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已有 98 次阅读2022-10-20 20:59 |个人分类:全球化

Jackie再与Irene合奏   Jackie duet with Irene

哦,这个周末,Jackie的好朋友邀请她再去演奏钢琴二重奏。上一次,这两个没有任何排练,坐在同一个长凳上,非常棒地演奏了La La Land美国爵士乐,天鹅湖等。她们甚至在事后听到自己的演奏时,止不住手舞足蹈。甚至弗拉基米尔和摩西都非常喜欢她们的演奏。这一次,弗拉基米尔很高兴,他将为这两个疯女孩准备60首乐谱。 Aliya的爸爸将准备30首,法老也会找到一些埃及音乐。甚至汉斯也志愿找一些迷人的拉丁音乐!我喜欢听到更有活力的音乐,拉丁爵士乐和中东音乐以及那些令人兴奋的节奏。


Oh, This weekend, Jackie’s good friend invites her to play the piano duet again. Last time two of them, without any rehearsal, sat in the same bench, played La La Land , American jazz , Swan Lake etc. very nicely. They even could not stop dancing on hearing their own playing later on. Even Vladimir and Moses were entertained by their show very much. This time, Vladimir is excited that he will prepare  60 music sheets for these two crazy girls. Aliya’s Dad will prepare 30, Pharaoh will find something as well. Even Hans volunteers to get some fascinating Latin music ! I like to hear more dynamic music, Latin Jazz and Mid east Rhythmic music with exciting beats. 








年轻多好。年轻人可以随心所欲地做任何他们想做的事,并随时随地做。不像我,担心很多。 对于年轻人来说,两件大事,组成家庭并开始职业生涯。所以年轻人聚在一起,主要是为了社交。 年轻人很开放,没有即成刻板印象,更容易接受新事物,并成为朋友。我也认为,我们应该为整个产业链中的年轻人,寻找和组织可能的实习,培训和就业机会。为人才提供机会,让人才流动,让他们散发最佳光彩。如果你获得了年轻人的心,你就拥有了未来。同时,对于我这个年龄的人,特别是顶级专业人士,如Tim弗拉基米尔,他们会比较享受聚会,舞蹈,聚餐,电影等等。然而,他们将受益于更好的高质量对话,甚至Tim and Bill之间的辩论可能有一天会带来一些创意。这比光看着Little Jackie炫耀她的舞腿要有质量得多。谁不想在生活中拥有一群志同道合的朋友,谁不希望身边总是有一些灵魂伴侣呢?


It's so good to be young. Young people are free to do whatever they want to do, and do whenever they want to. Unlike me, bear a lot of worries. For Young people , two big things, start a family and start a career. So young people get together, mainly for social . Young people are much open, no stereotypes, easier to accept new things, become friends. I also think we should look for and organize possible internships, training and employment opportunities for young people from the entire industry chain. Provide opportunities for talents, so that talents can flow around, have the best shining show. If you win the hearts of young people , you have future. The same time, for people of my age, especially top professionals, like Tim, Vladimir, they would enjoy gatherings, dancing,  meals, movies, etc. Howeverthey would benefit and enjoy much more from decent quality conversations, even the debating between Tim and Bill may one day lead to some creative ideas. That’s much better than just watching Little Jackie show off her dancing legs. Who does not want to have a group of like-minded friends in life, who does not want to have some soul mates always by side?






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