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已有 72 次阅读2021-9-19 23:55 |个人分类:全球化

美国后边的智库,为啥不能明智些将几千亿的军费用于和一带一路有关的投资,以及用高科技手段来发展和完善对全球各个方面的安全,生存,保护发展为目的的监控的网  The think tank behind the United States, why not be wise enough to invest hundreds of billions of troops in the investment related to the Belt and Road, and use high-tech methods to develop and improve the monitoring of the global security, survival, protection and development of all aspects network


美国的战略设计还是冷战思维  U.S. strategic designers still have Cold War thinking



The world is moving forward. The strategic design concept of the United States is still a Cold War mentality, and the technology is backward. There are many ways and possibilities to make the system wrong. As long as a signal connection is interrupted, it is like eyes blind. It took so much cost and effort, under such great political pressure, it was really not worth it. The United States has built such a huge system and it is too expensive to maintain it. South Korea is unlucky and tied to the chariot by the United States. It confronts two big neighbors, China and Russia, which is also its largest market and economic source. So South Korea seems to be under attack from two huge sectors, with frequent "earthquakes" and energy releases. The United States is a bit like the former Soviet Union. It is too ideological and has not led the global economy to a bright future. These years it has given South Korea a lot of benefits, and Korea has also benefited a lot in China. After all, Japan and South Korea are Asian countries, and the Belt and Road Initiative has a glorious and attractive prospect. Just as the Berlin Wall collapsed at the end of the Cold War, many American followers pushed down the new Berlin Wall, such as the Philippines, to participate in the world trend of the Belt and Road. The political foundation of Northeast Asia is East Asian culture. People can carry on and overthrow the boat, and Park Geun-hye must step down. THAAD is in danger. US strategic planners should recognize international realities and be more knowledgeable! Although the United States has increased its military expenditure by $ 54 billion, it has also been misused as before. Not only can it not consolidate the United States' influence in the world, but it has weakened its national strength. The think tank behind the United States, why not be wise enough to spend hundreds of billions of military expenditures for investment related to the Belt and Road Initiative, and the use of high-tech means to develop and improve the monitoring network for the safety, survival, protection and development of all aspects of the world? Does it promote human civilization more? I often feel that American strategists are narrow-minded and short-sighted. Only in the United States, they cannot stand in the height of Globalization. Is it because they are too powerful, horizontal, and most beneficial, Jewish culture? On the other hand, China advocates the Belt and Road Initiative, with monarchs presiding over the world, and traces of centralized and comprehensive centralized rule.






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