
分享 How white Americans used lynchings to terrorize and control black people
BlakeElinor 2022-8-25 20:45
How white Americans used lynchings to terrorize and control black people What were lynchings? Historians broadly agree that lynchings were a method of social and racial control meant to terrorize black Americans into submission, and into an inferior racial caste position. They became widely pract ...
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分享 开发海南旅游业
转折点 2022-8-25 20:44
当然在海南更常规的主流应该是中国文化。如果是在俄国 , 主流就可以是洋葱头式俄国建筑。当然还可以更创造性,把整个地区设有特别主题,可以是童话 , 可以是现代故事,可以是对未来想象建成像梦幻的迪士尼世界。那因为世界各地都有国际化的中心建设需要,希望能从不同的文化中挑选优秀的人才来 ...
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分享 俄国在远东建功能一体文化圈
转折点 2022-8-24 20:30
https://youtu.be/4uP7O2mM10A https://youtu.be/8lAKfUD169U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lxMglj8LuMlist=RD0lxMglj8LuM 俄国在远东建集文化、旅游、活动,运动,教育等各个功能一体的文化圈 Russia should build a cultural circle integrating culture, tourism, acti ...
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分享 普京在阿拉斯加跟中亚领袖们钓鱼
转折点 2022-8-24 20:28
Apr 20, 2018 at 8:10 PM https://youtu.be/AfizgkRbWQk 亲爱的习主席 , 88, 一大早 , 你们还有斯坦国的领袖们 , 南美领袖,包括巴西的特美尔总统,也称赞我昨天短文很棒。亲亲 . 不知道哪一点触动他们心弦 , 嗯 , 喜欢就好!亲 ...
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分享 琐事
转折点 2022-8-24 20:25
https://youtu.be/wXxhb_GsjCY https://news.toutiaoabc.com/newspark/view.php?app=newsact=viewnid=294884 美英法在叙利亚化学武器上骗人。在俄国毒害间谍事件上骗人。 The United States, Britain and France deceive people in Syrian chemical weapons. Deceived in the Russian ...
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分享 世界领袖比我好的评价
转折点 2022-8-24 20:21
http://news.creaders.net/world/2018/04/19/1944586.html https://youtu.be/cgrAKhm8DcY 问世界领袖们对我有什么看法? “ 挺好的,多写些短文! ”Ask the world leaders what they think of me? "It's good, write more essays!" 亲爱的习主席, 88 ,昨天问你们,为什么对我不 ...
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分享 On 100th Anniversary of Notorious Waco Lynching, Research Shows Link Between Lyn
BlakeElinor 2022-8-24 20:18
On 100th Anniversary of Notorious Waco Lynching, Research Shows Link Between Lynching and Capital Punishment 100 years ago, Jesse Washington , a 17-year-old black farmhand accused of murdering his white female employer was lynched on the steps of the Waco, Texas courthouse (pictu ...
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分享 将体育赛事旅游会议等资源变成产业散布全球
转折点 2022-8-23 22:07
http://www.backchina.com/news/2018/04/18/555789.html 由世界体育委员会总管和安排把体育比赛、旅游资源,分配到世界不同的地方 , 还可以将其变成产业 The sports competitions and tourism resources are distributed to different parts of the world by the heads and arrangements of the W ...
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分享 南美巴西举行奥林匹克
转折点 2022-8-23 22:05
https://youtu.be/30CgBt5srP0 今天放学回家,一大群南美的领袖也来跟 Jackie 凑兴 . 巴西总统特美尔要我讲奥林匹克是劳民伤财的。歪着头想半天,劳民伤财也是伤的巴西呀。为啥要我来反对呢? 奥林匹克运动会从公元前 700 多年希腊开始以来 ...
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分享 伊斯兰世界的青花瓷
转折点 2022-8-23 22:02
https://youtu.be/Eu5cFOIJVeA https://youtu.be/OExrtuFDmPs https://youtu.be/e-JNvR5kBMs https://youtu.be/NiwkR0LFfZQ https://youtu.be/kOlCLY_k74I 那边矿藏丰富,也可以把青花瓷和景泰蓝作为当地的手工艺品扶植起来 . 那儿本来就有很好 ...
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