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已有 103 次阅读2022-8-12 20:49 |个人分类:北美生活

缺人性的政治有啥好玩的. Jackie将来找不到她崇拜的男生.If politics is lacking in humanity, is it fun to play? I am afraid that Jackie will not find the boy she admires in the future.

以上是我个人的看法,同性恋有其社会和环境的基础。别人再如何美少女或男同性恋,我不管但是我知道因为以前家里缺少男性模范,没有人替Jackie遮风挡雨,没有人娇纵保护她,没有人天天把她捧在手心里,没有强大男性温暖她,逗她!记得我小时候生病,爸爸在下雨的冬天背着我去看医生,多么宽广可靠温暖的肩膀啊。Jackie五岁,我都已经抱不动她了,更不要说把她抛起来接住!平时一定要扮黑脸逼她学很多东西,所以Jackie性格才像男生。女孩子的可爱、娇柔,是大男人宠出来的呀!所以我才声嘶力竭,絮絮叨叨拼命地恳求你们,希望你们多多爱她,希望你们能多多见见她,让她感觉体会到男人的实实在在的力量,温暖厚实的象高山一样的父亲的爱呀!可是你们避而不见,T&B一定是见鬼住宿学校出来的有同性恋倾向的恶男! 88,你也要多看看多抱抱自己孩子啊,有多肌肤亲近的孩子,受到很多关爱的孩子性格好。这两年你们天天跟她聊,她性格变了好多,不太发火了,也会互动逗人开心讲笑话了,谢谢你们。我给你们我的爱,是希望唤起你们,让你们明白人性中的大爱呀。世界政坛里也都是人,大多数人有人性,会体谅,有些却把政治过分夸大了。缺人性的政治有啥好玩的。我想Jackie长大不太会成为同性恋,但是任何事情有度,我倒担心,因为她跟你们这些世界级的大政治家们、领袖们、专业人士在一起,基尼国王,88,你们这样的那么多的皱褶,她会曾经沧海难为水,将来还不太容易找一个能让她崇拜,敬仰,爱慕的,见过世面谈吐有趣,幽默年轻人呢。好了,如果基尼老国王想多生孩子,可以到这边来推广伊斯兰教,专门找那些美少男,告诉他们可以皈依伊斯兰教,有阿拉伯的公主嫁他们,而且可以娶多个老婆,这么人财兼得的好事,一定没几个人愿意再去做同性恋的!哈哈哈 昨天应FAhda王妃的要求,细细碎碎讲了一些女性的地位,谢谢Faslan 王妃喜欢!不同地方的生活方式和价值,是跟当地的生产力条件,和历史文化各方面有关系,所以在应用这些价值,还要因地制宜的.


The above is my personal opinion that homosexuality has its social and environmental causes. No matter how beautiful girls or gay men are, I don't care. But I know that because there was no male model in my family, no one sheltered Jackie from the outside wind, no one cared for her, no one held her in the palm of hand every day, no strong male warmly teased her! I remember when I was a child, my father was carrying me to see a doctor in the rainy winter. What a broad, reliable and warm shoulder. When Jackie was five years old, I couldn't hold her anymore, let alone throw her up and catch it! Usually, I must put on a serious face to force her to learn a lot of things, so Jackie is like a boy. The girl's cuteness and delicacy is formed by big man! So I’m so exhausted, nagging all the times, desperately begging you, I hope that you love her more, I hope that you can see her more, let her feel the real power of men, warm and thick mountains kind father-like love! But you deliberately avoid it, T&B must be a homosexual man who comes out of a ghost school! 88, you have to give more and more hug to your own children, with a lot of skin touch, a child receives a lot of love has good character. In the past two years, you talked to her every day. Her personality has changed a lot, she is not so angry, and she will interact and make fun by jokes. Thank you. I give you my love, I hope to arouse you and let you understand the great love in human nature. Most people have humanity will be considerate, while others exaggerate politics. Is the politics lacking humanity fun?  I think Jackie is not going to be gay when she grows up, but anything has a limit.  I am worried, because she is with you world-class politicians, leaders, professionals, King Genie, 88, you have so many "wrinkles" in your minds, she  has experience boating in ocean, may be not interested in playing water in the sink! In the future, it is not easy to find a person who she can admire, respect, worship, and have seen interesting things and humorous young people in the world. Well, if the old king Genie wants to have more children, you can come here to promote Islam religion, specifically to find those beautiful boys, tell them that if they can convert to Islam so you will have Arab princesses to marry them, and a boy can marry multiple wives, such a wonderful thing to gain  both beauty and money, that fewer good people  are willing to be homosexual! Hahaha Yesterday at the request of Princess Fahda, I talked some women's status, thank you Princess Faslan that you like it! The lifestyle and value of different places are related to local productivity conditions and historical and cultural aspects, so the application of these values ​​must be tailored to local conditions.






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