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已有 67 次阅读2021-5-14 22:25 |个人分类:全球化


各国要开发自己的文化资源  Countries need to develop their own cultural resources

当各国领袖讲文化,就是讲衣食住行这些!文明古国,就呈现历史古迹,去看古装的秀,享受当地的美食如果没有古迹,就去山清水秀的地方,一般有山的地方就有地热,有地热吗,就有温泉泡温泉游山玩水去! 看领袖们介绍一些有趣的地方,象昨天那个金字塔,第一个想到可以做的就是去设计旅游项目听昨天埃及总统的言谈话语里,中国和埃及的旅游还没有真正地开放因为他老是担心ISIS的恐怖袭击,罪该万死的ISIS,自己不好好活还不让别人过日子埃及是一个文明古国,有好多古迹可以看,设计成5天的或者810天团,开罗附近的,亚里山大城,尼罗河泛舟等等,有文化的地方中国游客一定会喜欢去的!而且是特别的北非阿拉伯风味!国内现在的旅游项目都做得非常道地,接送大巴,旅馆餐饮,导游当地秀,一条龙都非常方便!订团,付费也是方便得不得了!如果有人可以帮助这些国家,按他们的特色安排好安全舒适的旅游项目的话,中国人去那边跑几圈,钱就哗哗哗地流过去了!这是最快捷的动态优化配资!上次去国内,网上找一圈还没看见去埃及的呢!应该让Jackie问问埃及总统,什么时候可以成行?接下来吗,就可以问问看有什么夏令营啊?或者是大学互换学生交流啊?交换学者呀?等等等等计划埃及那边如果一看苗头四不对,旅游大军快压境啊,那些旅游设施,居住餐馆道路什么的都还没修好,赶快去找亚投行借钱吧,快点找施工单位把这些东西修建准备好埃及是亚洲欧洲通往非洲的必经之路啊,要打此地过一定要留下买路钱了,以后等着发财吧!


When leaders of various countries talk about culture, they are talking about food, clothing, transportation and shelter! In ancient civilizations, you will present historical monuments, see costume shows, and enjoy local cuisine. If there are no monuments, go to the beautiful places, there are geothermal places in the mountains, there is geothermal, there are hot springs. Play with water! Seeing the leaders introduce some interesting places, like the pyramid yesterday, the first thing that I can think of is to design a tourism project. In the words of the Egyptian President yesterday, the tourism of China and Egypt has not really opened up. Because he is always worried about the terrorist attacks of ISIS. ISIS is guilty deserves dying. It is  not living well and still not letting others live. Egypt is an ancient civilization with many monuments to see. It can be designed as a 5-day or 8-day 10-day packages, near Cairo, or in the city of Arishan, or the rafting of the Nile, etc., for cultural places Chinese tourists will love to go! And it's a special North African Arabian culture! The current domestic tourism projects are done very well, shuttle bus, hotel catering, tour guide local show, one-stop done, it is very convenient! Booking a group, payment is also very convenient! If someone can help these countries and arrange safe and comfortable tourism projects according to their characteristics, the Chinese will go there for a few laps and the money will flow through! This is the fastest dynamic optimization of the resources! I went to China last time and could not found a tour on the Internet yet to see Egypt! Let Jackie ask the President of Egypt, when can we make a trip there? Next, you can ask what summer camps are there? Or is it a university exchange student program? Exchange scholars, etc. On Egyptian side, if they see the tourist army will be coming,  Those tourist facilities, residences, restaurants, roads have not been repaired. In a hurry go to the Asian Investment Bank to borrow money. Hurry up and find the construction unit to prepare these things! Egypt is the only way to reach Northeast Africa from Asia and Europe by land. If you want to go here, you must leave the  money, and then wait for prosperous! 


