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已有 96 次阅读2021-5-5 22:43 |个人分类:全球化

接见了近20世界领袖  Met nearly 20 world leaders


Sep 13, 2016 at 12:40 PM

要让Jackie多睡觉才好  It’s good to let Jackie sleep more.

我家门口又有奇怪的东西,好几处这次是纸上面有日本味道的汉字,(伴伴堂,half & half ....) 不知道是台湾人还是日本人放的周围邻居都没有什么亚洲人也不用亚洲人东西真有钱折腾啊还有纸上写 “we can...."  那是另外一组人马的,都啥意思啊? Jackie告诉我,她在学校里有一群闺蜜,做回家作业的时候一群人互相帮助,如果谁在哪方面擅长的,就在那方面帮助别人这样子作业很快就会完成我问她那你哪方面好呢?“ I am good at history,and math!" 亲爱的主席,88,不错㖿,她是你们的好学生喽!眨眨眼睛,可是也是我的好学生,哈哈哈哈!以后的物理化学,才难教呢不过像她这样,从小就懂得发动群众群策群力做事,嗯,她长大我不担心了! Jackie说她最不喜欢星期天的晚上,因为第二天要早起上学,她最喜欢就是星期五晚上,因为第二天可以睡懒觉了亲爱的主席,88,来日方长,她还在长身体,还是要让她多睡觉才好和领袖名人交谈可以每个人1小时,一天最多可以有两个或者把相类似的人放在一起,小组交谈就比较有趣,可以讲长一点就这短短几天,你们已经接见了近了20真不简单呢!我有漏谁吗?

There are strange things at my door, several places. This time, there is a paper with Chinese character of Japanese taste on the paper, (with partner hall, half & half ....) I don’t know if it’s Taiwanese or Japanese. There are no Asians in the neighborhood, no one uses Asian things. Ghosts really have money tossing. There are also papers written "we can...." That is another group of people, what do you mean? Jackie told me that she has a group of buddies in school. When doing homework, they help each other. If anyone is good at some fields, help others in that area. In this way her homework will be completed soon. I asked her. "Which is your good side?" "I am good at history, and math!" Dear President, 88, yes, she is your good student! Rubbing my eyes, but also my good student, hahahaha! Later, physical chemistry is difficult for her to learn. But she knows how to motivate the masses to work together even when she is young. Well, when she grows up, I am not worrying! Jackie said that she least likes Sunday night because she has to go to school the next morning. Her favorite time is Friday night, because she can sleep late the next day. Dear President, 88, long way to go, she is still growing her body, so please let her sleep more. Talk to the leaders and  celebrities can be one hour each day, one day there can be up to two sections. Or put together similar people, the group conversation is more interesting, you can talk longer. In just a few days, you have already talked nearly 20 people. It is not simple! Who am I missing?


普京  俄国

默克尔  德国总统

奥朗德  法国总统

古斯塔夫  瑞典

马格丽特  丹麦



捏托 墨西哥

宾萨曼 沙特阿拉伯


特美尔 巴西总统




莫迪 印度总理

杜得蒂儿 菲律宾总统

霍金  英国物理学家

麦当娜 美国

小布什  美国


Putin, Russia

Merkel, German President

Hollande, French President

Gustav, Sweden

Margaret, Denmark

Elizabeth II. United Kingdom

Japanese Emperor

Nieto, Mexico

Salman, Saudi Arabia

Italian Prime Minister

Temer, President of Brazil

President of Thailand

Trump family

Hillary and her family

Modi, Indian Prime Minister

Duterte, President of the Philippines

Hawking British physicist

Madonna, United States

Bush, President of United States






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