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已有 79 次阅读2022-7-3 21:10 |个人分类:全球化

Mar 21, 2018 at 9:01 PM

亲爱的习主席,88,昨天我刚刚写了给你们发贺信的那些国家, 还写了斯坦福的建立, 结果, 今天就有一大批的国家冒出来给你们发来了贺电!看来Jackie跟他们领袖合奏音乐的努力没有白花,而且,原来我写短文是那么有用的呀!那让如果我来搞文宣那肯定是很有影响力的!T&B, 你们明白我的意思啊。今天早上还问西欧的领袖们,而且连川普都受我的短文逼宫影响,都表示说他们会用别的方式来表达恭贺之意. 什么方法呀?该不会又是PG-13? 前两天英国的梅姨出来指责俄国毒死了双面间谍,连证据都没有就驱赶了23个俄国外交官。俄国也如法炮制赶走英国人. 现在全球顶层控制,都不需要那么多外交官,撤人也不需要这么样恶狠狠的,什么臭戏!普京大帝今天毫不留情说, “欧美也有制造毒药的可能,” 而且梅姨 “她已经是祖母级老太婆了,没几天就会入土的!”

Dear President Xi, 88, I just wrote the countries that sent you a congratulatory letter yesterday, and also wrote the establishment of Stanford. As a result, today a large number of countries have come out to send you a congratulatory message! It seems that Jackie's efforts to ensemble music with their leaders are not white, and it turns out that writing essays is so useful! That makes it very influential if I come to the propaganda! T&B, you understand what I mean. I asked the leaders of Western Europe this morning, and even Trump was influenced by my short text, saying that they would use other means to express their congratulations. What method? This will not be PG-13 again? Two days before the British plums came out to accuse Russia of poisoning a double-faced spy, and even the evidence did not drive away 23 Russian diplomats. Russia is also doing the same to get rid of the British. Now the world's top-level control, do not need so many diplomats, withdrawal does not need such a sinister, what a stink! Putin the Great today has no mercy, "There is the possibility of making poison in Europe and America," and Mei Long "She is already a grandmother, and she will be buried in a few days!"

Putin the Great's big tune, much like the master of Kung Fu Panda.

欧盟对付中国!对呀, 没人喜欢欧美这样子的pg-13. 斯坦佛不错,中国可以学样呀!
The EU is dealing with China! Yes, no one likes the pg-13 in Europe and America. Stanford is a good sample for China!







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