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美国军事系统 二

已有 127 次阅读2022-10-24 21:00 |个人分类:全球化


所有华沙条约国家现在都是北约成员国,但俄罗斯除外。华沙条约的建立是对北约的权力平衡或制约他们之间没有直接的对抗关系。 相反,冲突是在意识形态层面上和代理战争中进行的。北约和华沙条约都导致军队扩张并融入各自的集团。其最大的军事参与是19688月华沙条约入侵捷克斯洛伐克(除阿尔巴尼亚,罗马尼亚和东德外所有契约国家都参与),这部分导致阿尔巴尼亚在不到一个月后退出该协定。随着1989年革命通过东欧集团的扩散,“华约开始全面解体,从波兰的团结运动和19896月的选举成功开始。华沙条约的形成,背后的战略是由欲望驱动的。苏联统治中欧和东欧。苏联人希望保留他们在欧洲的那部分,而不是让美国人从他们那里拿走它。这项政策是出于意识形态和地缘战略的原因。在意识形态上,苏联妄自尊大拥有了定义社会主义和共产主义的权力,并充当全球社会主义运动的领导者。这一观点的必然结果是,如果一个国家似乎违反了社会主义核心的思想和共产党的职能,就必须进行干预,这在勃列日涅夫主义中有明确规定。地缘战略原则也促使苏联希望建立一个缓冲区,以防止西欧大国入侵其领土。疯了哈。


All Warsaw Pact countries, are now NATO members, except Russia. The Warsaw Pact was established as a balance of power or counterweight to NATO; there was no direct confrontation between them. Instead, the conflict was fought on an ideological basis and in proxy wars. Both NATO and the Warsaw Pact led to the expansion of military forces and their integration into the respective blocs. Its largest military engagement was the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968 (with the participation of all Pact nations except Albania, Romania and East Germany), which, in part, resulted in Albania withdrawing from the pact less than a month later. The Pact began to unravel in its entirety with the spread of the Revolutions of 1989 through the Eastern Bloc, beginning with the Solidarity movement in Poland and its electoral success in June 1989. The strategy behind the formation of the Warsaw Pact was driven by the desire of the Soviet Union to dominate Central and Eastern Europe. The Soviets wanted to keep their part of Europe theirs and not let the Americans take it from them. This policy was driven by ideological and geostrategic reasons. Ideologically, the Soviet Union arrogated the right to define socialism and communism and act as the leader of the global socialist movement. A corollary to this idea was the necessity of intervention if a country appeared to be violating core socialist ideas and Communist Party functions, which was explicitly stated in the Brezhnev Doctrine. Geostrategic principles also drove the Soviet Union with the desire to create a buffer zone to prevent invasion of its territory by Western European powers. Crazy hah. 






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