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已有 77 次阅读2021-6-12 22:59 |个人分类:领袖精英

领袖聚会表演  Leader party performance


Oct 21, 2016 at 11:05 PM


亲爱的主席, 88, 今天我走路回来,听见家里有琴声笑声还有歌声,Jackie兴致正高呢,边弹边唱呢,电话那头有一位女声也在唱,多棒啊,多开心啊,有一种温暖从心头绽开来,圈圈涟漪荡漾到全身,暖洋洋的,喜洋洋的,有喷薄欲出的激情,有忍不住的欢乐不打扰他们,我在门外坐下来听着那柔和的琴声,相随的歌声,可是这两个一停,就有了好奇怪的男孩子的大声嚷嚷! Jackie 的性格真是好冲突的,在音乐里的文雅秀气优美,在生活里的冲撞不拘,88,要帮忙修剪修剪Jackie的枝丫呢,不然以后怎么找男朋友啊? 听着听着,就想起了我小时候,也是这么温暖的大家庭,当时我有一本世界歌曲200,里面有各个国家的歌都是简谱,舒伯特的红玫瑰,印度尼西亚的 啊哟,妈妈,韩国的阿里郎,各种各样的,我手风琴拉出曲调的时候,就觉得整个房间都亮堂了,连五音不全的爸爸都跟着唱,唱莫斯科郊外的晚上,唱美丽的梦神”. 又想起爸爸了,想起他的微笑,想起他的期望,想起他随着旋律打拍子,想起他有时还摇头晃脑大多数时间是周末,孩子们都围在一起跟着一起唱,这是家里边最开心的时候,是童年幸福的回忆. Jackie说是彭妈妈在唱,多明媚呀,歌声琴声象春光那样照亮人心我想别的领袖们一定很高兴的,能听世界级的歌唱家唱歌,能轻松自在地有一个周五晚上,多难得. Jackie只会唱英文歌,我在想,应该把世界上各个国家的最流行的歌曲让她弹,让彭妈妈唱如果那些领袖们会唱的话那就一起跟着唱,那种共鸣在心里是多强大的你如果有过在一起唱歌的经历,那以后只要一想起这个人,无论如何那种同心协力感,那种亲切与亲密,总是在心头散发温馨的如果有的领袖重要人物会玩乐器,比如说普京,看看能不能请他们跟Jackie来一个合奏!可不可以把周末的三个晚上,定调为轻松自在才艺娱乐,把请来的客人的所有的特长都发掘出来,请策划加以安排,周末来一个演出,娱乐大家,该多有意思!当然是在没有什么重大严肃的事情的时候亲爱的主席和88,你们最拿手的就是跳舞!哈哈哈哈哈 以前我住在帕萨迪纳,加州理工有许多亚洲人高材生,在音乐造诣上都很高深学校就把他们组织起来周末开室内音乐会,当然是古典音乐,钢琴小提琴中提琴大提琴,合起来乐章就很美了!有时候还会有长笛,单簧管双簧管记得有一次听的是一个南美作家写的安第斯山随想曲,波澜壮阔,雄伟悠扬,因为是现代的乐章,比起古典的雅致和轻盈,有更深厚的激情加州理工学生中不乏会跳舞的女孩子,偶尔会开一场舞蹈表演,有时候甚至会邀请外面来的拉丁舞者,一起来开party,看他们跳salsa, 热血沸腾,棒极了你们的世界政治名人坛应该会有各种色彩,因为这个世界本来就是丰富多彩,那么多豪杰,那么多有天赋的人,那么多美丽的人,你们给他们舞台,我们真向往,期待辉煌


Dear President, 88, Today, I walked back and heard that there was a sound of laughter and singing at home. Jackie was so high that she sang while playing piano, and there was a female voice on the phone. How wonderful, how happy. There was a kind of warmth from the heart, the circle was swaying all over the body, warm, radiant, with a passion for spurt, couldn't help but laugh. Didn't bother them, I sit outside and listened to that beautiful piano melodies, accompanying songs. But these two stopped, there was a strange boy's loud voice! Jackie's character is really conflicting, the elegant and graceful in the music, the collision in life without limitation, 88, help to trim the branches of Jackie, or how can she find a boyfriend in the future? Listening and listening, I remembered that when I was a child, it was such a warm family. At that time, I had a "200 songs of the world", which contained songs from various countries, all of which were notation, Schubert's "Red Rose", Indonesian "Ah, Mom", South Korean "Ari-rang", all kinds of. When my accordion pulled out the tune, I felt that the whole room was bright, and even the five-tone incomplete daddy sang and sang "Moscow outskirt's night", sing "beautiful dreamer". Think of Dad again, think of his smile, think of his expectations, think of him playing with the melody, remembering that he sometimes shaked his head. Most of the times were on weekends, the children were surrounded I sang together. This was the happiest time at home. It was my happy childhood. Jackie said that she was singing and singing. It’s so bright, the vocal sounds like the spring sunshine. I think other leaders must be very happy to hear world-class singers singing, and the can have a easy Friday night, how rare it was. Jackie could only sing English songs.  I am thinking, you should take every country in the world their most popular songs let her play, let Peng Mama sing. If those leaders would sing, then sing along, how powerful in the heart is the resonance! If you have had the experience of singing together, then just think of this person, no matter how the feeling of unity and cooperation, the kind and intimate feeling, always in the heart of the warmth.  If some important figures of the leader will play musical instruments, such as Putin, see if you can contact them with Jackie come to an ensemble! Can you set the three nights of the weekend to be easy and entertaining, and excavate all the specialties of the invited guests, ask the planners to arrange the performance, and come to a show on the weekend to entertain everyone, how interesting! Of course, when there are no major serious things. Dear President and 88, your best is dancing! Hahahahaha, I used to live in Pasadena. There are many Asian high school students in Caltech  are very professional in music. The school organizes them to open indoor concerts on weekends, of course classical music, piano, violin, viola, cello, the  music concert is very beautiful! Sometimes there would be flutes, clarinets, and oboe. I remember one time listening to the Andean Capriccio written by a South American composer. It is magnificent, majestic and melodious, because it is a modern movement, which is deeper feeling and more splendid than classical elegance and lightness. So passionate! There are many girls who dance in Caltech. They occasionally have a dance performance. Sometimes they even invite Latin dancers from outside to come to the party and let them dance salsa. It’s great! The world political celebrity should have a variety of colors, because the world is rich and colorful, so many heroes, so many talented people, so many beautiful people, you give them the stage, we really yearn for, look forward to glory.






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