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已有 77 次阅读2022-5-16 22:15 |个人分类:领袖精英

王愿意做一个大权在握低调谋划者,还是有天大威望的高调公众人物?  Is Wang willing to be a big-powered low-profile planner, or is there a high-profile public figure with great prestige?
但是在专业人士提出的初始设计框架下,他们可以提供有效服务各个地方人民大众的,相关的传统文化历史地域的有价值的调整建议!他们加入人民代表大会,在政的形象上,有了一个让各方都心满意足的平衡。上面说要搞清楚世界各地的各种优化资源。亲爱的习主席,88,你们做一带一路全球一体的规划,比如美国的法律,应该说是世界上最完备的法律之一,是建立在英国和西班牙的法律之上,你们在制定新的法律时候是不是要参照一下美国的法律?又比如,德国,荷兰英国瑞典在环境和新能源利用上,都有比较先进的理念和技术,那在你们的设计里,进行城市规划环境保护,可不可以参照他们专家的意见?等等,也就是取全世界之长,来共同完成一个好的设计,因为这是大家的未来。而一个设计产生后,如果是上面提到的全球公共项目,那就需要拿出来给全体国家讨论了。如果只是涉及少数国家,那就专门集中有关国家讨论,就像今天的匈牙利和爱沙尼亚。今天跟Jackie讲起,中国可以在短短几十年,经济如此巨大发展,88在边上插话说,“因为我们知道怎么做” 我想中国政府一定有一套行之有效的,规划,认证,宣传,反馈,好几个轮回的深入细致入微的,项目设计启动开展过程,那在你们全球一体的实践中也是行之有效的。你们让我讲普京大帝加入世界联邦政府. 我不知道你们对这个世纪联邦政府的结构有什么构想!88,按照你的中庸性格,你是希望普京大帝来做这个联邦政府的首脑吗?还是议会的主席?88,你的性格不带棱角,很适合做一个统筹协调者。您又是长年智库出生,手中有覆盖全球的信息资源,你愿意做一个大权在握低调谋划者,还是有天大威望的高调公众人物?

However, under the initial design framework proposed by professionals, they can provide valuable adjustment suggestions for effectively serving the people of the localities and related traditional cultural history areas! They joined the people's congress, and in the image of politics, there is a balance that satisfies all parties. The above said to understand the various optimization resources around the world. Dear President Xi, 88, you plan to integrate the Belt and Road globally. For example, the laws of the United States should be said to be one of the most complete laws in the world. It is based on the laws of the United Kingdom and Spain. You are formulating new laws. Is it time to refer to American law? For example, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and Sweden all have advanced concepts and technologies in the environment and the use of new energy. In your design, do you want to refer to the opinions of their experts in urban planning and environmental protection? That is, take the world's expertise to work together to complete a good design, because this is everyone's future. After a design is created, if it is the global public project mentioned above, it needs to be presented to all countries for discussion. If only a few countries are involved, then it will focus on the discussion of the countries concerned, just like today's Hungary and Estonia. Today, I talked to Jackie that China can develop so much in just a few decades, 88 on the side, saying, "Because we know how to do it." I think the Chinese government must have a set of effective, planning, certification, propaganda, feedback, in-depth and meticulous reincarnation, project design start-up process, which is also effective in your global integration practice. You told me to talk about Putin the Great to join the world federal government. I don't know what you think about the structure of the federal government this century! 88. According to your modest character, do you want Putin the Great to be the head of the federal government? Or the chairman of the parliament? 88, your character is not too strong, it is suitable for a coordinator. You are from long-term think tank, and you have information resources covering the whole world. Are you willing to be a big-minded low-profile planner or a high-profile public figure with great prestige?






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