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已有 74 次阅读2022-9-27 22:23 |个人分类:全球化

Jun 7, 2018 at 11:53 PM


Dear Vladimir and Moses:

普京问Jackie俄国冰淇淋  Putin ask Jackie of Russian ice cream

哈哈哈,我忍不住微笑。Jackie希望我说一些关于你的事情,你的成就,伟大,魅力,才华,能力,精彩,嗯,感觉就像几年前我遇见习和王,他们让我谈论政治。另外我知道全世界有很多普京迷,包括女士(我是其中之一),我不想陷入麻烦。哈哈哈,真是个挑战!让我从Vladimir开始。 Vladimir 是俄罗斯历史上最伟大的总统之一,可与彼得大帝,凯瑟琳大帝相媲美。就个人而言,我对 Vladimir 不是很熟悉,但我去过俄罗斯。俄罗斯导游告诉我们很多关于普京的有趣故事,我们自然而然地尊重和钦佩他。在过去的三年里,普京总是与Jackie在一起。 我能感受到普京的魅力和独特个性由于这一点以及他强大的团队,普京这些年来带领俄罗斯走出困境,取得了辉煌的成就。


Hahaha, I cannot help smiling. Jackie wants me to say something good about you, your achievements, greatness, Charming, talents, abilities, wonderfulness, hmm, it feels just like I just met Xi and Wang A few years ago, who asked me to talk about politics. Plus I knew there are a lot of Putin fans including ladies ( I am one of them) worldwide, I do not want to get into troubles. Ha ha ha What a challenge! Let me start from Vladimir. Vladimir is one of the greatest presidents in Russian history, comparable to Peter the Great, Catherine the Great. Personally, I am not very familiar with Vladimir, but I have been to Russia. Russian tour guide told us a lot of interesting stories about Putin, inevitably we respect and admire him. For the past three years, Putin is always there with Jackie. I can feel Putin's charming character and unique personality. Because of that and his strong team , Putin these years leads Russia out of the predicament, with current brilliant achievements. 






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