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俄国文化 一

已有 78 次阅读2022-10-12 21:20 |个人分类:全球化

Jun 19, 2018 at 10:23 PM


Dear Vladimir and Moses: 

昨晚,你真地赞美我的文章, 那是关于获得俄罗斯签证和小Jackie成为半犹太人的。谢谢。今天一早,Vladimir让我谈谈俄罗斯文化。摩西让我稍后比较俄罗斯和捷克的文化。你就像我第一次见到习和王时,他们戳我的阿基里斯的脚跟让我写有关政治的文章。我不太熟悉俄罗斯文化,也不熟悉捷克文化,我不得不搜肠刮肚,挤出一些东西来写。 你是想训练我成为世界文化专家吗?


Last night, You were really praising my essay, which is about getting Russian visa and how little Jackie become half Jewish. Thank you. Early this morning , Vladimir asked me to say something about Russian culture. Moses asked me to compare Russian and Czech culture later on. You are like When I first met Xi and Wang, who hit the Achilles heel asking me to write about politics. I am not so familiar with Russian culture nor Czech culture, I have to scrape my stomach and squeeze something out of my head to write. Is that you train me to be a world culture expertise?

俄国文化   Russian Culture



Well, there are a few countries in the world culturally powerful and strong, definitely Russia is one of them. I'm not a traveler, nor a diplomat, yet, except for Africa and Australia, basically I've been quite a few countries, and I know a little bit about the cultures of different places. Russia is a big cultural country, bright and shining. Russian culture was the first foreign culture I came into contact with. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, China imitated Many of its systems according to the Soviet Union. Culturally, they were deeply influenced by the former Soviet Union. My father, studied there for five years and brought back a lot of cultural stuff from the former Soviet Union. I like to play with the little gifts he brought back, painting albums, and a box of Soviet postcards he sent mother during five years he stayed in Russia. Those paintings and photos, like a window, opened a vast world in front of me. I just knew, actually, the outside world was so big, the outside world was so beautiful, I could hardly imagine. 






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