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已有 251 次阅读2021-5-17 23:27 |个人分类:北美生活

对荒唐无赖的美国政府,要用他们的条规对待他们  For the ridiculous US government, you should treat them with their rules.

这边的市政府给我添一大堆麻烦,我跑到那边跟他们的官员说你们这等于是在用枪杀我呀!,结果那位黑女人马上打电话叫来警察,从此不许我跨进市政府的门!我跟警察说,你们要搞清楚啊,这是谁在威胁谁呀?” 我屈从市政府的命令,为了房子装修,要去市政厅拿permit,结果刚刚走进市政厅来了三辆警车五个警察,个个有枪有警棍拦着我不让我进去!让我怎么办哪?既要马儿跑,又不让马儿吃草!这是什么荒唐无赖政府!还有一个城市,政府看见我房子外面有草,也不告诉我的房客,自说自话派人偷偷摸摸去把一小撮草给割了,房客都不知道怎么回事,政府然后发一个几百块钱的账单给我!我去市政厅询问他们声称给我寄信了,我从来没收到过,问他法律对这事是怎么写的,拿不出来!政府就是这么无法无天办事的! 美国政府对别的国家可以不要任何证据就认定别人有大规模杀伤武器,就一定对美国造成威胁,于是不受任何法律约束阻拦侵略别国扔下一大堆炸弹,炸死千千万万无辜老百姓! 美国警察杀人,这已不是过分执法的问题,这是整个美国文化中最丑陋之处!是枪支泛滥造成的社会弊端,还有对待亚洲人中国人的恶劣态度,是文化歧视如果不能杀一儆百从根本上扭转这种丑恶的话,中国人出不了头,整个世界也不会安宁的,还做什么事儿? 有句话叫做以牙还牙,对那些血性强又不想安分的,要多放点血给他们看,不能只守自己的君子原则和条规,要用他们的条规对待他们,也让他们知道好歹!有时候要向Jackie学,反击要大大超出攻击别人才会知难而退收手的!伍媚娘说乱世用重典!


The city government here has created a lot of troubles to me. I ran over there and said to their officials, "You are like killing me with a gun!", the black woman called the police immediately without letting me step into the door of the city government! I told the police, "You have to figure out who is threatening who is this case!" I succumbed to the order of the city government. In order to renovate the house, I went to the town hall to take the permit. As a result, I just walked into the city hall and three police cars came. Five police officers, all with guns and batons, stopped me from letting me in! What can I do? You want the horses run, not let the horses graze! What is this ridiculous rogue government! There is also a city where the government sees grass outside my house and does not tell my tenants. They didn't tell my tenants. They decided to send someone to sneak up and cut the grass. The tenants didn't know what was going on. The government then sent me a bill for hundreds of dollars! I went to the city hall to ask, they claimed  have sent me a letter, I have never received it. I asked him how the law wrote about this matter, they simply could not get it! The government is so incapable of doing things! If the US government can identify other countries to have weapons of mass destruction without any evidence, and so sure it would definitely pose a threat to the United States, therefore, without any legal restrictions, it has invaded other countries and thrown a large pile of bombs to kill tens of millions innocent people!  The US police murder, this is not a problem of excessive law enforcement, this is the most ugly of the entire American culture! It is a social malpractice caused by the proliferation of guns, as well as a bad attitude towards Asian Chinese. It is cultural discrimination. If we can’t kill one warning one hundred to fundamentally reverse this ugly thing, the Chinese will not be able to make it, and the whole world will not be peaceful. What can be achieved?  There is a saying called tooth to toothing. For those who are bloody and do not want to be self-sufficient, let them see more blood. You can't just keep your own gentleman’s principles and rules. You must treat them with their rules and let them know how to be good! Sometimes you have to learn from Jackie,  the counterattacks just go far beyond the attack, and others will find it difficult to get back! Empress Wu Mei Niang said, at troubled times, use heavy code!






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