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已有 95 次阅读2022-5-27 21:13 |个人分类:北美生活

我知道你powerful,可以不费吹灰之力把我置于死地,但我知道你不是上帝,你的所作所为违背上帝的意志!”"I know that you are powerful, you can put me to death without any effort, but I know that you are not God, what you do is contrary to the will of God!"

政治如果硬塞给别人接受,将来会有大麻烦的. T&B不想聪明反被聪明误吧  If you force others to accept politics, there will be big trouble in the future. T&B doesn't want to be too smart to be mistaken.
亲爱的习主席,88,网上突然涌现了很多对中国政府改宪法的议论,尤其是废除了两任制. 我觉得修改宪法是大事情,不光是提出要修改的内容. 中国这么大一个国家14亿人,某些事情改动,事先是应该有准备的有解释的。我觉得你们做事,有的时候很不近情理,比如对我,至今没有正面地正式地跟我交流的。你们是堂堂大国的政府啊,是大国举足轻重的领袖啊, 又不是私下结交,怎么可以这样在全世界众目睽睽之下轻慢对待别人的?修宪是一国大事,不光只是发表要改动的内容,而且对于改动的内容,应该要有一个补充备注材料,详细解释为什么改动,改动词语表示的是什么意思!美国建立联邦政府,都还经过几天的辩论,才达成共识的。政治是大家的事情,是要说服人心的,要花心思去说服,convince千百万大众. 内部的事情可以不声不响地做,而大众的事情要公开,要有一个reasonable explanation让民众接受.  这不是难事啊. 如果硬塞给别人接受,将来会有大麻烦的. T&B, 你们不想聪明反被聪明误吧。个人想法.

Dear President Xi, 88, there has suddenly been a lot of discussion on the Chinese government's constitutional change, especially the abolition of the two-term system. I think that amending the constitution is a big thing, not just the content to be revised. China is such a big country 1.4 billion of people, when some things has been changed, there should be an explanation in advance. I feel that you are doing things, sometimes it is very unreasonable. For example, to me, you have not officially directly communicated with me. You are the government of a big country, leaders of the great powers, and it is not just a private talk. How can you treat others like this in the eyes of the whole world? Constitutional amendment is a major event in the country. It is not only the content to be changed, but also a supplementary remark material for the content of the change, explaining in detail why the change is made and what the meaning of the change content means! The establishment of the federal government in the United States had finally reached a consensus which was the result after several days of public debate. Politics is everyone's business. It is to convince people. It is necessary to spend efforts to convince people, to convince millions of people. The internal things can be done quietly, and the public things must be open, and there must be a reasonable explanation for the public to accept. This is not difficult. If you force it be accepted by others, there will be big trouble in the future. T&B, you don't want to be too smart and be mistaken by it, right? My personal idea.






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