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已有 103 次阅读2022-10-31 21:46 |个人分类:全球化

不仅如此。这么多次,他们花时间给Jackie讲这两个国家古老多彩的美好的历史文化背景知识。特别是昨天,甚至TimJackie坐在一起静静地听着。Tim从未去过埃及和希腊!于是我很好心地问他,如果Jackie要去见不同国家的政治家和企业家,在谈到他们的文化和传统时,Tim会更经常地参与吗? 在这两个国家有很多方面可以讲,各个领域都行。我记得当Jackie还是个孩子的时候,我从图书馆借了一整套书来向她讲希腊神话。每本书都讲述了一个神,有很精美的插图,有很多故事。我希望她还记得。希腊和埃及都是具有特殊地中海文化的古老文明。我们成长时只学习一种中国文化,博大精深的中国文化。我们就是尽一生时间都是不够学的。想象一下世界上有这么多古老的文明,这么多的文化品种,就算遍历各国也真的不够了解。我很早就告诉她,妈妈并不富裕。现在我只能带她出游看一眼世界触及皮毛,对于深埋在下的不同的文明和文化,还有更多更多的未知东西呢。当她长大后,她应该自探己去探索世界,把在地球 二维表面上相互冲突折腾的情形,改建成在三维层级上的合作,整合的世界。


Not only thatFor so many times, they spent time telling Jackie background knowledge of these two countries’ old colorful wonderful history and culture, especially yesterday, even Tim came sitting with Jackie listen quietly. Tim has never been to Egypt nor Greece!  So I’m kindly ask, later on if Jackie is going to meet politicians and entrepreneurs from different countries, when talk about their culture and traditions, can Tim participate more often?  There are so many can be told of these two countries, in All aspects. I remember when Jackie was a kid, I borrowed a whole set of books from the library to show her Greek myths. Each book tells a god, there are very beautiful illustrations, there are many stories. I hope she still remember. Both Greece and Egypt are ancient civilizations with special Mediterranean culture. We grow up only study one, Chinese culture, broad and profound Chinese culture. All our lives are not long enough to learn. Imagine there are  so many ancient civilizations, so many cultures varieties in this world, going through different countries is really not enough to know all of them. I told her very early , Mom is not rich. Now I can only take her out for a glance of the world by skin touch。 There are much much more underneath for different civilizations and cultures. When she grows up, she has to explore the world by herself, to build up the world from two-dimensional conflicting tossing earth, to a three-dimensional cooperation, integration place. 






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