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已有 83 次阅读2022-10-10 20:11 |个人分类:全球化




所以,亲爱的Vladimir也许就在你退休的那个时候除了玩游戏玩跟同伴互动的常规体育赛事你可以去玩星球大战这样的团体游戏,或者探索VR世界,或创造想象世界,或玩模拟器,如飞行模拟器,角色扮演,角色模型或其他互动,智能游戏等。 我崇拜那些更具创造力的人。亲爱的 Vladimir也许在几年后,有人比如说Jackie 开发了一款名为 伟大普京对抗疯狂 Suann ” 的 VR拳击游戏也许我可以和你一起网上玩!给你一点线索,我非常擅长电脑。 现在你要问我,上述喋喋不休的说法与俄罗斯签证有什么关系。好吧,现在,基本上,所有芯片都是在美国制造的。它可以通过信号控制以制造故障。并且,连接到芯片的电子设备基本上是在中国制造的,电缆,主板,交换机,路由器,集线器,基站,中央控制中心计算机,...等。 为什么,美国和韩国在朝鲜半岛的军事演习停止了?因为俄罗斯卫星的信号遭到破坏。你没找到逻辑关联? 如果有人能够扭转卫星信号,完全依赖卫星信号的演习将会有很大的问题能够继续顺利进行。 所以为什么要自找没趣?!


So, dear Vladimir, maybe at that time when you are retired, Instead of  bumping into your buddies playing regular  sports, you can go play on line group games like Star Wars or games that’s exploring VR world or created imagination world playing games or simulations, like flight simulator, cosplay, role model or other interactive, intelligent games. I warship people who is more creative. Dear Vladimir, maybe in a few years, someone say Jackie has developed a VR boxing game called “ Putin the great vs Suann the crazy” Maybe I can play on line with you! A little clue for you, that I am very good at computers. Now you’re gonna ask me, what the above talkative sayings has something to do with Russian visa. Well, Now, basically, all the chips are made in the United States. It can be controlled by signals to perform malfunctions. And, The electronic devices connected to the chips are basically made in China, cables, mother board, switches, routers, hubs, base stations, central control center computers, ........ etc. Why, the US and South Korea's military exercises on the Korean peninsula got stopped, because Russian satellites’ signals were destroyed. you didn’t find a logic correlation? If someone has the ability to twist satellite signals, The drill that totally depends on signals from satellite will have big problems to go on smoothly. So why bother?! 







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