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转折点的个人空间 https://enewstree.com/discuz/?12005 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



已有 93 次阅读2022-10-23 21:44 |个人分类:全球化


Well, now the globalization makes entire world a closed limited market. Egypt's demographic related economy is not just a matter of Egypt. Although developed countries have money, but the market demand is not enough, the global market should be investigated and distributed. Developing countries with large populations, different from each other, should carefully analyze the conditions and advantages of their own countries. For the different levels of demand in the world as a whole, look at which countries have a comparative advantage to offer and satisfy the needs. I think there should be a top-level design that will make all the industries in the world reasonable distributed. The allocation can be based on tradition industry, the possible needs, the quality of the supplies, the quality of the labor forces, etc. for example china now is a light industry products worldwide provider. Maybe in the future, areas with big population can have some light industry bases to serve the mass population need locally. Some countries sitting on strategic locations will have advantage for commercial and cultural center, Egypt, Turkey, Singapore, and the future intersections on one belt one road network. Once The worldwide industrial distribution blue print has been settled, Egypt has a better picture on what are the possible industries will reside locally. Egyptian government will generate its own planning adopting to the plan, say educational plan to train labors for certain industry,  introducing talented people to work on special projects, look for capital or be found by all kinds of investments to develop various projects, government political modification for better management, etc. Now,  Is the top design complete or is it still in progress?

之前,我被要求写很多关于泛大陆高速列车系统的短文。高铁网只适用于物流和人流。流动的目的是满足不同地区人类社会的各种需求。因此,为了管理埃及人口,第一步是搞好世界经济。为所有国家和人民制定计划,包括为埃及人口提供一个不断增长的可呼吸, 可发展的空间。

Before,  I was asked to write a lot about pan-continental high speed train systems. That is only for goods and the people flow around. The purpose for flow is to satisfy different area  human society all kinds of needs. So to deal with the population of Egypt, first step is to deal with world economy, to have a plan for all the countries and people, including to provide a growing, breathing, contributing space for population of Egypt. 






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