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已有 107 次阅读2022-5-16 22:08 |个人分类:中国

中国把全世界的工业行业都建立齐全了, 但代价是高环境污染  China has established the industrial industry all over the world, but at the cost of high environmental pollution.
为什么?因为有些资源是不能够再生的,你一定要好好地管理省着用。要把那些资源的分布,储存量,品位,开采价值等等都搞清楚。再看看,现在全世界对这些资源,以及将来建设可能的需求量是多少。昨天Jackie去见了药厂和炼油厂大佬们。世界各地有很多的炼油厂,化工厂钢铁厂,机械制造,汽车厂,纺织厂,等等,应该分析一下,他们的产能,产质,生产的代价,分布,市场,等等. 今天Jackie兴高采烈地回来告诉我,钻石吧高中来了50几个从大陆过来的中国交换学生。他们都非常激动,Jackie问他们,这边给他们印象最深的是什么,回答说是这边干净的空气!如果这个世界都是你的,这个世界可以有各种的zoning, 比如中国把全世界的工业行业都建立齐全了, 但代价是高环境污染。那是不是应该把这些产业一部分移出去呢?还是把密集产业链留在这块土地上,留下工作的人员,而把非相关的大量人口移民出去呢?按照分布,是不是有些离居住区近的,产效不高规模又小的矿场应该关掉?是不是有些加工厂也需要关掉?看那些工厂的加工厂技术是不是可以量化抽离?技术团队可不可以整体调动?在全世界设立几个大的生产厂,基本满足全世界的某一产业需要. 再在世界各地,按需要分布一些精加工的中小规模的厂?象这些全球范围的产业、资源是不是应该在世界联邦政府的统一安排下? 还有对各地的产业要进行分析,要合理地优化地将产业分布。世界联邦政府的功能就是在全球合理地配置资源,比如对美国而言,西海岸的航太,东海岸的金融。那对世界而言,要有多少个物流分散中心,汽车制造中心,航太中心,金融中心,生物医药中心,各种文化的教育中心? 总之, 对未来要有一个整体的规划,按照规划在全球调配资源,设计需要的人力,物力比例,并以此比例来发展,就不会造成过多的浪费和盲目投资。

Why? Because some resources cannot be regenerated, you must manage well to save it. It is necessary to clarify the distribution, storage, grade, mining value, etc. of those resources. Let’s take a look at what the world’s possible demand for these resources is, as well as future construction. Yesterday Jackie went to see a pharmaceutical and a refinery squad. There are many refineries, chemical plant steel plants, machinery manufacturing, automobile plants, textile mills, etc. all over the world. You should analyze their production capacity, quality, production cost, distribution, market, etc. Today, Jackie came back happily and told me that Diamond Bar High School had more than 50 Chinese exchange students from the mainland. They were very excited, Jackie asked them, what impressed them the most, they answered that it is the clean air here!  If the whole world is yours, the world can have all kinds of zoning. For example, China has established all the industries in the world, but the price is high environmental pollution. Is it necessary to remove some of these industries? Still leaving the intensive industrial chain on this land, keeping the working people, and immigrating a large number of unrelated people? According to the distribution, is it that some mines that are close to the residential area and whose production efficiency is not high and should be turned off? Are some processing plants also need to be turned off? See if the processing technology of those factories can quantify the withdrawal? Can the technical team be mobilized as a whole? There are several large production plants in the world, which basically meet the needs of a certain industry in the world. Then, in the world, some small and medium-sized factories are processed as needed. Should these global industries and resources be under the unified arrangements of the world federal government? There is also an analysis of the industries in each region, and it is necessary to rationally optimize the distribution of industries. The function of the world's federal government is to allocate resources reasonably globally, such as the United States, the West Coast's aerospace, and the East Coast's finances. For the world, how many logistics decentralization centers, automobile manufacturing centers, aerospace centers, financial centers, biomedical centers, and various cultural education centers are there? In short, there must be an overall plan for the future, according to the plan, global deployment of resources, design of manpower and material resources, and the development of this ratio will not cause excessive waste and blind investment.






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