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已有 83 次阅读2021-10-19 23:12 |个人分类:全球化

父亲从前苏联带回来的那么多的照片绘画,伴随着我的童年,是我最早的艺术启蒙  So many photos and paintings that my father brought back from the former Soviet Union, accompanied by my childhood, were my earliest artistic enlightenment


Apr 23, 2017 at 4:17 PM


俄国,彼得大帝的故乡,横跨欧亚大陆,从我爸爸开始我就跟俄国有缘,把Jackie一步一步拉到你们世界论坛的最开始的引路人是那三位俄国艺术大家族的帅哥美女们,他们也在莫斯科期待 Jackie 的到来他们可是走遍世界的呀一个大制片有九个孩子,孩子是在世界不同地方生的和成长的,有的会说中国话,有的会讲德语,俄语英语,都是多才多艺的还有两个兄妹,一个帅哥同性恋,一个美女待字闺中,多有个性啊,我很想把她介绍给王思聪!俄国是一个充满魅力的国家,强悍的民族,高素质的民众,广大的土地,深厚的文化我们小时候所看的外国文学作品,电影,大多都是俄国的我看高尔基的三部曲,少年的高尔基卖圣诗,他真想告诉那些虔诚的人,那不值那么多钱!青年的高尔基挽起袖子,“我的哲学是从我的皮肉里榨出来的”我真的印象深刻呀!“莫斯科郊外的晚上” 是伴随着我的似有似无的初恋了父亲从前苏联带回来的那么多的照片绘画,伴随着我的童年,是我最早的艺术启蒙我在自己的小房间里,我想象着每一幅画后边五彩缤纷的世界,每一张照片所显示的另一种不同的生活,那已经超出书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉的境界了在那些油画里最多得是俄国的风景,郁郁葱葱的森林,蜿蜒流淌的清澈的小河,以及森林中的原木小屋我记得有一幅画,画的是在森林中采蘑菇的小姑娘,不是一般欧洲人的金发碧眼,是带着红蝴蝶结,长长的棕色头发却是蓬松而又卷曲的每次早上我替 Jackie梳头的时候,她有一样的头发,就让我想起那幅画中的小姑娘!如果Jackie有意学艺术,能够从俄国的文化中吸取营养,我是很喜欢的如果Jackie长大能找一个志同道合的俄国老公,我也挺赞同的何况还有普京叔叔在后面保驾呢! 在爸爸带回来的绘画中,有一些是描述苏坦皇的宫庭生活的,那么不同的建筑风格,宽大松弛却又满身丝绸锦绣的华丽衣着,充满异族风情我以前看很多拜占庭的历史,那些打仗的土耳其骑兵,翘翘的小胡子,弯弯的长刀,各种各样的马,与众不同的袍子,还有那些故事讲如何攻打君士坦丁堡,和苏来曼大帝的浪漫故事


Russia, the hometown of Peter the Great, spans Eurasia. Because of my father, I have a relationship with Russia. The first guide who brought Jackie to your World Forum step by step is the three handsome men and women of the big Russian art family. They are also looking forward to the arrival of Jackie in Moscow. They are all over the world. Children born and raised in different parts of the world, some can speak Chinese, some speak German, Russian, English, are versatile. He has brothers and sisters, a handsome gay man, an unmarried beauty. How characteristic they are, I really want to introduce her to Wang Sicong! Russia is a country full of charm, a powerful nation, with high-quality people, a vast land, and a rich culture. Most of the foreign literary works and movies we watched in childhood were Russian. I read Russian writer Gorky's trilogy,  when the young Gorky sold hymns, he really wanted to tell those devout people that it was not worth the money! The young Gorky would roll up his sleeves, "My philosophy is squeezed from my flesh" I am really impressed!  "Night on the outskirts of Moscow" was accompanied by my seemingly first love. So many photos and paintings that my father brought back from the former Soviet Union, accompanied by my childhood, were my earliest artistic enlightenment. I was in my own small room there, I imagined the colorful world behind each painting, each picture showed a different kind of life, that's beyond the realm of "the book has its own golden house, and the book has its own beauty like jade". Among the oil paintings, there were at most Russian landscapes, lush forests, winding clear rivers, and log cabins in the forest. I remembered a picture of a young girl picking mushrooms in the forest, not the regular European blond, with a red bow, but long brown hair that was fluffy and curly. Every time I comb hair for Jackie, she has the same hair, which reminds me of the little girl in that painting! If Jackie is interested in learning art and can absorb nutrition from Russian culture, I like it very much. If Jackie grows up and can find a like-minded Russian husband, I also agree with it. Moreover, Uncle Putin is behind her! Some of the paintings brought back by my dad described the life of the palace of the Sultan Emperor, so different architectural styles, large and loose but full of silk and splendid clothes, full of exotic style. I have seen a lot of Byzantine history , those warring Turkish cavalry, warped mustaches, crooked swords, various horses, distinctive robes, and those stories about how to attack Constantinople, and Suleiman the Magnificent romantic story.






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