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已有 99 次阅读2022-5-26 22:27 |个人分类:中国

中国有那么多大城市是不是也可以开放让不同的文化进来,形成德国区, 法国区, 中东文化区, 拉丁文化区  There are so many big cities in China that can also be opened to let different cultures come in, forming the German zone, the French zone, the Middle East cultural zone, and the Latin cultural zone.
粮食问题可以去俄国远东澳大利亚,甚至保加利亚罗马尼亚黑海放一批人种粮食。再放一批去中亚养牛养羊。中国的可耕地有限,为什么不利用海外那些有闲地的国家种粮食呢?这样也可以节省一点可耕地多培养森林,人们也可以住得更松散一些,有更多的享受自然的空间。在以色列的耶路撒冷市中心有四个区,伊斯兰区犹太区基督教区和亚美尼亚区. 每一个区都有不同的特色鲜明的文化。中国有那么多大城市是不是也可以开放让不同的文化进来,形成德国区法国区中东文化区拉丁文化区等等。这样就可以让中国人享受不同的文化体验不同的生活方式。同时,还可以邀请世界不同的文化的不同行业的来表演交流。中国有那么多孩子年轻人学习音乐美术舞蹈,是不是周末开放公共场所让这些孩子们组织进行表演。中国有很多大城市,可不可以把这些沿街的墙面租给各个区的不同学校,让他们负责美化?中国人口那么挤,城市规划不够科学,是不是可以减小现在中心大城市的规模,并把城市沿适宜居住的地域推展出去,比如从上海到南京形成一串城市带,每一个城市都有其特色产业和人文自然景观,尽量把整条产业链集中在城市带上,构建便捷的交通网,把人分流出去。人一有空间就会有更多的需要.  你看我每个星期都要扫树叶, 我后面一大片空院子,现在绿草茵茵的. 以前父母跟我住在一起,他们都会在后院种上一大堆果蔬。我以前家里的枇杷树无花果都是他们种的。每到收获季节果实累累,自己都吃不了的。有了空间,孩子们就可以进行各种体育活动,体育器材就好销,孩子们身体就健康。有空间就多公园, 就有美的景观让人心旷神怡. 每个城市有特色,就会促进旅游业。有了旅游见多识广,人就有创造力。我们上海小区隔壁邻居把车库改装成棋牌室,冯小刚的“芳华”可以第一周卖到14亿,可见中国人的文化需求之强烈, 文化市场之大。这次春节,因为琼州海峡风暴,导致好多万辆车滞留海南无法出岛.

For food problems you can go to Russia Far East, Australia, and even Bulgarian Black Sea to send a batch of people to grow food. Then send a batch to Central Asia to raise cattle and sheep. China's arable land is limited. Why not use the countries that have leisure in overseas to grow grain? This can also save a little arable land to have more forests, people can live more loosely, and have more space to enjoy the natural. There are four districts in the center of Jerusalem in Israel, the Islamic District of the Jewish Christian District and the Armenian District. Each district has a distinct and unique culture. There are so many big cities in China that can also be opened to let different cultures come in, forming Latin Quarter, Middle East Cultural District, French Quarter or Germany. This allows the Chinese to enjoy different cultures and experience different lifestyles. At the same time, you can also invite different industries from different cultures of the world to perform exchanges. There are so many young people in China who study music and art dances. Can open public places on weekends to let these children organize performances? There are many big cities in China. Can you lease these street walls to different schools in different districts and let them be responsible for beautification? China’s population is so crowded, and urban planning is not scientific enough. Can it reduce the size of the current big cities and promote the cities along a livable area, such as a series of urban belts from Shanghai to Nanjing, each with its own Characteristic industries and humanistic natural landscapes? Try to concentrate the entire industrial chain on the urban belt, build a convenient transportation network, and divert people out. When people have space, they will have more desires. You see that I sweep the leaves every week. I have a large empty yard behind me, now is green full of grass. My parents used to live with me. They would plant in the backyard a lot of fruits and vegetables. The eucalyptus figs of my previous house were all planted by them. Every time the harvest season was so fruitful, I couldn't eat it myself. With space, children can carry out various sports activities, sports equipment will be sold well, and children are healthy. If there is space, there are many parks, and there is a beautiful landscape that makes people feel happy. Each city has its own characteristics, which will promote tourism. With the knowledge and vision from travel, people have creativity. Our neighbors in my Shanghai apartment converted the garage into a chess room. Director Feng Xiaogang’s “Fanghua” would be sold for 1.4 billion in the first week. This shows that the Chinese people’s cultural spiritual needs are strong and the cultural market is big. This Spring Festival, because of the Qiongzhou Strait storm, caused many tens of thousands of cars to stay in Hainan island without going out of the island.






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