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已有 117 次阅读2022-7-6 21:30 |个人分类:中国


This is a typical example. The people behind Guo Wengui are a bit confused about the cultural background and decision-making basis of Chinese policy makers. He has exposed a lot of corruption in China's upper class a few days ago, especially humiliating the Wang Qishan Group. He has hundreds of pages of black and white evidence and videos got through special means. The people named by him screamed at him claiming sueing him, but they finally let it go. These people are still popular in China's officialdom, and Guo Wengui ended up defeated like a clown. Because Guo Wengui touched the red line of the Chinese culture of the Chinese government, how can the Chinese government admit it, of course, to protect the face.

中国政府也是有很强的面子文化  The Chinese government also has a strong face culture.
在日本曾经发生过这样一件事,因为他们的动漫里有很多变态的东西,比如对未成年的小女生有性幻想,好多年前有一位宫崎勤杀了几个小女生. 事发之后,全家感觉羞辱无以为人。其实这跟他们没关系。杀人犯的妹妹竟因此取消了定亲,父亲站出来向全体社会民众道歉,离开居所,举家迁往别处。那个房子一直卖不掉。这就是亚洲的面子文化!德国已经承认道歉,悔改二战中的法西斯暴行,但日本政府至今不肯承认侵华中的残暴罪行!中国政府也是有很强的面子文化的,比如文革,比如六四. 当郭文贵以非常低级下流攻击羞辱王岐山及后面的势力集团以后,中国政府的反应就是,王岐山当选副主席没有任期限制,并且现在出任中国对外关系的主掌者,接见菲律宾外长。王毅说那些中国崩溃论,现在自已崩溃了。不尊重中国人,不了解中国文化,PG-13, 最后竹篮子打水一场空。

There has been such a thing in Japan. Because there are a lot of abnormal things in their anime, such as sexual fantasies about underage girls, a few years ago, a Miyazaki killed a few girls. After the incident the whole family felt shame. In fact, this had nothing to do with them. The murderer’s sister  thus abolished her engagement, and the father stood up and apologized to all the people, left the residence, and moved his family to another place. That house has not been sold. This is the face culture of Asia! Germany has admitted guilty, apologizing and repenting the fascist atrocities in World War II, but the Japanese government has so far refused to admit the atrocious crimes invading China! The Chinese government also has a strong face culture, such as the Cultural Revolution, such as June 4th. When Guo Wengui smothered Wang Qishan and the later power groups with a very low-level attack, the Chinese government’s response was that Wang Qishan’s elected vice-chairman without term limits. He is now the head of China's foreign relations and meets with the Philippine Foreign Minister. Wang Yi said that the Chinese collapse theory has now collapsed. Do not respect the Chinese, do not understand Chinese culture, PG-13, and finally all the work has been wasted.






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