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已有 119 次阅读2021-5-8 22:45 |个人分类:北美生活

Sep 14, 2016 at 10:45 PM

在美国不过中国节  In the US but not celebrate Chinese Festival
亲爱的主席,88,明天是中秋节啊. 祝你们中秋节快乐! 这次是我来美国第一次清清楚楚地记得中秋节具体日子。这边有四川来的表演,Jackie说不想去看,那就在家里看月亮吧.  祝遥远的你们中秋快乐! 你们远在阿拉斯加,在沉静的深夜里,应该看得到大大圆圆的月亮, 想家吗?想熟悉的中南海厨房里各种各样好吃的菜肴吗?想中南海小湖里游来游去的鱼吗?还有那剪不断,理还乱的情丝?有多少次, 我一个人出差在外,在遥远的地方。当夜深了,我看着窗外的星空,看着遥远的月亮,什么都想,又什么都不想. 来美国以后, 日子过得全都稀里糊涂的,不过春节,不过中秋节,月饼也太油腻,有时中秋过了以后,有兴致再买半价的. 今天就在想,为什么月饼馅子每年都一样的?应该有点创新才好!哪天他们有放象vacuum cleaner 那样的馅就好了,或者把伍仁改良,用模子把外面marzipan压成搂花的,还可以加各种颜色,一定很漂亮很好吃. 我喜欢吃椰蓉的,可是这里看不到. 咸蛋黄我自己去买咸鸭蛋就好了. 小时候也喜欢吃采芝斋新出炉的鲜肉小月饼,那个时候才八分钱一个. 妈妈下班回来总归会买好几个,到家月饼还是热乎乎的,真鲜. 国内用肉做馅,无论是小馄饨或包子,都很鲜!我不知道他们加的什么,真想不通.  埃及是个古老的国家有悠久的古文明,我没有去过但很想去. 埃及跟土耳其一样,是联系两个大陆的必经之路. 苏伊士运河又是连接海上丝绸之路从印度洋到地中海的重要关卡. 记得埃及以前的颜色革命,反对派把前总统穆巴拉克关在笼子里审讯的样子. 如果跑到别人国家把别人领袖羞辱又作践,不把人当人,大概这种革命是不太容易成功的吧. 就像一个无知蛮横的的捣蛋鬼, 那别人心里是厌恶的. 希望你们再有power,无论做什么都要顺应天道,这样大众才认同你.  我不知道物流从亚洲过来通过埃及流向非洲的有多少,欧洲, 拉美, 及亚洲大部分地区的日用品和小商品都是由中国制造的. 那些有生意头脑的阿拉伯商人,结队甚至住到义乌和当地女子结婚. 他们把义乌做为商品据点,一定会把北非的市场给佔领的,这本来就是传统的伊斯兰教的地盘. 从网上看,北非沿地中海,利比亚,突尼西亚,阿尔及利亚,一直到摩洛哥都是风景优美,树木葱郁,不像撒哈拉沙漠那么干旱. 还有一条正在筹划当中海底隧道从突尼斯聯到意大利的西西里,于是就在想, 可不可以把这一带作为北非旅游线? 那边的旅游资源很丰富的,既有伊斯兰的风格,又有非洲的风格,也没有污染,而且阳光明媚,人口又不嘈杂,甚至把它作为欧洲的养老区,避冬区. 上次讲的难民问题,你看利比亚那么空旷,也可以把人移到那边去,或移到富裕的沙特阿拉伯,强迫他们改信逊尼教派.  ISIS可能已经看中这块风水宝地,上次在那儿炸了一架埃及民航,就像狗儿找根电线杆,撒尿来宣示他的领地吧. 野狗吗,打出去就行!

Dear President, 88, tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! This is the first time I have come to the United States to clearly remember the specific days of the Mid-Autumn Festival. There is a performance from Sichuan here. Jackie said that she doesn't want to see it. So we will watch the moon at home. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! You are far away in Alaska. In the quiet late night, you should see a big round moon. Missing home? Missing variety of delicious dishes in the Zhongnanhai kitchen? Missing fishes swimming in the small lakes of Zhongnanhai? And what about those messy feelings can never been cut off ? How many times have I been on a business trip, in a distant place, in deep night I looked at the starry sky outside the window, looked at the distant moon, thought about everything, and didn't think about anything. After coming to the United States, my life was all confused, did not celebrate the Spring Festival, did not celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, moon cakes were too greasy, sometimes after the Mid-Autumn Festival, I may have the interest to buy half price moon cakes.  I am thinking today, why are moon cake fillings the same every year? It should be a little innovative! Someday they have the stuffing like Swedish “vacuum cleaner”, or improved five nuts, use the mold to press the outer marzipan into a silky flower. You could also add a variety of colors, it must be very beautiful and delicious. I like to eat coconut paste, I can't find it here. For salted egg yolk I just want to buy salted duck eggs myself. When I was young, I also liked to eat fresh meat moon cakes from Caizhizhai. At that time, it was only eight cents a piece. My mother came back from work and always bought several meat moon cakes. When she got home, the moon cakes were still hot, so delicious! Domestic meat stuffing  whether it is little wanton or buns, all very delicious!  I don't know what they added, I really can't figure out. Egypt is an ancient country with a long history of ancient civilization. I have never been there but I really want to go. Egypt, like Turkey, is the only way to connect the two continents. Suez Canal is also an important link connecting the Maritime Silk Road from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. I remember the color revolution in Egypt before, the opposition put the former President Mubarak in the cage to interrogate. If you go to other countries to humiliate and press other leaders, without treating people as human beings, probably this kind of revolution is not easy to succeed. Just like an ignorant and arrogant slut, those people are disgusted. I hope that when you have power, no matter what you do, you must follow the God’s will. Then the public agree with you. I don't know how much logistics has flowed from Asia to Africa through Egypt. Europe, Latin America, and most of Asia's daily necessities and small commodities are made in China. Those business-minded Arab businessmen, teamed up, even living in Yiwu and marry local women. They used Yiwu as a commodity stronghold and will certainly occupy the market of North Africa. This is a traditional Islamic site. From the Internet, North Africa along the Mediterranean Sea, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, all the way to Morocco are beautiful, lush trees, not as dry as the Sahara Desert. There is also a plan for the undersea tunnel from Tunisia joined Sicily in Italy. So I am thinking, can you take this zone as a North African tourist line? The tourism resources there are rich, both Islamic and African, without pollution, and the sun is shining. The population is not too noisy, even as a European retirement area, winter shelter. Last time I talked about refugee issues, you can see Libya is so empty, you can also move people there, or move to wealthy Saudi Arabia. Forcing them to convert to Sunni. ISIS may have already found this Feng Shui land. Last time there was an Egyptian civil aviation bombed there, just like a dog looking for a pole to pee to declare his territory. Wild dog, should just hit it out!






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