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已有 68 次阅读2022-8-6 22:19 |个人分类:全球化

以后全球一体了,应该设立一个由中央控制全球通行卡,多方便  After the global integration, it is necessary to set up a global control card controlled by the central government.

Jackie的护照快到期了,要给她换一个新护照,可是旧护照上去中国的10年签证,却不能转到新护照上,旅行的时候要带新旧两本护照。亲爱的习主席,88,为什么中国政府做事这么愚蠢?我们两个以后旅行要带四本护照,不然就要花一百多块重新签证。哈哈哈哈,有啥办法?我们现在为你们工作,能帮我们办中国绿卡吗? 以后全球一体了,一定会有很多人员在国际上游走,应该设立一个全球通行卡,所有的通关都由中央控制,多方便!因为旧签证要带几本护照,谁脑子搭僵想出来的这个办法? 是提供机会让人制造假护照吗? 亲爱的习主席,88,因为你们只跟Jackie讲而不跟我直接交流,所以我对你们有一定程度的不踏实,感觉不是真的你们,感觉是一个小组,轮流在世界论坛跟Jackie和其他领袖交流,你们只是偶尔露真容,是不是?比如刚认识你们的时候,你们张口问我要讲政治,我那时对政治几乎白痴一窍不通的,于是我就请教你们,问中国政府是什么上下层级、部门安排、组成结构,什么样的政治经济外交等决策过程,怎么分配预算,你们根本不告诉我我又问我们的大总理哥,也是石沉大海,于是我把它当作政府的秘密运作。而且这边我找不到88以前的日记和大作,当时也问你们要,想多了解一下88,以及中国智库的背景。88答应了半天也是从来不兑现。所以从一开始,我对你们的可信度大概只有10%. 想想看, 世界政坛里的各国领袖们对你们的可信度会是多少?嘿嘿嘿 但是今天问你们要,中头彩了,给我两个link,谢谢你们,我会回去消化的,下次来准备一箩筐问题问你们亲爱的习主席,88, 到时候不好卖关子不说的。彭妈妈说会给我寄有关88link,很期待!


Jackie's passport is about to expire, she has to change her passport. But the old passport to China's 10-year visa,  can not be transferred to the new passport, she has to travel with both old and new passports. Dear President Xi, 88, why is the Chinese government so stupid? We will have four passports for us traveling in the future, otherwise we will spend more than one hundred re-visa. Hahahaha, is there a way? We are working for you now, can you help us with the Chinese green card? After the global integration, there will be a lot of people commuting in the international arena. A global pass card should be set up. All customs clearance is controlled by top central government. Because the old visa one has to bring a few passports, who is thinking of this way? Is it the opportunity to make fake passports? Dear President Xi, 88, because you only talk to Jackie and don't talk to me directly, so I have a certain degree of not trusting you, I don't feel it is really you, I feel like a group of people taking turns in the World Forum with Jackie and others leaders communicating, you only occasionally show up, right? For example, when I first met you, you asked me to talk about politics. Then I was almost ignorant of politics. I asked you to explain to me what  the Chinese government  upper and lower levels, departmental arrangements, composition, and political economy, the decision-making process of diplomacy, how to allocate the budget, you don’t tell me at all! I asked our great prime minister brother Li, what is also like a stone sinking in a sea! So I take it as a secret of the government. And in US I can't find the diary and masterpieces of 88. I asked you at that time, I want to know more about 88 and the background of the Chinese think tank. 88 promised for a long time and never cashed. So from the beginning, your credibility to me is only about 10%. Think about it, what is your credibility to the leaders in the world political circles? Hey, but when I ask you  today, I am winning the lottery, you give me two links, thank you, I will go back to check, next time I will ask you a basket questions. Dear President Xi, 88, when it is not good to keep secret. Ms. Peng said that she will send me a link about 88, I am looking forward to it! 






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