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已有 171 次阅读2021-8-2 23:38 |个人分类:全球化

一带一路是千年难遇的机会 The Belt and Road Initiative is a millennial opportunity

Jan 16, 2017 at 3:20 PM


亲爱的主席, 88, 你们这两个该死的哇来希呃坏透了不懂规矩的老脑筋稀里糊涂的害人精你们昨天跟Jackie讲笑话,又讲到深更半夜的,还把像罗汉一样的楞头青瑞士的副总统也给拖下水都早上快一点了,Jackie精神振奋地来敲我的门,妈妈我要睡觉了. ” 今天早上10:00多了,她醒来赖在床上,根本不想起来,又在跟你们叽哩呱啦讲,哪有那么亲热的?讲什么?“funny Mesopotamia history. ” 你们也太能瞎胡搞了有哪家小孩笑话讲到半夜三更,第二天早上一睁眼就讲 funny Mesopotamia的?怎么个funny 法啊?你们有莫搞错?啥意思啊?啊? 中午12:00她才起来. Jackie今天又坏笑地跑来跳舞给我看,跳的真花妙啊,告诉我,昨天你们三个联合起来穿燕尾服跳拉丁风格Zumba, 哈哈哈哈,瑞士副总统以前还学过舞蹈的,用人以才,对吧? 你们真过瘾啊,走一路跳一路,搅得天翻地覆的还有你们那一帮 狐朋狗友,一直美美地听笑话,听得神魂颠倒神之乌之忘了时间,却害得Jackie半夜才睡觉!你们喜欢Jackie,干脆让她跟你们一起了她又能跳舞,又能弹钢琴,还能画画,发怪声唱歌,跟你们一起搞笑又没有时差她可要早点睡觉了!明天Jackie要上学了,今晚10:00睡觉!搞什么搞?问所有的家长,小儿科医生,孩子睡足觉是非常非常重要的恳请彭妈妈,请到时候了多给亲爱的主席咳嗽一下。好不容易有假日Jackie可以多睡一会儿觉,你们出面让她睡觉,她是你们小爬虫很听你们话的,拜托了!谢谢了! 听说瑞士副总统会拉大提琴,欧洲人基本都会音乐,今晚跟瑞士总统一起交流的时候,看看能不能一起来个室内乐组合?演奏圣桑的天鹅,然后你们大老爷们在后面跳天鹅湖!哈哈哈哈 你们啊,觉得去欧洲应该是跳宫廷舞的,淑女们绅士们站成两排,亲爱的主席,爸爸,有胆量去邀请瑞士女士总统,跳社交舞吗? 希望蒋伯伯能多教Jackie一些各国的舞蹈,如果以后她可以跟你们出访,及时助兴是没有问题了.  Jackie又要我写欧洲如果没有在中国,美国,或者俄国生活过的话,不体会欧洲的国家其实都是小国从维也纳开两三小时就到布达佩斯了,可从洛杉矶到维加斯也要开四个半小时呢中国2000多年前就中央集权了,近两年为了发展旅游丰富文化,提倡特色小镇建设可是在欧洲那是邦制小国寡民,从来就是保持丰富文化,坚决维护特色小镇的.  学经济和数学的知道,只要一个市场是homogeneous, 纯净一色,规模又足够大,才能将快速生产的大数量的货物投入市场获得巨额利润比如以前中国的服装市场,大家都一样,穿蓝卡其的中山装和裤子,没有很多的式样布料和颜色的选择,那这样工厂一开工就会高效率地生产一大批服装,人人需要,就可卖一大批你看高速公路上的反光片,就一两个式样,但需求量巨大,那位发明者一定是赚够了钱.


Dear President, 88, you two damn you, wow, this is a terrible thing, you old minds don’t understand the rules, you ’re foolish and wicked. You told Jackie jokes yesterday, but also be too  late in the middle of the night. You also dragged the vice president of Switzerland  bodhisattva like down to the water. It's almost 1:00am in the morning, and Jackie knocked on my door in high spirit, "Mom, I'm going to sleep." It was more than 10:00am this morning, she woke up still lying on the bed, didn't want to get up at all, and she was talking to you again, how could there be so intimate? Say what? "Funny Mesopotamia history." You guys are too foolish. Whose kid tells jokes about midnight and tells funny Mesopotamia the next morning? What funny? Are you mistaken? what does it mean? What?  She  got up at noon at 12:00. Jackie smirked and danced to me again today. It ’s so beautiful. Telling me, yesterday the three of you joined together in a tuxedo to have Latin style  Zumba, hahahaha, vice president of Switzerland People who have learned dance before, use his talent, right? You guys are so addicted to it, you’ve gone up and down all the way. And your gang of "fox friends and dog buddies", who have been listening to jokes beautifully, have been dizzy and forgot about time, but have made Jackie sleep in the middle of the night! You like Jackie, just let her be with you. She can dance, play the piano, draw, sing and make fun with you with no time difference. She needs to go to bed earlier! Tomorrow Jackie is going to school, so go to bed at 10:00 tonight! What are you thinking? Ask all parents, pediatricians, it is very, very important for the child to sleep well and enough! I implore  Peng mama, please give a cough to my dear chairman. It's not easy to have a holiday that Jackie can sleep a bit longer, if  you come out  let her sleep, she is your little reptile who listens to you very much, please! Thank you! I heard that the Swiss Vice President will play the cello. Europeans  basically can play music. When talking with the Swiss President tonight, can you form a chamber music group? Play Saint-Saens' Swan, and then you grandpas will dance Swan Lake in the back! Hahahaha, you guys, I think that going to Europe you should do court dance. Ladies and gentlemen stand in two rows. Dear Chairman, 88, have the courage to invite the President of Switzerland to dance ballroom dance? I hope Uncle Jiang can teach Jackie more dances from other countries. If she can go out with you in the future, it will be no problem to help in time. Jackie asks me to write about Europe. If I haven’t lived in China, the United States, or Russia, I don’t understand European countries are actually small countries. It’s two or three hours from Vienna to Budapest, and four and a half hours from Los Angeles to Vegas. China has been centralized for  more than 2000 years ago. In the past two years, in order to develop tourism, enrich the culture, and promote the construction of characteristic towns. However, in Europe, it is a small state with few people. It has always maintained a rich culture and resolutely maintained the characteristics of the town. People who study economics and mathematics know that as long as one The market is homogeneous, pure and consistent, and the scale is large enough, so that a large number of fast-produced goods can be put into the market to obtain huge profits. For example, in the Chinese clothing market, everyone is the same, wearing blue khakis and pants, not many Choice of styles, fabrics and colors, so that the factory will efficiently produce a large number of clothing that everyone needs, and then sell a large number of them. You can see the reflection on the highway, there are only one or two styles, but the demand is huge The inventor must have made enough money.






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