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已有 625 次阅读2013-1-7 19:07 |个人分类:科技文摘


Perl 是PHP的姐姐。她对你来说年龄稍微大了一点,但在90年代,她是相当受欢迎的。她和Larry Wall(译注:Perl语言创始人)长期保持着亲密关系,因此她的审美一落千丈,如今她看起来是丑陋不堪。“无论你们怎么评论,我仍然爱 她!”,Larry Wall说。没有第二个人会像他这样。


Python 是Ruby的一个更懂事的姐姐。她优雅,新潮,成熟。她也许太过优秀。很多小伙都会说“嘿,兄弟,你怎么可能不爱上Python呢!?”。没错,你喜欢Python。你把她当成了一个脾气和浪漫都退烧了的Ruby。


C++ 是Java的表姐。她在很多地方跟Java类似,不同的是她成长于一个天真的年代,不认为需要使用“保护措施”。当然,“保护措施”是指自动内存管理。你以为我指的是什么? :)

C 是C++的妈妈。对一些头发花白的老程序员说起这个名称,会让他们眼睛一亮,产生无限回忆。

Objective C C语言家族的另外一个成员。她加入了一个奇怪的教会,不愿意和任何教会之外的人约会。

Haskell, Clojure, Scheme 以及她们的朋友们都是一些时髦的,附庸风雅的,很聪明的女孩,你也许在多年前和她们曾度过了一个很Happy的暑假。她们是第一次让你感到有压力的女孩。 当然,你可能从来没有对她们很认真——尽管你总是在问自己“如果….会如何?”

也许你会拖延着不去认识C# ,因为她们家族不好的名声。但最近几年他们已经改邪归正了——他们会这样告诉你。一旦你加入我们,你就是我们的人了,你听到了没有?你需要一个数据库?她 的哥哥MSSQL会罩着你。需要一个安身的地方?这有何难,她老爸甚至可以在Azure大道你给买一套公寓。什么?你觉得这样的关系过于亲密了?不,你别 想离开我们。你已经是我们家族的一员了,现在,听见了没有?

Javascript —— 嗨,这不是你的初吻的那个女孩吗,她甚至比PHP更早进入你的视线。我不知道她现在在干什么。我听说她的事业近几年来非常成功。旧时的人也可以赶上潮流变 得很酷….(你发现她从头到脚穿的都是设计师jQuery的作品)….哇,有人从丑小鸭变成了美丽的天鹅…


Isaac Lewis, the great explainer

PHP is your teenage sweetheart, the girl you first awkwardly fumbled around with that one summer. Just don't try and start a more serious relationship - this girl has serious issues.

Perl is PHP's older sister. She might be a bit old for you, but she was pretty popular back in the 90s. In a long-term relationship with Larry Wall, so her standards have dropped, and she's looking seriously fugly now. "I don't care what y'all say, I still love her!", he says. No-one else does.

Ruby is the cool kid of the scripting family. When you first saw her, she took your breath away with her beauty. She was fun, too. At the time she seemed a bit slow and ditzy - though she's matured a lot in the last few years.

Python is Ruby's more sensible sister. She's elegant, classy, and sophisticated. She's perhaps too perfect. Most guys are like "dude, how can you not like Python!?". Sure, you like Python. You just consider her the boring version of the edgy and romantic Ruby.

Java is a successful career woman. Some people who've worked with her feel she owes her position less to ability and more to her knack for impressing the middle-management types. You might feel that she's the sensible type you should settle down with. Just prepare for years of "NO THAT DOESNT GO THERE GOD YOU ALWAYS USE THE WRONG TYPE INTERFACE AND YOU MISSED A SEMICOLON" nagging.

C++ is Java's cousin. Similar to Java in many ways, the main difference being she grew up in a more innocent time and doesn't believe in using protection. By "protection", I mean automatic memory management, of course. What did you think I meant?

C is C++'s mom. Mention her name to some old grey beard hackers and they're sure to reminisce with a twinkle in their eye.

Objective C is another member of the C family. She joined that weird church a while back, and won't date anyone outside of it.

Haskell, Clojure, Scheme and their friends are those hipster, artsy, intellectual girls you probably spent a blissful college summer with a few years ago. The first girls who really challenged you. Of course, it could never have become something more serious (you tell yourself). Though you'll always be left asking "what if?"

You might be put off C# due to her family's reputation. But they've gone legit, the last few years, they tell you. Once you're one of us, you're one of us, you hear? You need a database? Her brother MSSQL will hook you up. Need a place to stay? Heck, her daddy will even buy you your own mansion on Azure avenue. What's that, you're having second thoughts about all these overly friendly relatives? No, you can never leave. You're part of the family, now, ya hear?

Javascript - hey, wasn't that the girl you first kissed, way before even PHP came on the scene? I wonder what she's doing now. I hear her career's really taken off in the last few years. Would be cool to catch up some time, if only for old time's sake... (You catch sight of her, dressed head to toe in designer jQuery)... wow, somebody grew into a beautiful swan...






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