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已有 95 次阅读2022-6-30 20:59 |个人分类:北美生活

再说蒂勒森,他们说蒂勒森跟川普的性格不合,理念不同,而且对川普总统不敬,所以才被赶走的。我觉得不是,应该是有别的原因。蒂勒森大人,你知道那些T&B满脑子屁眼枪眼,看看你比我的体型都大,他们想看的可是窈窕淑女呀!而且他们生活紧张死板,就希望看你有一点浪漫桃花呀. 而且上任的时候剧本都给你写好了,你只要照着演出就行. 可是你却那么一本正经不给他们一点机会,让他们白忙活。您是石油公司大老板亿万富翁,比川普总统都有钱,所以会让人妒忌的。您是商人,不是外交家,认识的世界领袖可能还没有Jackie见到的多,T&B抠门一算,哈哈还不如用几乎免费的小童工Jackie来得有效划算呢!以前那几位国务卿,没干出啥好结果. 美国让许多人反感,就算你出马也解决不了问题呀. 可是你一针见血指出”川普后面的是白痴”,这可是坚决不允许的,所以他们让你走人了。现在T&B又找一个既有法律头脑,又可控制黑帮暴徒, 还曾做CIA局长的Pompeo来平衡,他现在更升任国务卿,所以我没啥好说,坚决支持川普总统以及CIA的决定,因为川普是我家Jackie的好闺蜜,而且我那么支持你们,也请给点好处吧! 亲爱的习主席,88,谢谢你们告诉我夏天会找机会见Jackie. 可你们就算是见了她,她也得不到正常的父爱。去年你们说要见她,见了吗?你们要什么形象,有什么真心,是你们的事儿,别人无法强求!今天我在此胡说八道一通,觉得我可以去好莱坞做搞笑编剧,可Steven不欣赏我啊。

Talk about Tillerson, they said that Tillerson and Trump's personalities are different, the concepts are different, and Tillerson is disrespectful to President Trump, so he was driven away. I don't think so, there should be other reasons. Master Tillerson, you know that those T&B are full of assholes gunshots, and see that you are bigger than my size, actually what they want to see but a skinny attractive lady! And they are nervous and rigid,  what they hope to see is that you could have a little romantic pink affair. And when you take office, the script is written for you already, you just have to follow the show. But you are so serious not  following the scripts without give them a chance,   let their work wasted. You are the billionaire  of the oil company, and you have money more than President Trump, so they would be jealous. You are a businessman, not a diplomat. The world leaders you know may not be that many as  Jackie has seen. Stingy T&B calculated carefully,  haha it is not as effective as using the almost free child laborer Jackie! In the past, the few Secretaries of State did not do a good job. The United States has made many people resentful, even Tillerson can't solve the problem. But Tillerson pointed out that "there is an idiot behind Trump". Behind is T&B, this is absolutely not allowed, so they let Tillerson go. Now T&B has found Pompeo with both legal background and ability controlling  gangster mobs. He has also been a CIA director. He is now promoted to the Secretary of State, so I have nothing else to say  but to support President Trump and the CIA's decision. Because Trump  is my girl's good friend. Since I support you so much, please give us some benefits! Dear President Xi, 88, thank you for telling me that you will find a chance to meet Jackie in the summer. But even if you meet her, she will not get normal fatherly love. Last year you said that you want to see her, have you met? What kind of image do you want, what is your heart, what is your business, no,  others can't force it! Today, I am talking nonsense here, thinking that I can go to Hollywood to do comedy scriptwriting, but Steven does not appreciate me.






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