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已有 100 次阅读2022-10-21 21:12 |个人分类:全球化


Jun 27, 2018 at 11:29 PM


Dear Vladimir: 

你问我对下个月特朗普总统的会面有什么看法? 我笑得很开心,哈哈哈! 为什么?

You ask me what do I think of your meeting President Trump next month.  I laugh so happily, hahahaha!   Why? 



川普会见金正恩   Trump meets Kim Jong-un


2014612日,特朗普和金正恩在新加坡举行了一次惊天动地的会议。朝鲜战争结束65年后,朝鲜和美国终于坐在一起面对面谈话了,领导人互相拥抱。最后,朝鲜半岛出现了和平的曙光。 多么艰难,不寻常,多么令人振奋。我想给那些努力影响朝鲜和美国之间的对话的人,带来欢呼和掌声。朝鲜和美国的对抗相,其根本原因在于中美之间的对抗。第二次世界大战后,由于意识形态的冲突,历时数十年的俄罗斯与美国的冷战尚未结束。与美国和朝鲜,中国和美国之间的冲突相比,它甚至是更大的问题。中国人说”冰冻三尺非一日之寒“。第二次世界大战后,世界上基本上所有的动乱,冲突,灾难都与美国和俄罗斯有关。无论是第一次世界大战还是第二次世界大战,这个世界的动荡都与俄罗斯有关,因为俄罗斯是世界上土地最辽阔,资源最丰富的国家。目前,叙利亚的战争,以色列和伊朗的冲突,背后都有美俄角力的影子。俄罗斯没有征服整个世界的野心,但美国一直有。 因此美国不惜余力在努力去除作为他眼中刺的俄罗斯。


6/12/2018, Trump and Kim Jong-un had a earth-shattering meeting in Singapore. 65 years after the Korean War, North Korea and the United States finally sat together talk and leaders hugged each other. At last, there is the dawn of peace on the Korean peninsula. How difficult, unusual, how exciting. I want to give cheers and applause to the one who spent efforts influence making the dialog between North Korea and the United States happen, wonderful. The confrontation between North Korea and the United States, the root cause is the confrontation between China and the United States. After World War II, the Cold War between Russia and the United States, which lasted for decades, has not yet ended because of ideological conflicts. Compared with the conflict between the United States and North Korea , China and the United States, it is a even bigger problem. Chinese say the freezing of three feet ice is not caused by a day coldness. After World War II, basically all the turmoil, conflict, disaster in the world were related to the United States and Russia cold war. The turmoil in this world, whether it was the first World War or the second World War, has something to do with Russia, because Russia is the largest country with vast land and plenty resources in the world. Currently,The war in Syria, the conflict in Israel and Iran, Behind all have the shadow of us-Russia wrestling. Russia has no ambition to conquer the whole world, but the United States hasTherefore, the United States has been trying to remove Russia, the thorn in his eyes. 






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