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已有 100 次阅读2022-10-28 23:03 |个人分类:全球化



Greece is a country full of culture. Western culture can be traced back to the source, from the culture of Greece and Roman. Greek drama, philosophy, architecture, mythology, even math are the foundations for Modern western civilization. I don't know if there will be show for this trip to Greece. I think to serve  these big waves Chinese tourists better, there should be more spiritual and cultural products. There are a lot of dance schools and dance talents in China, maybe, hopefully, Greece can hire these talented people, train them with Greek dance, create drama in Greek mythology, let them dressed up Greek costume performing in Chinese for Chinese tourists. They can also have interactive debating, shows, events to entertaining those tourists. For Tourists from different countries, they can use the prerecordings speaking their languages. For good dancers, it should be easy to train them with different styles, Not everyone is that rigid like little Jackie who  knows ballet. Bollywood have very good dancers, capable of dancing almost any dances of Asia. The United States has formed a performing team for dance expertise who left China, and they travel around the world to perform.






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