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已有 108 次阅读2022-10-29 22:01 |个人分类:全球化

亲爱的StevenJackie在过去的三年里几乎每天都能看到你。非常感谢你在过去的几年里介绍那些世界级的企业家与她见面。谢谢!只是如果你的目的是让他们聚在一起度过一个快乐的时光,让Jackie成为一个陪伴,一个小娱乐人,可以免费用餐。要知道时间对她来说是如此宝贵,而且她花了很长时间 跟他们相处,并没有获得多少收益,我认为这是浪费时间。她可以献艺一两小时,打招呼认识一下他们,就可以离开了。如果你有这么大的预算可以世界各地接送亿万富翁,为什么不给她合理的报酬呢?你并不是不知道,我是一个没有工作的单身母亲。你并不是不知道她每天都有重负荷的家庭作业,做到午夜睡觉?她每天每次在这些活动中都扮演重要角色。你们所有人,无论是世界级的政治家还是顶级的企业家,只有Jackie和我正在为日常生活担心,用我自己的钱做所有这些。当你们在一起开怀大笑时,我的心里充满了痛苦。从法律上讲,每次她在场,都应该受到和别人一样的对待,不是吗?如果有人真的有权力,请关心我们真实的生活。


Dear Steven, Jackie sees you almost everyday for the past three years. Thank you so much for introducing those world class Entrepreneurs to meet her for the past years. Thank you! It's just that if your purpose is to let them get together have a happy time, and let Jackie be a companion, a little entertainer, have a free meal. Time is so precious to her, and she did not gain much from it spending long hours with them, I think it is a waste of time. She can be a entertainer for a few hours, know the people and leave. And if you have so big budget bring billionaire here, why not pay her reasonably? It is not that you don’t know I’m a single mother with no job. It is not that you don’t know she has a heavy load homework every day go sleep at midnight She plays a big role, every day, every time. All of you, either world class politicians or top of the class entrepreneurs, only Jacky and I are suffering from daily life, doing all these on my budget. When you are together happy laughing, I have pain in my heart sobbing. Legally , every time she is present, she should get the same treat as others, isn’t it? If Someone really has power, please cares about our real life. 






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