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已有 99 次阅读2022-10-28 23:11 |个人分类:全球化


Jul 6, 2018 at 11:40 PM


Dear Steven:

告诉我,来自意大利,希腊,以色列,埃及,也门的领袖们在一起非常开心。 Jackie非常喜欢!你太棒了!Jackie现在已经15岁了,你认识Jackie已经有4年了。时光飞逝,我非常感谢你对Jackie的关心。 我还记得她从学校回来的那天,向我描述了你如何跳迈克尔杰克逊舞,哈哈哈 然后在你和Jeff的介绍下,Jackie遇到了习和王。从那以后,她每天都和他们交谈,(如果真的是他们。)我不知道为什么会这样。她陪伴着他们在令人讨厌的国际政治浪潮中上下起伏。她很开心与世界领导人交谈,但她只是个孩子,在她这个年龄,她真正需要的是爱,学习和休息。不知怎的,我觉得她主要是被功能地使用,而不是基于孩子的自然发展规律被人性对待。三年了,每天都在交谈,却没有长远的培养计划。那些家伙彼此之间没有信任,没有很好的沟通方式,不愿意进行深入的合作,只有无休止地争斗看谁有能力成为控制者。


Jackie told me people from Italy Greece Israel Egypt Yemen Are very happy together. Jacky enjoys it very much! You are wonderful! Jackie is 15 years old now, You know Jackie for about 4 years. Time flies and my great thanks to your caring about Jackie. I still remember the day she came back from school describing to me how you dance Michael Jackson, hahaha Then under you and Jeff’s introduction , Jackie met Xi and Wang. From then she talked to them every day , if it was really them。) I do not know why things are like that. She accompanied them going up and down through the nasty international political waves. She had good time talking to world leaders。 However she is just a kid, and at her youth, what she really needs is love, study and rest. Somehow I felt she has been mainly used functionally rather than based on the natural development of children be treated with humanity.  Three years, talk every day, no long term plan. Those guys have no trust among each other, no better way of communication, no willing for good cooperation, only fight for that who has the power to be the controller.






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