当然你们这些世界级的领导人们,如果这些旅游设施完善了,下次要不要约一下轮流择地开会呀或者组织一个领袖俱乐部,反正关系好时不时地来个私下团聚,喜欢户外活动的约普京他们去哪一个世外桃源钓鱼去!喜欢马的,再约日本天皇去草原骑马,祝愿他不要掉下来!然后把领袖们的子女也请来在一起搞活动,去Patagonia走冰川,青藏高原camping 说不定过两天就有人会订亲结婚了!方便得话,也吧小霉霉这样的单身艺人也连带邀请一起来玩!同时既然已经有了四处巡窜的旅游大军已经把当地的特产宝物基本上都了解得一清二楚那就可以开展物流运动了看哪些产品销售得比较好的,那就大量订货运到受欢迎的地方去卖当地人一看原来找到财神爷了,那就要四处找钱赶快把产品很好包装起来,要改善物流的基础设施,制作工艺要精益求精,然后把产品打扮成出嫁新娘,也放到网上做电子商务而且还要向更深更和高层次交流拓展昨天我看了一个中央芭蕾舞团的汇报演出 ,有一个多小时呢如果我没有见过俄国的芭蕾舞我会非常赞叹中芭的演出这次在杭州的G20文艺汇演中,水中芭蕾美轮美奂,是汇演中我最喜欢的一个节目挑选的那些女孩子的身材真好,线条高矮都一样的!但是我见过俄国的芭蕾舞,尤其是顶尖明星跳的芭蕾,那是比中国演员艺术上更高一层次的!我以前在瑞典的婆婆告诉我,他们那儿的蔬菜特别贵她门口有五亩大的地,她只开垦出一小片,春天撒下土豆块,根本不用管,过几个月就可以收满满的几大筐土豆,可以吃一年所以接下来是不是就应该开办学校,产业,和人才流动!看了你们的一带一路纪录片,中国已经在世界各地有好多项目在进行! 但也遇到好多阻力我希望小Jackie跟着你们在这个云层之上的名人堂,大家能够敞开胸怀真诚地结交,相互了解消除隔阂人都是一样的,人的欲望也差不多,顶层人物搞政治不也是代表着大多数人的利益吗?如果可以为大家带来幸福,那就众人拾柴火焰高呗,不然一人向隅举桌不欢的呢!也没啥意思!而且我希望看到由这些领袖们强有力的权势延伸出的无垠的关系网所带动的经济文化的交流能象融化的冰水涓涓汇成溪流,奔向江河,浩浩汤汤奔腾去海洋!


Of course, your world-class leaders, if these tourist facilities are ready, Next time, would you like to take a turn to choose a place to meet?  Or organize a leaders club, anyway, from time to time to come to a private reunion, whoever likes outdoor activities, meet with Putin and go wherever  paradise  fishing!  Whoever likes the horse, and then go with Japanese emperor to Russian grassland to ride, wish him not to fall! Then invite the children of the leaders to join in activities, go to Patagonia  glaciers, or camping on the Tibetan Plateau. Maybe a few days later someone will have a wedding! If convenient, also invite single artists like Taylor Swift to play together! At the same time, since there is already a tourist army that is patrolling around, they have basically understood the local specialty and treasures. Then you can carry out the logistics movement. See which products are sold well, then order them in large quantities and ship them to popular places. Locals are surprised to find  their products sell so well, wow! They find  the God of Wealth! So they have to find investment to quickly package the product, improve the logistics infrastructure, make the craftsmanship, and then dress the product like a bride waiting for a wedding,  also put it on the Internet to do e-commerce. And they have to expand to a deeper and higher level. Yesterday I saw a performance of the Central Ballet, more than an hour. If I have not seen Russian ballet, I will be very appreciative of the Central Ballet. In the G20 literary performance in Hangzhou, the ballet in the water was beautiful, and it was my favorite program in the show. The girls selected were really good, the lines were the same! But I have seen Russian ballet, especially the ballet of the top stars, which is a higher level than the Chinese actor art!  My former mother-in-law in Sweden told me that the vegetables there are especially expensive. She has five acres of land in front of  her house. She only opened a small piece of farmland, sowed the potato pieces in the spring, and then did not care at all. After a few months, she could fill a few large baskets of potatoes and eat for a year. So the next step is to start school, industry, and talent flow! After watching your "Belt and Road" documentary, China has a lot of projects in the world! But also encountered a lot of resistance.  I hope that Jackie will follow you in the Hall of Fame above this cloud. Everyone can open their hearts and sincerely make friends and understand each other. People are the same, people's desires are similar, doesn't the top-level figure engage in politics to represent the interests of the majority? If you can bring happiness to everyone, then everyone can work together! Otherwise, one person is in the corner, and whole table is not happy! Meaningless! Moreover, I hope to see the infinite network of relationships extended by the powerful connections of these leaders. The economic and cultural exchanges that have been driven can be like a melting ice water rushing into a stream, rushing to the river, and rushing to the ocean!






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