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已有 153 次阅读2021-7-26 23:39 |个人分类:领袖精英

再说纽约,这是世界时装之都的一个极,是代表不同于欧洲的,但又不失精巧的美国的东海岸舒展大气风格纽约人文荟萃,连去过多次的Jackie都心向往之. Ivanka,有多少人希望和她共进午餐了如果她以后有机会会向政界涉足的话,她可以以时装为基础,广泛打开人脉如果有人向她定制高级时装,她可以提供一个package,把制作时装和来纽约一游并和她共进午餐宴会全部放在一个篮子里因为她是在创造能够穿着她设计的服装的场合,她是在为她设计的服装创造一个展示的舞台,她让有脸面的世界各国的名媛们掏钱为她做广告,同时她有提供这些上流社会以及纽约的大亨们互相见面,寻找交友和生意的机会纽约有为公主们举办的party,那是为刚成年女孩举办入社交圈的初秀,但她可以举办的宴席是使她既有利可图,而别人更是趁机可以有不同的目的并名利双收的纽约有很多老派的贵妇和贵族,可以让他们把钱流通出来支持年轻人纽约有很多的犹太人,他们也希望有个场合可以互相认识,子女结成亲家如果有世界级的有钱人愿意参加,寻找交友和生意的机会,Ivanka应该是可以为他们安排的,她又有父亲的政商界的朋友人脉,是可以做很多事情的她还可以通过世界各地来参加宴会的人,在世界各地开办分支销售她的时装.   总之这些活动都是可以录像的,可以像电视系列一样一级级拍下去,并在公众媒体上展现的如果办得成功成为品牌,那就可以一直做下去,象时代广场上的各种秀,并且可以售票.  俗话说物以类聚鸟以群分有很多人是从事科学以及金融方面的,他们跟学文科的浪漫潇洒外向喧哗不一样,他们更注重实在的和金钱的领域,但是这不妨碍他们也能够聚在一起比如在中国政府官员里,看看有没有会乐器的,你们能不能组成一个乐队,跟中国的12女子乐坊来个PK?如果策划得当,这是一个很有意思的秀呢或者中国金融界的人士和世界银行和华尔街的人也来一个聚会,可以让邓文迪来做主持,表演啥节目呢?拔河!每个人都有很多的需要,每个行业有很多人,分析一下他们的需要,在不同城市创造条件提供平台来满足他们的需要,同时在平台上销售适合的产品,可以搞笑可以通俗,流通起来就会有好的价值产生我脑子里还有好多好多这样的创意,今天先讲文化的,以后还可以讲恋爱的,教育的,等等应该会创造很多的工作机会有得人要忙了昨天带Jackie回家,路过她以前第一个上的小学于是她告诉我,她记得所有教过她的老师的名字,从小学到中学,不下几十个,大大小小一连串,把这些名字全都讲给我听。我听得很感慨,这小女孩记性真好啊!自从认识你们,你们给她灌了那么多,她也应该时不时地拿出来给晒晒,学而时习之,不亦乐乎?谢谢你们.


In addition, New York is a pole of the world's fashion capital, which represents the East Coast stretch style of the United States,  different from Europe, but at the same time also delicate.  New York is full of humanities and even Jackie who has been to there  times is longing for it. Ivanka, so many people want to have lunch with her. If she has the opportunity to get involved in politics in the future, she can use fashion as a basis to open up a wide range of contacts. If someone orders dress from her, she can provide a package, make Fashion and a trip to New York and lunch with her all in a basket. Because she was creating an occasion where the customers could wear the clothes designed by her, she was creating a stage for the display of her designed clothes, and she let celebrities from all over the world have paid for advertising for her. At the same time, she has provided these high society and New York tycoons to meet each other and find opportunities to make friends and do business. There is a party in New York for the princesses, which is an early show for young girls to enter the social circle, but the banquet she can host is to make her profitable, and others can take advantage of this opportunity to have different purposes and receive fame. New York has a lot of old-fashioned ladies and nobles who can let them circulate money to support young people. There are many Jews in New York. They also hope that there will be an occasion where they can know each other and their children will become in-laws. Rich people are willing to participate, looking for dating and business opportunities, Ivanka should be able to arrange for them, and she has father's political and business connections, can do a lot of things. She can also use the people from all over the world attending banquets and set up branches to sell her fashion around the world. In short, these events can be recorded, can be filmed at the same level as a TV series, and displayed on public media .

If you succeed in making it a brand, you can continue to do it, like various shows in Times Square, and you can sell tickets.  As the saying goes,  birds with same feather flop together. Many people are engaged in science and finance. They are different from the romantic and extroverted noises of liberal arts. They pay more attention to the real and money fields, but this does not prevent them from being together. For example, let's see if any of the Chinese government officials know how to play musical instruments. Can they form a band and have a PK with China's 12 Girls Orchestra?  If it’s well planned, it’s an interesting show. Or maybe the people from the Chinese financial community and the World Bank and Wall Street will also have a party where Deng Wendi can be the hostress, and what will be the show? Tug of war! Everyone has many needs, there are many people in each industry, analyze their needs, create opportunities in different cities to provide platforms to meet their needs, and sell suitable products on the platform, which can be funny, popular, and circulated. There will be good value generated. I still have a lot of such creative ideas in my mind. Today I will talk about culture, and later I can talk about love, education, etc. It should create a lot of job opportunities. Busy! Bring Jackie home yesterday, passing by her first primary school. So she told me that she remembers the names of all the teachers who taught her, from elementary school to middle school, no less than dozens, a series of large and small, she told me all these names. I heard it with emotion, this little girl has a good memory! Since she knew you, you've poured so much into her, she should take it out from time to time. Is it fun to study and review frequently? Thank you all.






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