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俄埃关系 一

已有 92 次阅读2022-10-23 21:51 |个人分类:全球化

俄埃关系   Talk about relations between Russia and Egypt.  


Jul 1, 2018 at 7:24 PM


Dear Vladimir:

你想让我写一下俄罗斯和埃及之间的关系,甚至提到俄罗斯会考虑开放,接受来自中东的人。这是非常好的!为什么?俄罗斯控制其人口并严格保卫其边界的原因是,俄罗斯非常重视其本国的安全和国家利益,并将其放在第一位。但是,当世界是一体的时候,全球安全不是每个国家的第一个威胁。 全球经济,才是最重要的,需要所有人的关注,需所有国家都要在一起为之努力工作的。如果世界是由一个中央控制的,即使是自然资源,也没有办法改变其分布的。但是,一流的人才是经济发展的最重要因素。国家边界和种族的颜色不应再成为人才流动的障碍。当然,考虑到全球化经济,现在还不可能完全放弃国家主权的范围。犹太人不到2000万,散落在世界各地,但他们对人类文明做出了最大的贡献。在美国,高科技和工程领域的印度人发展得非常好。中国几年前曾尝试在深圳设置半导体装配线,一个月内他们成功地聚集了2000多名大学毕业生和专业人士,因为中国拥有庞大的人力资源数据库。亲爱的弗拉基米尔,如果你现在的智囊团正在为世界做计规划,那么你不应该只从俄罗斯的角度来看世界,而是应该站得更高。


You want me to write about relations between Russia and Egypt, even mention that Russia will consider open up, accepting people from Middle East. That is very good! Why? The reason why Russia controls its population and strictly defends its borders is that Russia weighs great importance to the security and national interests of its own country and always puts it first. But globalization, the global security is not the first threatening for each country.  The global economy, is the most important and needs all attentions, and  it needs all countries work together. If the world is under one control, even for natural resources, there is no way you can change its distribution。 But, first-class talent is the most important factor in economic development. The national border and the color of the race should no longer be an obstacle to the flow of talents. Of course, it is now impossible to give up completely the scope of national sovereignty considering a globalized economy. The Jewish are less than 20 million, scattered all over the world. However they make the greatest contribution to human civilization. Indians in  United States,  especially in high tech and engineering, develop very well. China a few years ago tried to setup semiconductor assembly line factory in Shenzhen, within a month they successfully gathered more than 2000 college graduates and the professionals. The country has a huge human resource database. Dear Vladimir , If your current think-tank is planning for the world, then you should not look at the world just from the standpoint of Russia, but stand higher. 






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