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已有 81 次阅读2021-7-18 23:17 |个人分类:领袖精英

把同一领域的人才们联通起来,形成网络,让有关这个领域的风水,可以在这个网络里流通  Connect talents in the same field to form a network so that Feng Shui in this field can circulate in this network

每次过年我看文艺界开会有很多老艺术家现身,不知道他们现在怎么样了?你们开团拜酒会也有很多退休的领导,以及领导的年迈父母出席,也不知道他们怎么样了? 我想大多数人都儿女满堂的,也许有个别的孤寡吧国内国外每一个地方,情形都是差不多的于是我想,如果我办教育,幼儿教育可以和养老工程联合在一起,如果能够找到需求非常吻合的老少组合,让有能力的老年人能够将余热温暖幼小的一代,也是人间功德而且我还会开放给富二代们以及年轻高层白领义务来照顾孩子的机会这些人都是独生子女,人格成长中会缺少一些东西有机会亲近孩子,可以让心理成长健康同时这些人聚在一起,既可以同时跟孩子们一起向外国老师学习不同的语言和文化,同时互相了解也可以交到朋友,喜欢孩子就希望有家庭,进而结成人生伴侣也是人间功德有关交友,是一个很大的领域,我只是想提供一个可能的某种机会平台.  还有,卡特总统95岁了还活跃在国际调和第一线,青春常在的你们还有好多年的职业生涯呢世界上有那么多退休的政府人员企业大亨,应该也想想办法发挥余热!他们经济条件比较好,而且有人脉,有各种资源,就是精力差一点,把他们有计划地组织在一起发挥特有的功能,代价小效益大的!就女性世界而言,刚刚败选的希拉里,撤销总统位置的胡塞夫,还有以前乌克兰的美女总统,他们有能量,还可以以他们的身分做很多事情的请他们来复旦,北大,外交学院来讲课,不是最重要的,最重要的应该是通过他们把这个领域的人才们联通起来,形成网络,让有关这个领域的风水,可以在这个网络里流通物以类聚,大家可以分享这个领域的成果,商讨发展方向,解决问题,也让中国女孩子有机会,跟这方面的现在和未来的世界领袖们结交,将来无论是个人还是事业都前途无量啊!


Every time  you celebrate the New Year, I see a lot of old artists appearing in the meeting of the literary and art circles. I don’t know how they are doing now? You also have a lot of retired leaders at the party reception, as well as the elderly parents of the leaders. I don’t know what happened to them? I think most people have a  full house of children, maybe there are individual widows. The situation is similar in every place at home and abroad. So I think if I do education, early childhood education can be combined with old-age care projects. Finding a combination of young and old with very close needs, so that capable seniors can teach the younger generation with warmth, and it is also a merit in the world. And I will also open the opportunity for the rich second generation and young high-level white-collar workers to take care of children. These people are the only children in the family, and there will be something missing in their personality growth. If they have the opportunity to be close to the children, they can grow up mentally healthy. At the same time, these people can get together with the children to learn different language and culture  from foreign teachers, and know each other can also make friends. If they like children, they hope to have a family and then find a life partner. It is also a merit in the world. Friendship is a big field, I just want to provide a possible platform for some kind of opportunity. Also, President Carter at the age of 95, he is still active in the front line of international reconciliation and his youth is always there. You still have many years of work in your career, there are so many retired government officials tycoons in the world, you should also think of a way to give out heat! Their economic conditions are relatively good, and they have connections, and they have all kinds of resources, that is, even they may have less energy, still can organize them to play their unique functions in a planned way, with a small cost to get great benefits! As far as the women's world is concerned, Hillary Clinton, who has just lost the election, Husef, who has revoked the presidency, and the former beauty president of Ukraine, they have energy and can do many things as their identity. Ask them to come to Fudan, Beijing University. It is not the most important thing for the Foreign Affairs College to just give lectures. The most important thing is to connect them with people in this field to form a network so that Feng Shui in this field can be circulated in this network.Things come together in the same category. Everyone can share the achievements in this field, discuss development directions, solve problems, and give Chinese girls the opportunity to associate with current and future world leaders in this area. In the future, both individuals and careers have a promissing future!






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