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已有 124 次阅读2022-10-16 21:59 |个人分类:全球化

Jun 22, 2018 at 5:49 PM


Dear Vladimir and Moses: 

Jackie告诉我你非常喜欢我昨天的推荐文!谢谢。  也许除了喜欢之外还有一些可靠的奖项 给我? 很高兴,感谢Alyia的父亲,JackieAliya聊得很愉快。

Jackie told me that you like my yesterday recommendation very much! Thank you. Maybe some solid awards besides “like”  Great thanks to Alyia ‘s father, Jackie had a good time chatting with Aliya. 

 Jackie遇见喜剧明星    Jackie met Whoopi Goldberg

我不知道为什么今天Steven邀请Whoopi GoldbergTim Cook Bill Gates一起来跟Jackie见面。 Whoopi Goldberg是一位非常有趣的女演员,Jackie非常喜欢她。每次谈到她时,Jackie都会兴奋起来!但是Whoopi Goldberg和其他两个IT巨头之间的共同点是什么?我问Jackie “他们相处得好吗?”  Jackie是的,他们都非常好笑,总是互相开玩笑。” 我想,因为她的个性不那么有趣的人和  Whoopi Goldberg在一起, 都会有趣和迷人起来。我想如果Whoopi GoldbergIT背景,他们聊天会非常愉快。


I don't know why today Steven invited Whoopi Goldberg, Tim Cook, Bill Gates together, come to meet Jackie. Whoopi Goldberg is a very interesting actress, Jackie likes her a lot. Every time she talks about her, Jackie gets excited! But what is in common between Whoopi Goldberg and the other two IT Giants? I asked Jackie, “do they get along?” Jackie said, “ yeah, all of them are very funny, joking to each other all the times.” I guess because of Whoopi Goldberg, her personality , people who are not that interesting will be fun and charming being with her. I guess if Whoopi Goldberg had IT background, they would lead a very decent enjoyable chat. 






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