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已有 92 次阅读2022-10-11 21:06 |个人分类:全球化


在她长大的时候,我有了一位犹太律师的男朋友。他最初来自捷克斯洛伐克,全家遭遇希特勒的大屠杀,并逃到了美国。他给Jackie起中间名字亚历山大,希望她能成为一个女性型的亚历山大大帝,他是强大而聪明的世界征服者,形成一个覆盖欧洲,亚洲和非洲的帝国。即使她还是个孩子,他也给了Jackie最初的期望。与大多数中国女孩相比,Jackie非常健谈,善于辩论。一次在整个学校的会议上发言,因为她好口才,引起大家大声笑。 校长结果决定,让她成为学生会的联合主席。 律师非常认真对待犹太人的传统,每当有犹太人节假日,他都会叫我带Jackie到当地的犹太教堂去,犹太新年,逾越节,赎罪日,这么多。犹太教堂总是有美食。我们可以感受到犹太社区的强大凝聚力。我认为她从律师那里得到了演讲和有趣的个性。犹太家庭以女性为中心,更尊重女孩,以色列前外交部长,就是一名女性。


On her growing up, I had a Jewish lawyer boyfriend. He originally came from Czech Slovakia, his whole family suffered Hitler ‘ s massacre and escaped to US. He gave Jackie the middle name “ Alexandria” hoping that she can be a female type Alexander who will be powerful and wise, a world conquerer , forming an empire coving Europe Asia and Africa. He gave Jackie initial ambition even she was a baby then. Jackie was very talkative, good at debating, compared to most Chinese girls. Once at the whole school conference speech, because she was eloquent, elicited everybody laugh loudly。 As the result that the principal let her be the co-president of student union. The lawyer took Jewish tradition very seriously, whenever there was Jewish holiday, he would call me asking me to take Jackie to local synagogue, Rosh Hashanah, passover, YomKippur, so many . There are always good foods in Synagogue. We can feel the strong cohesion of the Jewish community. I think she got her speech and funny personality from the lawyer. Jewish family centers on female, more respect for girls, the former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Israel, is a woman .






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