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俄埃关系 三

已有 93 次阅读2022-10-23 22:03 |个人分类:全球化

刚才我和Jackie讨论看看世界人口的分布情况,如果有更多的埃及人,我们应该将他们放哪里?弗拉基米尔并没有表现出太大的兴趣,也许埃及人可以保留一部分的人口,专门从事农业,旅游业。 并将其他健壮的年轻人散布到阿拉伯半岛,北非,地中海沿岸和中东地中海沿岸。埃及可以成为东北非的金融中心商业中心文化教育中心和物流中心。埃及有着悠久的历史和丰富的文化如果 Vladimir 计划开发黑海地区,也许埃及文化和社区可以成为旅游景点的亮点。撒哈拉沙漠,阿拉伯半岛,伊朗高原,中亚斯坦,以及中国的新疆,西藏,大多是沙漠戈壁高原,不适合居住。俄罗斯西伯利亚远东地区对于非当地居民来说太冷了。黑海和里海地区有很多宽广的土地,气候温和,有利于农业和居住。它具有多元文化多种宗教共存的传统,它也接近未来发展有很大潜力的工业区。只要亚洲其他地区人口还密集,那也许澳大利亚,甚至非洲都是不错的人口移民目的地。当然这完全取决于顶层设计师的计划。Dear Vladimir关于埃及和俄罗斯之间的关系,我想问一下这会是什么? 埃及和俄罗斯之间在社会不同层面可能有多少重叠?也许有一天你有兴趣攀登金字塔?或者去尼罗河钓鱼?


Just now I was discussing with Jackie. looking at the distribution of the world’s population, If there are more Egyptians, where should we spread out? Vladimir does not show much interests, Perhaps Egyptian could retain a dedicated population, engage in agriculture, tourist industry, and spread the rest of the robust young, to Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Mediterranean coast and Middle East Mediterranean coast. Egypt can become a financial center, a commercial center, cultural educational center, and a logistics center in Northeast Africa. Egypt has deep history and rich culture, if Vladimir has a plan developing Black Sea area, maybe Egyptian culture and community can be a shining spot as tourist attractions. Sahara Desert, Arabian Peninsula, Iranian Plateau, mid Asia Stan’s, as well as China's Xinjiang, Tibet, mostly desert Gobi high plateaus, not suitable for living. Russian Siberia Far East are too cold for non local residences. Black Sea and Caspian Sea area has a lot of spacious land, mild climate, good for agriculture and living. It has tradition for co-existing for multiple cultures multi-religious people, it is also close to industrial zones that will bring potential future development. As long as dense population in rest of Asia, maybe Australia, even Africa are good destinations. Of course it totally depends on how the top level designer ‘s plan. Dear Vladimir, regarding the relationship between Egypt and Russia, well, I would ask what are these , how many of those possible overlaps in different levels between Egypt and Russia? Maybe one day you are interested in climbing the pyramid? Or go fishing in Nile? 






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