of Putin the great, for the past few decades, we saw Russia step up fast. WhyBecause Russia has its solid foundation and excellent talents. When I look for funny links for Vladimir in YouTube, only Russia has the most funny links “ we love Russian “ , continuously constantly uploads all kinds of interesting things about Russian. No one else has this frequency and loads. I thought about it, what it shows is Russia indeed has space, geographic and personal. People over there are full of lives,  the society does not have so many bonds nor limits for them to express themselves freely. People in England naturally have black humor while People in Russia naturally are born with bright humor. They are fine artistic sentimental like French people, they are also primitive straightforward like nomadic people. From Vladimir we can see that the Russians are always vibrant and full of energy. Hahaha , A relaxed, comfortable, young nation will have so much fun! 






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