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已有 82 次阅读2021-7-26 23:44 |个人分类:领袖精英

政治家不是企业家,是要以团结大多数民众为目的的,而不是只为了获利的.  Politicians are not entrepreneurs. They are aimed at uniting the majority, not just for profit.


Jan 7, 2017 at 5:19 PM


Jackie告诉我,今天88跟王外长会一起教她法语王外长也会法语啊?啥时候学的?怎么都是卧虎藏龙的,深不可测呀,刮目相看呀,谢谢你们开年的时候她跟我保证,今年一定好好花工夫把法语学好,她决定以后想去法国学艺术,去领略欧洲文化,不错的如果你们正经教她,那也要象她跟你们讲英文一样,要每天跟她讲。我希望你们对她有一个学习计划,也让我知道,盯着她一点一点积累,小孩子这个年龄学语言很快的,不光讲还要让她背和写.  网上看见王外长和太太如果把两个人照片分开来看,很少人会想象得出王外长的太太是这样子看着他太太的照片,不会觉得她的先生是王外长可是看两个人在一起的照片,一看就是老夫老妻,有那么一种无法用语言来表达的和谐,就一个字形容”. 如果不在一起那两个人怎么知道配不配,别人再怎么看和说,又怎么知道配不配设那么多人为障碍干什么.  啊,你可真是一个风流情种,调情高手啊,关怀我,是让我这几年不寂寞吗?上次王外长给Jackie说秦始皇的故事,讲古代英雄荆轲刺秦王”.  秦王在位也只有11年,要专门训练刺客,还派去谋杀,这个生命的代价实在太大了,划不来,其实等几年就行了告诉Jackie, 应该学Cleopatra 如果下次Jackie去你们那儿看你们,北京没有好的波斯地毯,但有很多丝织锦缎,可以试着把她裹起来.... 哈哈哈 有两个王谁看中她了? 用爱心换来的,比荆柯下三滥匕首要高超多少倍 哈哈哈哈 总策划,我觉得你们对 Jackie 是重的特别培养做妈妈的心里当然非常高兴,能为Jackie被你们选择而提拔感到很骄傲,谢谢你但是,这是人的社会,个人不能孤零零地成长,将来如果你们要用她成大事,要着重培养一批跟她有联系的,从小就结识而有互动的年轻有为的人彼得大帝之所以伟大不是因为他个人,而是他有一批从小一直追随他,并去欧洲学到各种才能的队伍一群并不是太出类拔萃的个人,但组织有素,套一下我们的术语,有一个好的系统设计,那就要胜过一个,单独一个,十全十美的能人三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮中国人因为没有宗教,在这方面思维差一点.  比如你们现在的世界政坛秀,亲爱的主席和88,是主持+搞笑舞蹈,还有一个后面音乐伴奏(Jackie),歌唱(彭妈妈),缺年轻女性的角色是不是因为这个原因他们一定想把长发姐姐配给88?其实不一定要用配偶的形式吧?亲爱的主席,大李哥,王外长,你们都是有青春女儿的我在想,如果你们调两个女儿来,打扮起来客串跟亲爱的主席爸爸一起配合,跳四小天鹅舞,新疆舞,不一定要专业舞蹈家,这已经是很有看头的


Jackie told me that today 88 will teach her French with Foreign Minister Wang. Foreign Minister Wang can also speak French? When did you learn it? Why are they crouching tigers and hiding dragons? It ’s unfathomable and impressive, thank you. At the beginning of the year, she assured me that she must spend her time learning French this year. She decided to study art in France and experience Europe Culture, good. If you teach her seriously, you have to talk to her every day just like she speaks English to you. I hope you have a study plan for her, and let me know, keep an eye at her, accumulating little by little. A child of this age learns a language very quickly, and not only speaks but also lets her memorize and write. See Wang Yi and his wife online . If you look at the photos of two people separately, few people can imagine the wife of Foreign Minister Wang is like this, you will not think that her husband is Foreign Minister Wang. But look at the photos of two people together,  at first glance, it is the old couple together for a long time. There is such a harmony that cannot be expressed in words. It is a word to describe "matching". If couple are not together, how do two people know whether they are worthy of match, no matter what others see and say, and how do they know that they are worthy or not worth it. Why set up so many  obstacles? Big "king" 88, you are really a romantic, flirting master, caring for me? Has it made me not lonely in these years? The last time Foreign Minister Wang told Jackie the story of  Emperor Qin Shihuang, telling the ancient hero "Jing Ke assassinates Emperor Qin". Emperor Qin was only 11 years on position. Someone had to train assassins and sent to murder him. The cost of this life was too great. Just wait a few years Emperor would be gone. Tell Jackie that  she should  learn from Cleopatra. If Jackie goes to see you next time, Beijing doesn't have a good Persian rug, but there are a lot of silk brocades. She can try to wrap herself ... Hahaha there are two Wangs, who fancies her? If she gets it of love, how many times better than Jing Ke ’s low class dagger. I think you have  a special cultivation of Jackie. Of course, I am very happy to be a mother, and I am proud that you choose Jackie for promotion, thank you. However, this is a human society. Individuals cannot grow up alone. In the future, if you want to use her for big things, you must focus on cultivating a group of people who have contact with her since childhood, young and promising people. Peter the Great was not great because of him personally, but because he had a team that has followed him since he was a child and went to Europe to learn all kinds of skills. A group of individuals who may be not too outstanding individually, but well-organized. Let ’s put our terminology, there is a good system design, then it is better than one, a single, perfect person. Three stinksmiths are better than strategist Zhuge Liang. Chinese miss a little bit about this way of thinking, because they have no religion. For example, your current World Political Forum, dear chairman and 88, is the host + funny dance, and there is a background music accompaniment (Jackie), singing (Peng Mama), lack of roles for young people. Is the reason they necessarily want long hair beauty with 88? You don’t have to be a spouse to be close, right? Dear Chairman, Big Brother Li, Foreign Minister Wang, you all have young daughters. I was thinking, if you call two daughter to dress up and come together with their dear Chairman Daddy, dance the four little swans, Xinjiang dance. They do  not necessary to be a professional dancers, this is already very promising.






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