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已有 83 次阅读2022-10-7 22:32 |个人分类:全球化

我记得上次访问捷克时,我注意到这个地区有中医诊所,中医,针灸,中医按摩。捷克人越来越自信,对不同的文化开放。如果捷克有计划成为文化和商业中心,那么它将吸引来自亚洲的人们移民到那里。房地产业务也将增长。摩西拥有强大的团队,有着长远的眼光,我希望我有机会看到他们的计划,并在不久的将来回到捷克。我对别人说几句话。有中国谚语,桃李不语,下自成蹊。” 相比 “此地无银300哈哈哈,也许你想知道这意味着什么? 而且,就像有人不规则地扰乱一个人的神经系统一样,这个人会变得疯狂。如果世界信息系统受到操纵,社会受到人为干涉,就会带来负面影响,给社会带来一系列破坏。你是谁?根据什么法律?花不必要的钱,相反,应该付钱给我!


I remember last time when I visited Czech, I noticed that there were Chinese clinics in this area, perform in Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, Chinese therapy massage. Czech is getting more and more confident, opening to different cultures. If Czech has a plan to be the cultural and commercial center, then it will attract people from Asia to Immigrate there. the real estate business is going to grow as well. Moses has strong team with long-term vision, I wish I can have a chance to see their plans and go back visiting Czech in the near future.  I have a few words for others. There are Chinese proverbs, “The peach and plum do not speak, and the underneath becomes a trail.” Compared to Chinese idiom “ There is no silver 300 g here” hahaha maybe you want to know what that means?  Also, it’s like if somebody disturbs a Person’s neuro-system irregularly, this person will get crazy. If the world information system has been manipulated and the society gets interfered artificially too much, it brings negative influence and triggers series of destruction to the society. Who are you? Based on what law? Spending unnecessary money, Instead, pay me! 






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