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已有 123 次阅读2021-6-15 23:15 |个人分类:北美生活

要对美国的文化进行洗脑,因为很多民众的固有思想阻碍美国社会向正方向发展  It is necessary to brainwash American culture because the inherent thinking of many people hinders the development of American society in the right direction.

Oct 25, 2016 at 1:43 PM


Jackie让我讲川普.  上次我已经讲了好多就总统形象来说,克林顿是一个花心而有魄力的,奥巴马是虚飘飘的,希拉里是狠毒的,川普是花心善交际的,Jackie是穷凶极恶的但是川普和Jackie是可以调教的,因为两个人都有童心川普70了,廉颇老矣尚能饭否? 我在想如果川普当总统,应该不像希拉里那样要配小鲜肉,他的太太已经是顶级模特了,他再花心也花不到哪里去了,最好能找些小孩子来,跟他小儿子差不多年龄的孩子们,每天到白宫来,陪他儿子玩,跟川普一起做游戏! 那才是让他高兴并保持青春的最好办法!有机会最好能让Jackie跟他学,怎么做房地产,怎么去好好地吸引客户把品牌撑起来做marketing .哈哈哈哈 川普有很多的价值观是蛮偏颇的如果做总统,应该提醒他要把那些白人的,狭隘的,美国人的短视和无知的观念,好好地收藏起来川普没有国际政治经验,也没有美国内部从政经验,那他的很大一部分施政任务,就要落到他的后面班子肩上如果他后面团队,没有这个能力不能胜任,那就会像现在的民主党,也许更糟而如果后面团队才能过人,他可以像刘邦那样,知道自己的不足把空间留给能人,让他们能够尽情发挥,同时善用自己擅长的宣传形象,那这样的合作对美国是有益的不知道他后面团队是谁? 川普如果当选总统,一定要跟拉丁裔美国人搞好关系,因为他们这个族群现在在美国政治地位也是举足轻重的,  一有冲突就会流血照成社会动乱的川普如果当选总统,应该向希拉里学习,不能像竞选辩论那样锋芒毕露,要说团结的话,圆滑的话,讲合作精神.  川普对经济是比较擅长的,如果当总统应该发挥这方面的优势,让美国的经济有所改观美国政府很大程度上有深入的腐败,要纠正到正确的轨道上来不是那么容易的一件事情美国的经济结构失衡,需要特别的投资和人才才能够慢慢地加以改善而在这些领域的投资和引进人才,就要改变现有的移民政策,改变公司的用人机制改变政治环境,也会改变人口的组成!所以需要在思想上舆论上媒体上对美国的文化进行洗脑,因为很多民众的固有思想阻碍美国社会向正方向发展同时美国人口组成的素质也需要改变,要有很多的教育机构做有效的工作,不然无法胜任将来的工作,那样的话如何改变经济? 川普当总统,还应该更注重于教育他的家庭在教育上有很好的形象,应该大大加以宣传,如果能够同时与国际上接轨改变美国现有高等教育的录取政策,为学生带来更大的国际流动性提供更大的选择性,并将教育与工作机会相匹配,那就会吸引很多人才也会培养很多人才川普没有国际政治经验,但是他有国际资本运作经验,希望他能以他的国际人脉为美国的资本打开更广阔的投资渠道,商品市场,和收益网络那美国人就会很喜欢他了!当然,如果川普当选总统,希望他有更多的机会展示他漂亮的太太,宝贝的儿女们,尤其让大家多看看她漂亮的女儿,多展示一下她的美姿为什么她结婚了还有希望Jackie能跟他的小儿子多点机会一起玩!有机会多请川普拉小提琴,Jackie为他伴奏!怎么样?

Jackie told me to write about Trump. I talked a lot about him last time. As far as the image of the president is concerned,Clinton is a charming and powerful, Obama is illusory, Hillary is vicious, Trump is sociable, Jackie is extremely evil! But Trump and Jackie can be tempted, because both  have childlike hearts. Trump 70, still energetic? I am thinking that if Trump is president, it should not be like Hillary who would be matched with fresh young man. His wife is already a top model. He won't have love affair anymore. It's best to find some children  who are about the age of his younger son,  come to the White House every day, play with his son, and play games with Trump!  That is the best way to make him happy and stay young! It is best to have Jackie learn from him how to do real estate, how to attract customers to support the brand to do marketing. Hahahaha Trump has many values ​​that are quite biased. If he is president, he should be reminded that he needs to hide the white, narrow, American short-sighted and ignorant ideas. Trump has no international political experience, and there is no internal political experience in the United States. Some of the administrative tasks will fall on the shoulders of his back team. If his team  is not capable of this ability, it will be like the current Democratic Party, maybe worse. And if the back team is capable, he can be like Han Emperor Liu Bang, knowing his own deficiencies so left the space to the able people, allowing them to make the most of their play, while making good use of the propaganda image he is good at. This kind of cooperation is beneficial to the United States. I don’t know who the team behind him is?  If Trump is elected president, he better have a good relationship with Latino Americans, because their ethnic group is now in an important political position in the United States. If there is a conflict, it will shed blood as a social unrest. If Trump is elected president, he should learn from Hillary Clinton, can't be as sharp tongue as in campaign debate. If you want to talk about unity, talk about sleek words, and talk about the spirit of cooperation. Trump is good at the economy. If he is president, he should take   this advantage and make the US economy change. The US government has  in-depth corruption, it is not so easy to correct it on the right track. The economic structure of the United States is unbalanced and requires special investment and talents to be able to slowly improve. And if investing in these fields and introducing talent, It is necessary to change the existing immigration policy, change the company's employment mechanism, change the political environment, and change the composition of the population!  Therefore, in terms of thinking, in public opinion, the media needs to brainwash American culture, because the inherent thinking of many people hinders the development of American society in the positive direction. At the same time, the quality of the American population needs to be changed, and there must be a lot of education institutions do effective education. Otherwise, the quality of the population is not up to the task of the future, so how to change the economy? If Trump is the president, he should pay more attention to education. His family has a good image in education and should be greatly publicized. If it can be integrated with the international community, it will change the admission policy of the existing higher education system in the United States. To bring greater international mobility, provide greater selectivity, and match education with job opportunities, it will attract many talents and train many talents. Although Trump has no international political experience, he has international capital operating experience, I hope he can open a broader investment channel, commodity market, and income network with his international connections for American capital. The Americans will like him very much! Of course, if Trump is elected president, I hope he has more opportunities to show his beautiful wife,  children, especially let everyone see his beautiful daughter, show her beauty! Why is she married? I also hope that Jackie can have more chances to play with his little son ! If possible ask Trump playing more violin, and Jackie will accompany him! How about it?






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