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已有 106 次阅读2021-9-22 00:40 |个人分类:全球化

中国要做世界领袖,如何在高层用对人那是政治智慧  If China is to be a world leader, how to use talents at the top is political wisdom


Mar 13, 2017 at 5:57 PM


亲爱的主席,88,我多一句嘴,昨天看了央视记者采访雪克来提.扎克尔的视频他的汉语说得非常标准!他头脑清醒,有大多数中国官员所缺少的个人政治魅力,张春贤或陈全国在他边上,有侍从的感觉张春贤和陈全国所提倡的铁腕治疆,感觉上与疆人有距离,没有政通人和那会适得其反的!而站在扎克儿立场上,来讲维护新疆的稳定,他们当然知道怎么样来稳定当地的新疆人他们祖祖辈辈住在那儿的谁有外边的联系想做什么,整个家人亲戚朋友都知道,那才是真正当地政治环境所需要的才会行之有效的中国要走一带一路,有很大一部分要跟中亚中东穆斯林国家打交道,要跟南亚国家打交道。 中国有那么好的资源,有二千万的穆斯林,还有与印度源远流长的藏传佛教信众,中国只要把自己家里的这些集团搞定了,把这两个像西边开放的地区搞上去,通过他们向西边扩散纵深,要比直接从上空降去别的国家在很多方面会更有效,因为有群众基础,有相似的宗教文化背景!我觉得空降张春贤陈全国去新疆,当地人对汉人领导敬而远之,又不是从小去那边生长的,他们是不受当地人爱戴的!不如选拔新疆人到中央政治局来!上海远在太平洋边上,不能靠上海人去处理西边的事情,上海人比较适合跟欧美打交道,因为大多数社会资源,人员往来,生意联系都是在欧美这边.  上海人势利,不大看得起中亚的那些国家,文化生活习惯大大不同而且过去几十年中央的注意力全都在沿海你看习都可以当亲爱的主席,为啥他们不能?中国要做世界领袖,如何在高层用对人那是政治智慧!

Dear President, 88, I have one more word. Yesterday, I watched a CCTV reporter interviewing 
Shöhret Zakir. His Chinese is very official! He is sober-minded and has the personal political charm that most Chinese officials lack. Zhang Chunxian or Chen Quanguo  beside him has the feeling of being an aide. The iron-fisted rule advocated by Zhang Chunxian and Chen Quanguo has a distance from the Xinjiang people. Without political access to people's harmony, that would be counterproductive! From the standpoint of Zakir, in terms of maintaining stability in Xinjiang, of course they know how to stabilize the local Xinjiang people. Their grand grandparents lived there for generations. Whoever has the external contact, wants to do what, the whole family, relatives and friends know. That is what is really needed for the local political environment to be effective! China has to follow the Belt and Road Initiative, and a large part of it has to deal with Muslim countries in Central Asia and Middle East, and with South Asian countries. China has such good resources, there are 20 million Muslims, and Tibetan Buddhist followers with a long history with India. As long as China can handle these groups in its own home, it will take these two areas open to the west and pass them spreading inner to the west will be more effective in many ways than dropping directly from other countries, because it has a mass foundation and a similar religious and cultural background! I think Zhang Chunxian and Chen Quanguo went to Xinjiang across the country. The locals paid close attention to the Han leaders. Han leaders did not grow up there since they were young. They are not loved by the locals! It is better to select Xinjiang people to come to the Central Political Bureau! Xinjiang is far from the Pacific Ocean and cannot rely on Shanghainese to deal with things on the west. Shanghainese is more suitable for dealing with Europe and the United States, because most social resources, personnel exchanges, and business connections are on the Europe and the United States. Shanghai people are snobbish and less value of  those countries in Central Asia, have very different cultural habits. And the central government ’s attention has been all along the coast for decades. You can see Xi as the dear chairman, why can’t they? China is a world leader. How to use it at the top is political wisdom!




亲爱的主席,88,据说这次你们开会,活跃了不少,是不是每天跟世界领袖交流互动,尤其是跟特别话多的烦人真要命的小饭泡粥Jackie在一起,天天嘻嘻哈哈惯了,也在主席台上交流感情了!88,只是你边上的刘奇葆青春常在的,跟别人凝重世故老成不一样,既无远虑又无近忧,worry free, 日子太好过了吗?事业太风顺的吗?做一天和尚撞一天钟?只是,88,亲爱的主席健谈那是当然的,可是他们说你平时沉默寡言了请看下面文章哈哈,我禁不住狂笑起来,那个什么,是谁每天跟Jackie没完没了嘻嘻哈哈情话绵绵的?是谁,不到两年就可以流利说英文呢?是谁,每次都权大势大又调皮捣蛋跟我作对的?沉默寡言?哈哈哈哈哈,搞错了吧!不过近来你的性格是变得更活泼了!

Dear President, 88, it is said that you have been a lot active this time. Do you exchange and interact with world leaders every day, especially with Jackie, who is very annoying and utterly annoying, and is accustomed to it every day, so you are also exchanging feelings on the podium? 88, it ’s just that Liu Qibao, who sits near you, looks always young, unlike others who are dignified and mature, neither far-sighted nor near-worried. Worry free, is life too good? Is his career too smooth? Be a monk hitting the bell all day? It ’s just 88, dear chairman, it ’s natural to talk, but they say you are usually quiet. See the following article, haha, I can’t help laughing, what, who ’s endless with Jackie everyday ? Who can speak English fluently in less than two years? Who is it, every time, is powerful and mischievous and opposes me? Dumb? Hahahahaha, wrong! But recently your character has become more lively!




The Indian Federal Judge Balala was fired. I think this is an exclusion of the Indians. Because they are too arrogant. Next, maybe in the engineering world, fight the arrogance of Indians, right? If Jackie's college grades are changed by them, her life will be delayed. If the Indians control the society in this way, it will make everyone rebellious!








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